U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Saturday, December 02, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: 20 women accused Donald Trump; Fascism's rising in America; Sign the petition: Don’t kill net neutrality and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: 20 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault or harassment
  • FW: trump reversed Obama rule, thus raging against women's rights
  • FW: Jared Kushner did WHAT?
  • FW: This Is the Moment We Rely on You (from Alternet)
  • FW: Fascism's rising because American intellectuals are unable to comprehend the first thing about fascism
  • FW: Here's an alternative to fuming alone...
  • FW: Please help fight for Net Neutrality.
  • FW: Sign the petition: Don't kill net neutrality


From: Susan O'Connor
Subject: 20 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault or harassment

Twenty women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment or assault committed by Donald Trump.1 As the nation grapples with allegations against Roy Moore, Senator Al Franken, and Representative John Conyers, it's past time for the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into these allegations against Trump.

Will you sign my petition calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate these and other allegations of sexual assault and harassment?

In light of the House Ethics Committee investigation of John Conyers, we request that the Justice Department appoint a special counsel to open an investigation into the years of accusations against Donald Trump.

Sign Susan's petition

In order to protect all women in the workplace and in life, we must unilaterally support measures to remove those who would compromise their safety and impose consequences accordingly.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

1. "The Trump allegations," The Guardian, November 30, 2017

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Because you've saved your payment information with MoveOn, your donation will go straight through. Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.



From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: trump reversed Obama rule, thus raging against women's rights

Trump re-silenced women by reversing Obama era rule that forbade federal contractors from keeping sexual harassment and discrimination cases secret.  See:



From: Tom Steyer -- Need to Impeach
Subject: Jared Kushner did WHAT?

Jared Kushner has been getting special treatment all his life.

From inheriting his father's real estate empire to getting a plum job in the White House with scant credentials, Kushner has always played by different rules. He comes from a world where "accountability" doesn't actually count for much.

Now that he's working for his father-in-law, Donald Trump, Kushner wants yet more special treatment. He's refusing to hand over documents related to his contacts with Russian government officials.

Email Senators Grassley and Feinstein, the two leaders of Senate Judiciary Committee's bipartisan Russia probe. Urge them to tell Jared Kushner that his time is up. Turn over these documents and get the answers Americans deserve -- immediately.

Donald Trump's administration has obstructed justice and failed to cooperate with bipartisan investigations at every turn. This ends today. America's national security was attacked during the 2016 Election -- we need the truth and we need to hold those who colluded accountable.

Let's tell Senators Grassley and Feinstein that Trump, his family, and administration are not above the law.

Paid for by Tom Steyer



From: Don Hazen; Executive Editor & Jan Frel; Editor-at-Large, Alternet,
Subject: This Is the Moment We Rely on You

We're going to need your help.

This fall we wrote to you and told the disconcerting story of how new threats to democracy were undermining independent, progressive media. 

The painful reality is that at the same time Trump and the right wing are wreaking mind-boggling destruction on our society, Google and Facebook, giant monopolies that we all use every day, have become a serious threat to journalism and democracy. This makes it more difficult to challenge Trump at his biggest weak point—that he and his administration can say whatever they want, demonize whomever they want, and expect that the corporate media will let him get away with almost all of it.

In June, Google, under the guise of fighting fake news, and addressing the worries of corporate advertisers, implemented an algorithm change, called Project Owl. It seemed like a good idea. Fighting fake news, often a tool of Trump is a top priority for us. 

But we and other progressive sites quickly discovered that Project Owl, while trying to eliminate fake news, screwed us by dramatically reducing the visibility of our content. And we had seen a sharp drop off in traffic from Facebook as well.

How We Were Hurt

The new algorithm reduced our Google search traffic by 40%. The changes at Facebook had a dramatic effect as well. Suddenly every month 2 million fewer people were reading AlterNet stories, and millions more across the internet were not accessing progressive content.

We are suddenly facing the reality that independent, progressive news sites have become inconvenient to the bottom line of the Google and Facebook duopoly. 

The impact of Project Owl has been to invisibly censor independent news, while at the same time boosting the standing of a group of mainstream print and broadcast outlets that have collaborated with these platforms to "solve" the fake news crisis.

The Good News

Faced with this crisis, we appealed to you, our community. The response was fantastic with financial contributions and support. As a result, we have stabilized our short-term advertising revenue for now. 

But we still need reader support to meet our budget for the year. Can you help?

And unfortunately, the larger duopoly information problem still exists. We have to dedicate ourselves to a long-term fight. AlterNet is missing 2 million monthly readers that we have had for years. Other sites like Salon, Democracy Now, Media Matters and many more have had significant traffic drops. And it all will probably get worse.

What are we doing about the duopoly problem?

AlterNet feels that the long-term future of independent media is at risk. Progressive media is a crucial element in fighting back and stopping a total right wing and corporate take-over. Tech giants have a firm grip over the information channels and we must aggressively resist their attempts to marginalize our voices.

Please, can you help us with this struggle?

We all need to fight back. Working with the Media Consortium, in January, we plan to bring together the independent media sector to better understand the issues and prepare to fight back.

  • We call on Google to rescind the algorithm changes made under Project Owl and instead to consider adopting a more transparent method of determining fake news.
  • We call on the public, the FTC, and Congress, to consider regulating Facebook and Google as monopoly platforms for the distribution of content.

What About Trump and the Right Wing?

Despite the monopoly challenges, AlterNet is fiercely fighting the Trump agenda every day, 24/7. White Supremacy, toxic masculinity, anti-science, anti-immigrant, anti-democratic—these are all essential elements of the horrendous Trump administration and the rabid right-wingers in Congress

Despite our traffic loss, every month AlterNet still has one of the biggest audiences online, and we are developing a strategy to build an audience outside of the tech monopoly's control. We need your support to continue to provide all of our readers with the reporting and analysis that we need to fight back and make it through the crisis we face as a news organization and our democracy at large.

We need you.

P.S.: Don't forget, your contribution today is 100% tax-deductible!



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Fascism's rising because American intellectuals are unable to comprehend the first thing about fascism






Subject: Here's an alternative to fuming alone...

Here's an alternative to fuming alone.

COME TO D.C., where there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT!!!

Join Paki, Medea and other pinksters at the Pink House for adventures at the end of the world as we know it, Washington, D.C. You can stay, for free (donations gratefully accepted) at the CODEPINK house for a week to join in the activities. Come now, or in the new year...

. There is something for everyone… (with more events in the works)


  • Trial of the first six people arrested during the Presidential Inauguration Protests sweep! Support the defendants and see magnificent lawyers confront the (in)justice system!

Dec. 6

  • Senate Hearing: Ken Marcus, virulent anti-Palestinian, nominated to assistant secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Dept. of Education
  • Defending our Immigrant Communities 12pm–4pm US Capitol

Dec. 9

  • Anti-drone protest 10:00am–11:30am at the White House
  • Plus Korean-led Protest for Diplomacy

Dec. 10

  • Celebration of  the International Declaration of Human Rights, focus on eliminating nuclear weapons from the face of the earth

Dec. 11

  • Capitol protest against U.S. Saudi genocide in Yemen!!!

December 13, 4pm– December 14, 10am

Join us for creative witness, action, inspiration, and even playful solidarity.

If you want to stay at the CODEPINK house, contact paki.wieland@codepink.org and tell us what dates you can come.

Donate Now!



From: Bill Davis
Subject: Please help fight for Net Neutrality.

Losing Net Neutrality could very well hamper our ability to continue organizing effectively for peace and justice against corporate power. It will certainly allow ISP's to charge us more for service we want that we get inexpensively or free now.

PLEASE make the phone call to your representatives. It's easy. There is a script below followed by a list of all the great coalition partners working for the people.

Begin forwarded message From: "Save The Net From Trump" <info@demandprogress.org>

Thank you for signing the petition urging Congress to oppose Trump FCC's plan to destroy net neutrality.

Now, one of the most impactful things you can do to help save net neutrality before Dec. 14 is to make phone calls to Congress.

If offices get more phone calls from constituents, we can persuade them to stop the catastrophic plan to repeal net neutrality.

Please call: 424-363-4877

We will connect you to the offices of your lawmakers -- just introduce yourself, be polite, and say:

"I support 'Title Two' net neutrality rules and I urge you to oppose the FCC's plan to repeal them. Specifically, I'd like you to contact the FCC Chairman and demand he abandon his current plan."

-The Save The Net From Trump Coalition: American Family Voices, The Center for Media Justice, Climate Hawks Vote, Common Cause, Daily Kos, Demand Progress, Free Press Action Fund, Love Army, The Nation, Open Media, PEN America, People Demanding Action, People For the American Way, Presente Action, Progressive Congress Action Fund, Public Citizen, Public Knowledge, RootsAction, SumOfUs, The Zero Hour

PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.





From: Brandy Doyle; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Sign the petition: Don't kill net neutrality

Tell FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: Don't kill net neutrality.

Sign the petition to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai:
"Don't kill net neutrality. Preserve the FCC's Title II authority to protect the internet."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►

Net Neutrality NowJust as we feared, Trump's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman has moved to kill net neutrality – and it's even worse than we thought. His proposed rules would change the internet from an open platform for free speech and innovation to just another corporate profit center.

The FCC is expected to vote on the rules killing net neutrality on Dec. 14. We need to make sure that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and the other FCC commissioners hear our massive opposition loud and clear before they cast their votes.

Tell FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: Don't kill net neutrality. Click here to sign the petition.

The FCC's plan to kill net neutrality is wildly unpopular. In fact, a recent poll found that 77 percent of Americans want to keep the net neutrality rules in place.1 But so far, Pai isn't listening. That's why we are turning up the volume between now and the FCC vote with petitions, calls to Congress and in-person actions.

Under net neutrality rules, the internet is classified as a protected utility. Internet providers can't block content, slow traffic, or create "fast lanes" to prioritize websites whose owners pay more.2 Net neutrality protects our rights to free speech, safeguards our privacy and allows innovation, organizing and economic opportunity.

But now Pai wants the FCC to completely give up its role in protecting internet users. His plan would allow internet providers to censor websites, throttle speeds and demand that sites "pay to play" – allowing large companies and wealthy insiders to control the content we see.3 This is just one more way that the Trump administration is siding with corporations over the rest of us. Now more than ever, we cannot allow corporations or their government friends to limit our freedom to organize, communicate and access information.

Tell FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to drop his plan to kill neutrality. Click the link below to sign the petition:


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. Sam Gustin, "Most Americans support the net neutrality rules that Trump's FCC wants to kill," Vice, July 10, 2017.
  2. Jeff Sommer, "What net neutrality rules say," The New York Times, March 12, 2015.
  3. Corynne McSherry et al., "A lump of coal in the internet's stocking: FCC poised to gut net neutrality rules," Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nov. 27, 2017.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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