U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, January 13, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Trump’s “foreclosure king”" & charts showing wealth gap between rich and poor" & "Dan Rather's response to Trump is PERFECT!!" and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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* FW: Trump's "foreclosure king"

* FW: NYT Today's Headlines:
How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald
Donald Trump Concedes Russia's Interference in Election
Anguish, Rage and Mercy as Dylann Roof Is Sentenced to Death


* FW: charts showing wealth gap between rich and poor

* FW: Watch "GO FOR BROKE - TEST SHOOT" on Vimeo

* FW: Sister Marches in solidarity with the Women's March on

* FW: Dan Rather's response to Trump is PERFECT!!

* FW: Did Exxon Just Stage the Perfect Coup?

* FW: Revealed: FBI returned Ft. Lauderdale shooter's gun a month
before airport attack - law enforcement will not reveal why


From: Murshed Zaheed; Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Trump's "foreclosure king"


Tell the Senate: Oppose "foreclosure king" Steve Mnuchin

Petition to the U.S. Senate:
"Oppose the nomination of 'foreclosure king' Steve Mnuchin, who made
millions by foreclosing on struggling Americans and exploiting their
economic pain."

Add your name:



A bombshell news report has revealed that California prosecutors believed
Steven Mnuchin, Trump's pick for treasury secretary, and his company may
have been responsible for "widespread misconduct" and violations of
foreclosure law.1

The latest report comes on top of long-standing reports that Mnuchin, the
former Goldman Sachs partner known as the "foreclosure king," profited
handsomely off the financial crisis by foreclosing on thousands of elderly

Mnuchin was already one of the worst of the slimy "swamp monsters" Trump
has handpicked for major roles in his administration. We need to seize on
the momentum from this report to make Mnuchin's nomination a major black eye
for this corrupt administration.

Tell the Senate: Block "foreclosure king" Steve Mnuchin. Click here to sign
the petition.

Mnuchin's company once changed the locks on one Minneapolis homeowner in
the middle of a blizzard. It even took a 90-year-old woman's home because
she owed 27 cents.3 Mnuchin made a huge profit by buying up IndyMac, a
mortgage lender, changing the name to OneWest and then targeting homeowners
for foreclosures. Mnuchin later sold OneWest for nearly twice what he paid
for it, profiting from economic pain.4

Under Mnuchin, OneWest ran a foreclosure mill responsible for nearly 40
percent of the reverse-mortgage foreclosures in the country even though it
had just 19 percent of the market. Shady lenders made grand promises to sell
elderly homeowners on risky reverse mortgages, and Mnuchin then swooped in
to take their homes when Wall Street's fraud was exposed and the economy
collapsed. OneWest reportedly engaged in illegal "robo-signing" – falsifying
documents – to kick people out of their homes.5

According to the latest report based on a leaked memo from the California
attorney general's office, OneWest faked paperwork to avoid delays that
would give homeowners time to save their homes, included backdating
paperwork to before the company even existed.6

Steve Mnuchin says he is "proud of his record at OneWest."7 We need to let
Republicans know voters disagree – and give Democrats the backbone to fight
his nomination tooth and nail.

Tell the Senate: Block "foreclosure king" Steve Mnuchin. Click here to sign
the petition.

As happened so many times at the federal level, the California attorney
general's office did not end up pursuing charges against Mnuchin and has not
offered an explanation.8 Regardless of the California accusations, Mnuchin's
overall record of mass foreclosures on struggling Americans is beyond doubt.

A former Goldman Sachs banker and hedge fund manager termed the
"foreclosure king" is the last thing we need at a time when Wall Street
already has too much power. The more resistance we can mount to Mnuchin, the
clearer it will become to endangered Republicans and even former Trump
voters that talk of "draining the swamp" was just a cover for a radical
agenda that benefits the super-rich.

Tell the Senate: Block "foreclosure king" Steve Mnuchin. Click here to sign
the petition.

Add your name:


1. David Dayen, "Treasury Nominee Steve Mnuchin's Bank Accused of
"Widespread Misconduct" in Leaked Memo
> ," The Intercept, Jan. 3, 2017.

2. Yian Q. Mui, "Democrats are already building a case against Trump's
pick to lead Treasury Department
> ," The Washington Post, Dec. 30, 2016.

3. U.S. Senate Democrats, "Submit complaints about Steve Mnuchin,
Trump's nominee for the secretary of the treasury
> ."

4. Dayen, "Treasury Nominee Steve Mnuchin's Bank Accused of "Widespread
Misconduct" in Leaked Memo
> ."

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Mui, "Democrats are already building a case against Trump's pick to
lead Treasury Department
> ."

8. Dayen, "Treasury Nominee Steve Mnuchin's Bank Accused of "Widespread
Misconduct" in Leaked Memo
> ."



From: <https://static01.nyt.com/images/logos/nyt/nyt-logo-122x18.png>
Subject: Today's Headlines: How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a
Crisis for Donald Trump


9&regi_id=59002143> How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis
for Donald Trump
The consequences of the dossier, put together by a former British spy named
Christopher Steele, are incalculable and will play out long past
Inauguration Day.


5d9246d53fa69&regi_id=59002143> Donald Trump Concedes Russia's Interference
in Election
"As far as hacking, I think it was Russia," the president-elect said in a
news conference, though he avoided questions about whether his team had
contact with Russia during the campaign.


1501&user_id=584c6ef2ac9fa6997d25d9246d53fa69&regi_id=59002143> Anguish,
Rage and Mercy as Dylann Roof Is Sentenced to Death
Mr. Roof, the white supremacist who killed nine black people at Emanuel
African Methodist Episcopal Church, faced the relatives of his victims.

From: Andrew J.

Most of you were unable to attend the annual meeting in Grand Rapids. There
was an excellent presentation on the Flint water crisis with videos. See a
bit below for links to see the videos. You may want to see them yourselves,
but the general goal is to distribute these widely. So think of friends,
clients, members of the media, people who will reach many others via social
media, and the like. - JA

You are more than welcome to post the link.

Actually, there are a couple. There is a 45-minute feature length
documentary called Here's to Flint that we produced. It can be found here:

The short one I showed at your conference, Hard to Swallow, can be found

From: Thomas Scott
Subject: charts showing wealth gap between top 1% and bottom 99%


> The top charts of 2016: 13 charts that show the difference
between the economy we have now and the economy we could have

The election of Donald Trump alerted many to what should have been obvious
long ago: the U.S. economy has failed...

From: Beverly Tanamachi
Subject: FW: Watch "GO FOR BROKE - TEST SHOOT" on Vimeo

A brand new "Go For Broke" movie is being made in Hawaii right now, and
should be ready to been seen this year!!
Should be exciting to see!! Watch "GO FOR BROKE - TEST SHOOT" on Vimeo
(less than 4-minute long):


From: Jerome Reide; Regional Field Director, NAACP Midwest Region III
Subject: Sister Marches in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington

If you can't make it to Washington, D.C. on January 21, join or host a
Sister March near you.


<https://www.womensmarch.com/sisters> Sister Marches — Women's March on

<http://www.womensmarch.com> www.womensmarch.com

Information on Sister Marches is updated daily. If you do not see a march
in your area, check back soon. If you're a Sister March organizer and
haven't been in touch ...

From: AMAZING, BOLD Democrats
Subject: Dan Rather's response to Trump is PERFECT!!

Former News Anchor Dan Rather:

"History will demand to know which side were you on. None of us can afford
to remain silent."

> I AGREE >>


Venerated former CBS Anchor Dan Rather just gave some BRILLIANT advice for
living in Donald Trump's America.


Mr. Rather hit the nail on the head.

The years ahead of us will be difficult. But none of us can afford to
remain silent while Republicans threaten to destroy everything we have
worked to build under President Obama.

> Click here if you agree with Dan Rather: We CANNOT be silent >>

We've got a climate change denier as head of the EPA, an Obamacare opponent
at the head of the HHS, our next Attorney General has been openly hostile
towards voting rights, and the Secretary of Education doesn't believe in
public schools.

And we're barely scratching the surface of Trump's dark and dismal vision
for America.

If we're going to have ANY chance of protecting our progress, Democrats
need to be ready to speak up and fight for the things we believe in.

Every second Democrats stay silent, Donald Trump gets more powerful.

Medicare. Planned Parenthood. Obamacare. Voting rights. Clean air and
water: We could lose it ALL...

...Unless we stand up and speak out.

> So if you agree with Dan Rather -- if you believe in what we stand for
-- we need to hear from you right now:


> http://go.boldpac.com/Dan-Rather


From: John Sellers; Other98
Subject: Did Exxon Just Stage the Perfect Coup?

EXXON's CEO, Rex Tillerson is possibly the worst, most dangerous of all of
Trump's cabinet picks so far (and that's no small order). He's also the one
that we have the best chance of blocking. We're halfway there. GOP hawks are
concerned about his ties to Russia and the Dems are standing up to stop him.
We need to make sure they deliver the final blow: join us in demanding the
Senate block Rex's appointment.

The job of Secretary of State is one of the four most powerful positions in
the entire government. Appointing Rex Tillerson to this position is
tantamount to a total Exxon coup of our government and will profoundly
change the way America relates to the rest of the world.

When American foreign policy and oil mix, the results are catastrophic. Get
connected to your Senators now and demand they reject Rex.

The Secretary of State is the person who conducts our foreign affairs.
Let's say they wanted to lift the sanctions America currently has in place
against Russia. You know, the sanctions that are the only thing stopping a
2011 deal for EXXON to rip open the Russian Arctic? That'd be Rex
Tillerson's call -- the same guy who negotiated the deal with Putin in the
first place. EXXON has made Tillerson a gazillionaire. The math is obvious.

We can stop this. It's not just the Dems showing up: John McCain and
mainstream Republicans aren't huge fans of Tillerson's Russia ties either.
And Other98 will be making sure we're heard loud and clear: we'll be using a
giant projector to beam your messages onto the front of the State Department
in DC next week.

Make sure your Senators hear from you: write a personalized message to your
Senators and tell them to stop Rex Tillerson. Then, use our call tool to get
connected directly with their office and tell them again.

Thank you for everything you do, and for continuing to fight with us.

From: CLG_News
Subject: Revealed: FBI returned Ft. Lauderdale shooter's gun a month before
airport attack - law enforcement will not reveal why

CLG News Updates on 10 January 2017
All links are here: <http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news>

> Revealed: FBI RETURNED Ft. Lauderdale
shooter's gun a month before airport attack after he reported himself
because he thought the CIA was making him fight for ISIS | 08 Jan 2017 | The
Iraq war veteran accused of killing five travelers and wounding six others
at a busy international airport in Florida was charged Saturday and could
face the death penalty if convicted. Esteban Santiago, 26, told
investigators that he planned the attack, buying a one-way ticket to the
Fort Lauderdale airport, a federal complaint said. Authorities don't know
why he chose his target and have not ruled out terrorism...It has also been
revealed that FBI agents took Santiago's gun off him when he went into an
Alaska field office in November to say the U.S. government was controlling
his mind. But it was returned to him just a month later, and law enforcement
will not reveal why. Sources told CNN he used the same weapon in the airport

> Airport Suspect Received Global War on Terrorism Service
Medal | 07 Jan 2017 | The man identified as the methodical shooter behind
Friday's "heinous" attack in the baggage area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Airport, served in the U.S. military in Iraq and earned 11
awards, including the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. U.S. Army Lt.
Col. Jesse Stalder confirmed Esteban Santiago's service record and the
awards he earned in a email to Patch on Friday night. According to Stalder,
Santiago served from December 2007 to August 2016 and earned the awards
during his time in the Puerto Rico National Guard and the Alaska National

> Discharged military vet who shot dead
five at Ft. Lauderdale airport told FBI two months ago that he was being
forced by the CIA to fight for ISIS --Sources say he walked into an FBI
office in Alaska last year claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS |
07 Jan 2017 | Police are investigating whether the lone shooter who opened
fire at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport in Florida was mentally
disturbed or if he had any links to ISIS after he executed five people in
the baggage claim hall with a gun he had checked in his luggage. Gunman
Esteban Santiago - an Iraq war veteran - was taken into custody after he
opened fire in the lower level baggage claim area in Terminal 2 on Friday
about 1pm... FBI officials said late Friday they had not ruled out terrorism
and were investigating all angles. Authorities said Santiago, 26, walked
into an FBI office in Anchorage in November last year claiming the
government was trying to control his mind and he was being forced to watch
ISIS videos, CBS reports.

<http://www.cbsnews.com/news/shots-fired-fort-lauderdale-airport/> CBS
News: Airport shooter Santiago-Ruiz told FBI 'his mind was controlled by
CIA' and he was forced to watch ISIS videos, fight for terror army | 06 Jan
2017 | A gunman opened fire in the baggage claim area at the Fort Lauderdale
airport Friday, killing five people and wounding eight before being taken
into custody in an attack that sent panicked passengers running out of the
terminal and onto the tarmac, authorities said. The gunman was identified as
> Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, 26, who had active-duty military
identification on him and was born in New Jersey, law enforcement sources
told CBS News...In Nov. 2016, Santiago-Ruiz walked into an FBI office in
Anchorage and claimed he was being forced to fight for ISIS [I-CIA-SIS], law
enforcement sources told CBS News. He also said his mind was being
controlled by the CIA to watch ISIS videos, sources said...Sen. Bill Nelson
of Florida said it was unclear whether the military ID was the gunman's.

> Ft. Lauderdale airport shooter:
'US intelligence infiltrated my mind, forced me to watch ISIS videos' By
Lori Price, <http://www.legitgov.org/> www.legitgov.org | 06 Jan 2017 | Fox
News (Fox News live, both 6P.M. and 7P.M. ET hours) reported that the
alleged Florida airport shooter, Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, claimed that
<http://www.cbsnews.com/news/shots-fired-fort-lauderdale-airport/> US
government 'intelligence agencies infiltrated his mind' and forced him to
watch ISIS videos. He was reportedly 'incoherent.' In November,
Santiago-Ruiz reported that charge to an FBI in a field office in in
Anchorage, Alaska. Alleged 'lone gunman' Santiago-Ruiz
576476> went on a rampage at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International
Airport. Five people were killed and eight injured when the gunman, carrying
military ID, opened fire Friday afternoon at the airport in Fort Lauderdale.

<http://www.reuters.com/article/us-florida-shooting-idUSKBN14Q26U> Suspect
chose Florida airport for rampage that killed five - FBI | 07 Jan 2016 | The
Iraq war veteran accused of killing five people at Fort Lauderdale airport
apparently chose to travel to Florida to carry out the rampage, and there
are no signs any altercation triggered the attack, authorities said on
Saturday...Piro said terrorism has not been ruled out as a motive and that
the suspect's recent travel is being reviewed...Federal charges against
Santiago are due to be announced later on Saturday.

> Gunman kills 5 at Fort Lauderdale Airport
shooting, shooter in custody | 06 Jan 2017 | A shooter opened fire at Fort
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport earlier on Friday, killing five
people and wounding multiple others, law enforcement officials said. The
shooter was in custody - unharmed and under interrogation - the Broward
County sheriff's office said, but the situation remained active. Multiple
law enforcement sources identified the suspect as New Jersey-born Esteban
Santiago, 26, and said he had a military ID on him at the time of his

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