U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "FW: Thanks for signing our petition!" & "GOP trying to STEAL our care" & "You kept the pressure on Fox and WON!" and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


  • FW: Thanks for signing our petition!
  • FW: Will AI's impact on jobs finally force Silicon Valley to grow up?
  • FW: Sign on in Support of College For All & Faculty Protections
  • FW: Sunday call: Celebrate 100 days of resistance!
  • FW: NYT Today's Headlines: G.O.P. Scrambles as a Crucial Voice Shuns the Latest Health Bill
  • FW: GOP trying to STEAL our care
  • FW: AlterNet Special Project: Help Us with Critical Trump Sanity Effort
  • FW: "President Trump proclaims May 'Jewish American Heritage Month'"  & 
             "Open Letter to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Our Report on Apartheid in Israel"
  • FW: You kept the pressure on Fox and WON!
  • FW: He was a kid.


From: "DCCC - FWD this
Subject: Thanks for signing our petition!

Thank you for signing our petition demanding that Donald Trump and his Republicans end their attacks on Obamacare!

We have one more favor to ask: Will you forward this to 3 friends?

Ask them to demand that Republicans stop attacking our healthcare:



Paid for by the DCCC | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.




From: Rudy Fichtenbaum; President, AAUP
Subject: Sign on in Support of College For All & Faculty Protections

Access to free public higher education and strong protections for faculty? That's a bill we can get behind.

Last month the AAUP endorsed the College for All Act, introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, which would make four-year public college free for families making less than $125,000 and community college free for all. Former students would be able to refinance their student loans with lower interest rates, easing the burden for those who may be struggling. The funding would come from a Wall Street speculation tax. The bill also includes provisions to increase the percentage of faculty jobs that are full-time and on the tenure track, compensate faculty on part-time appointments for work done outside the classroom, and support faculty access to professional development and shared governance.

Next month,  AAUP members will meet with members of Congress as part of Capitol Hill Day during our Annual Conference. We'll be delivering a letter of support for the College for All Act to members of Congress.

Add your name to the letter now.

The College for All Act reaffirms a commitment to quality, public higher education as a right for all Americans. It will help current and former students tackle crippling debt by refinancing loans. Crucially for faculty, it would cut down on the abuse of adjunct labor and strengthen academic freedom protections by increasing the percentage of faculty positions that are on the tenure track.

The AAUP is proud to endorse the bill. Join us and add your name.

TwitterAAUP WebsiteFacebook



From: LinkedIn Learning [mailto:linkedin@e.linkedin.com]
Subject: Will AI's impact on jobs finally force Silicon Valley to grow up?

Will AI's impact on jobs finally force Silicon Valley to grow up?

Caroline Fairchild, Senior Editor, Technology and Startups at LinkedIn


179 people are talking about this


From: Victoria, Milan, Anna, Stephen, and the rest of the team; MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Sunday call: Celebrate 100 days of resistance! (Reminder)

Thank you for signing up to join the Sunday evening Ready to Resist call series!

This Sunday marks 100 days in office for Donald Trump—a key stock-taking moment to see how an administration has done out of the starting gates. That's why we've planned a special "100 Days of Resistance" movement call this Sunday to reflect on our victories, lessons we've learned, and how we can trade in our sprinting spikes for marathon shoes, as MoveOn Executive Director Anna Galland recently put it!1

This will be the last of the weekly series of Sunday calls. In June, July, and August, we'll host these monthly. You're already on the list to get reminders for all Ready to Resist future calls; if you would like to stop reminders for future calls, click here to change your status.

To join:

You'll receive a phone call
on Sunday, April 30 at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT) at the number you provided when you subscribed to these calls. It will come from 202-750-5203, in case you want to save the contact in your phone.

You can also listen in, follow the slideshow, and ask questions via the livestream of the call at moveon.org/readytoresist starting at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT).

If you'd like to change the phone number you want us to dial for the call, you can do so by re-registering at moveon.org/readytoresist before 4:30 p.m. ET (3:30 CT/2:30 MT/1:30 PT) Sunday. If you'd like to remove yourself from the RSVP list to this and future calls, click here to change your status.

Can you let your friends know about Sunday's call?

Click here to share info about the call on Facebook.

Click here to share info about the call on Twitter.

One day after the People's Climate March and one day before the May 1 mobilizations, this week's call is a bit different, and special. Instead of the usual two or three main trainers, we'll be joined by leaders from across the movement and around the country to each share brief stories of victories they've been a part of, from winning state-level climate change and green jobs legislation to getting Bill O'Reilly off the air. Check out this powerhouse lineup:

  • Mary Kay Henry, international president of the 2 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), will remind us how we won round one in the fight to protect our health care, and how we can win round two this week. 
  • Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, will break down the successful campaign to oust Bill O'Reilly from Fox News. 
  • Heather Booth, a legendary activist with decades of experience running and winning strategic campaigns, will help us prepare for longevity in the resistance movement and the battles ahead.
  • Cory Choy, a weekly volunteer with the Ready to Resist calls, who has spoken to hundreds of people prior to bringing their questions live to our guest speakers.
  • Elizabeth Zeldin, first-time organizer who led the rally that helped convince Senator Chuck Schumer to oppose Trump's cabinet appointments.
  • Marisa Franco, director of Mijente and leader of the "Not 1 More" deportation campaign, will prepare us for the May 1 actions the next day.
  1. Reverend Tony Pierce, board president of Illinois People's Action, will share a state-level victory for green jobs recently won in Illinois and report back from the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C.
  2. Natalia Aristizabal, with Make the Road New York, who was among the first people to arrive at JFK International Airport to protest Trump's Muslim ban and provide support to people unlawfully detained or at risk of deportation, will speak about the power of acting with principle.
  3. Mehrdad Azemun, campaigns director at People's Action, will host the call.

Remember waking up to news that Trump had issued the Muslim ban, then falling asleep to victory rallies erupting at airports after a judge blocked the ban? Or turning the promise to repeal the health care law that gives millions of people life-saving coverage into a political non-starter during the February Resistance Recess? These months have been packed with threats, but also with passionate, innovative resistance, with us rising to the moment and confronting each new challenge. And more than anything else, it's shown us the power of a community. We can't do anything without each other.

This Sunday's Ready to Resist call will be a moment to step back and take stock of what we've accomplished in the fist 100 days, since the first Ready to Resist call came on the heels of the Women's March, the largest day of protest in U.S. history.

As the first 100 days of the resistance come to a close, this will be the last of the weekly series of Sunday calls. In June, July, and August, we'll host these monthly. You're already on the list to get reminders for all Ready to Resist future calls; if you would like to stop getting these reminders, click here to change your status.

Don't miss the chance this Sunday to digest the last few months with fellow MoveOn members and resistance leaders. Join amazing speakers to learn the best of the last three months, from the ongoing battle to defeat Trumpcare, to the people-powered rejection of the Muslim ban and racist border and immigration policy, to laying the groundwork for an electoral earthquake in 2018.

So let's come together to look back and prepare ourselves for the next chapter of the Resistance.

P.S. To prepare for the struggles ahead it's important to reflect on where we've been. Check out this video recap of 100 days of resistance.


  1. "100 Days: Trump's Rocky Start Fires Up Dazed Dems," RealClearPolitics, April 26, 2017

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Donate monthly   Or make a one-time gift

Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.



From: The New York Times
Subject: NYT Today's Headline: G.O.P. Scrambles as a Crucial Voice Shuns the Latest Health Bill

Speaker Paul D. Ryan arrived for a Republican caucus meeting at the Capitol on Tuesday.

G.O.P. Scrambles as a Crucial Voice Shuns the Latest Health Bill


Representative Fred Upton of Michigan said he opposed the new version of the bill because it "torpedoes" protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions.



From: Action Alert - The team at Civic Action
Subject: GOP trying to STEAL our care

The GOP is trying to steal your healthcare… AGAIN.

If Trump and the GOP pass this disastrous attempt to repeal Obamacare, 24 million people are estimated to lose their care. People with pre-existing conditions will lose their care. People will die… all because Trump and Ryan want to give their rich buddies tax cuts.

We need you to contact your representatives and tell them "HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE" >>

It's not enough that the Republicans can't create a positive vision for America -- they have to destroy everything President Obama achieved. And they're willing to sacrifice your health care to do it.

Don't let it happen, Munsup.

This isn't the first time the GOP has tried to steal our health care. Civic Action stopped them once, we know we can stop them again -- but we can't do it without you.

Please -- if you care about our future, contact your representatives immediately:


They're really trying to kill us

Paid for by Civic Action



From: Don Hazen; Executive Editor, AlterNet
Subject: AlterNet Special Project: Help Us with Critical Trump Sanity Effort

This is a very intense time for many of us. The fallout from the election of Donald Trump has been disorienting and created psychological issues for millions.

There are many reports of people headed to therapy, turning to anti-depressants, suffering panic attacks and more. Many people live in deep and justifiable daily fear of Trump's policies. Post-Trump Stress Disorder is very real.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.alternet.org/images/Trump_Trauma_project_02.pngIn response, AlterNet is creating a handbook: "How to Stay Sane in the Time of Trump." It will be a practical, hands-on guide—an ebook readily accessible online, as well as a printed version. We are appealing to you, one of our core supporters, for help to make it happen.

Please make a contribution if you can.

We are just at the beginning of what is likely to be a long political nightmare. Trump's lies, exaggerations, cruel attacks and rampant narcissism have created an environment of fear and trauma. Many people are worried about the rise of authoritarianism as facts are made irrelevant, and lies and disinformation become the norm.

People need all the help they can get—in terms of political organizing as well as emotional support. Our goal is to offer sound advice from smart and sensitive professionals about how people can take care of themselves. To remain sane in the face of insanity is itself a form of resistance.

We have already published dozens of articles on the psychological and political issues and have a team of experts eager to help us with the guide. We only need roughly $15,000 to make this project happen.

AlterNet staff will work on the project as part of their regular jobs. The extra cash will fund experts' writing and travel, design of the book, and printing costs. We want to make the book available as affordably as possible, or free if we get enough support.

P.S. AlterNet is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution today is 100% tax-deductible.



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: "President Trump proclaims May 'Jewish American Heritage Month'"  &  "Open Letter to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Our Report on Apartheid in Israel"

  1. 1) http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/President-Trump-Proclaims-May-Jewish-Heritage-Month-489294
  2. 2) https://www.thenation.com/article/open-letter-to-un-ambassador-nikki-haley-on-our-report-on-apartheid-in-israel/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DAILY_2017_04_26&utm_term=daily



From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Emma,
              PaKou, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, and Pam, the UltraViolet team, UltraViolet
Subject: You kept the pressure on Fox and WON!

UltraViolet members just got another major player at Fox News, co-President Bill Shine, fired.

First, we took on serial sexual predator and former CEO Roger Ailes. Then, we helped force out Bill O'Reilly after news broke that Fox News paid millions to silence women he harassed. Today, their accomplice in covering up the harassment, co-President Bill Shine, has been forced out too.

Over 88,000 UltraViolet members joined allies like Color of Change and NOW in calling on Fox to fire O'Reilly and Shine. After O'Reilly was fired, you persisted with hundreds of calls. Together, we revealed the fact that O'Reilly was just a symptom of a larger problem and held Fox accountable for their toxic culture of harassment--it paid off! 

Check out this page to see more about what UltraViolet members and our allies did to win--and then share so your friends see what you accomplished!

This victory put other sexual predators on notice--no matter what your job title is or how much money you make, there will be consequences for abusing women.

1. Fox News Co-President Bill Shine Resigns, NPR, May 1, 2017

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.



From: Rashad, Arisha, Scott, Anay, Clarise, Enchanta, Malaya, Katrese, and the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: He was a kid.

Jordan Edwards did not deserve to die.

Demand the officer who killed him is fired and criminally charged.

Take Action!

He was a kid.
Only 15 years old. An honor roll high school freshman in Balch Springs, Texas. His family described him as a "loving child with a humble and sharing spirit."1  But no matter what kind of grades he had, we know one thing: he didn't deserve to die.

On Saturday night, Jordan Edwards left a party with his friends at the same time that police arrived--responding to a call about "drunken" teenagers walking around. One of the officers fired a rifle at the car Jordan was a passenger in, striking and killing him.2 His brother, who was in the car with him, watched him die right before his eyes. The police chief, Jonathan Haber, tried to justify the killing and claimed the car was backing down the road "in an aggressive manner" towards the officers.3

But that was a lie. After reviewing police dash-cam footage, the police chief revealed the car was actually driving away from officers.4

Demand the Balch Springs police officer is fired and criminally charged for the killing of Jordan Edwards.

Regardless, the officer violated Balch Springs PD's official use-of-force policy which states that officers facing an oncoming car should "attempt to move out of its path, if possible, instead of discharging a firearm at it or any of its occupants."5 Yet, the officer who shot and killed Jordan is still employed, on paid administrative leave, and Balch Springs PD is protecting the officers' identity and keeping it secret. Dallas County Sheriff's Department and the Dallas County District Attorney's Office are investigating this incident to determine criminal charges, but that's not enough. Time and time again, officers get away with murder and face no accountability. The family of Jordan Edwards is demanding that the officer be fired AND criminally charged. Will you join their call for justice and sign the petition?

Jordan Edwards didn't deserve to die. Sign the petition to fire and criminally charge the officer who killed him.

This keeps happening--and it's sickening. A family suffers and mourns the loss of a loved one because of police officers' cruel and thoughtless actions. Then they are left seeking answers and justice that often never comes. Police violence continues to harm our communities at an alarming rate. Jordan Edwards is the 105th Black person to be killed by police this year--and we are only five months into 2017.6

Just the mere presence of a Black person is deemed threatening to officers. We've seen this time and time again. In Ohio, a 12 year old Tamir Rice, a Black boy just playing with a toy in a park, gunned down by police. Officer not charged. In Baltimore, six officers assaulted and killed Freddie Gray while in custody. All officers acquitted. In Ferguson, Darren Wilson killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown who had his hands raised. Officer not charged. In New York City, NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo killed Eric Garner by putting the unarmed 43-year-old Black man in a chokehold. Officer not charged. The story repeats itself, and we need this to stop now.

Tell Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber and Dallas District Attorney Faith Johnson: Hold the officer who killed Jordan Edwards accountable--fire and charge them.

Jordan Edwards and his family deserve justice. Jordan should still be alive, going to school, hanging out with friends, happy with his family. With an ever increasing white supremacist, right-wing agenda set by local and national elected leaders,  desperate to control and criminalize Black people -- the attack on our communities is staggering and frightening. As we see with the Trump Administration's push to validate police departments' awful behavior and wipe away all transparency and accountability. We must put an end to state violence. Black people deserve the right live freely with dignity.

Sign the petition.


  1. "15-year-old's brother watched him die after police shooting, family says," The Dallas Morning News, 05-01-2017
  2. Ibid.
  3. "Police chief reveals new details about officer who fatally shot Texas teen," CBS News, 05-02-2017
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. "Mapping Police Violence," mappingpoliceviolence.org, retrieved 05-02-2017

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.


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