U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, August 09, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "Planned Parenthood" & "Two choices: Diplomacy or War" & "U of Illinois Chancellor Wise Steps Down ..." & "FW: The Catholic right's newest target is Faithful America

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW: The GOP Strategy: Blue Collar Whites Yes, Latinos No!

·         FW: Planned Parenthood

·         FW: NYT Today's Headlines: Fear That Debate Could Hurt G.O.P. in Women's Eyes

·         FW: NYT Today's Headlines: Hand-Wringing in G.O.P. After Donald Trump's Remarks on Megyn Kelly

·         FW: Sadly predictable and predictably extreme -- Debate #1


·         FW: Two choices: Diplomacy or War

·         FW: U of Illinois Chancellor Wise Steps Down; Judge Upholds Salaita's Lawsuit on 1st Amendment Grounds

·         FW: The Catholic right's newest target is Faithful America

·         FW: BDS: front and center

·         FW: Another Trip To Moore's Ford Bridge Jule 25, 2015 With Rep. Tyrone Brooks Part Five (5)

·         FW: We should be celebrating today, but we can’t


From: Jimmy Franco
Subject: "The GOP Strategy: Blue Collar Whites Yes, Latinos No!"

The GOP-Trump Strategy: Blue Collar Whites Yes, Latinos No!

The anti-immigrant agitation and intoleance uttered by leading Republican Trump to his
"silent white majority" to take action combined with his demand that 11 million
immigrants be quickly deported is part of his solution to make America great again

continue reading

Jimmy Franco Sr.
Moderator of Latinopov.com



From: Allen Shaw
Subject: Planned Parenthood

This subject is not political. It does not make any difference if you are a Democrat or Republican the subject of Senator Warren's remarks is the health of women in this nation who do not have the means to afford care.

Do not be confused, this is not about stopping abortions, this is about increasing abortions, because of a lack of adequate advice and tools to assist those young people who most need these services.

You cannot stick your head in the sand and pretend that anti Planned Parenthood advocates have anything good planned for the women of this nation.

If you are a Democrat and you choose you can donate; however what would be more preferred is if you study the issue, add your voice and employ your "pen"!

Senator Warrens remarks will take seven minutes out of your life to listen, destroying Planned Parenthood" will create misery for millions of young women and add a financial burden to the federal government for all of the consequences that will follow!

The unfortunate consequences for the men who value the women they care for cannot be stressed sufficiently!




From: NYTimes.com
Subject: Today's Headlines: Fear That Debate Could Hurt G.O.P. in Women's Eyes

Donald Trump, right, and other Republican candidates during a commercial break in the debate.
Fear That Debate Could Hurt G.O.P. in Women's Eyes

Several candidates took hard-line stances on abortion, and Donald Trump refused to renounce his past descriptions of women as "fat pigs."



From: NYTimes.com
Subject: Hand-Wringing in G.O.P. After Donald Trump's Remarks on Megyn Kelly

Donald J. Trump with his family at Thursday's debate. Late Friday, he was disinvited from a conservative gathering in Atlanta.
Hand-Wringing in G.O.P. After Donald Trump's Remarks on Megyn Kelly

Mr. Trump's suggestion that Ms. Kelly had questioned him forcefully at the Republican debate because she was menstruating cost him a speaking slot at an influential gathering.



From: Ben Betz, Online Engagement Director People For the American Way
Subject: Sadly predictable and predictably extreme -- Debate #1

Munsup, when the far-right extremists running for the GOP nomination for president come together on one stage, you know you’re going to get rhetoric and policy statements that will shock, embarrass, scare, enrage, and generally make your head spin.

And when that happens, a great place to go for information, analysis, or even images to share with friends is any People For the American Way web property, including our Right Wing Watch site and various social media pages.

I’ve compiled some of our debate coverage from before, during, and after the event that you might find interesting and useful.

Yesterday, in advance of the debate, we hosted a telebriefing for members with pollster Celinda Lake and members of our Right Wing Watch team.

Read more about the call and listen to an audio recording of it here>>

Visit PFAW’s RightWingWatch.org for post-debate coverage and analysis>>

Right Wing Watch also live-tweeted the debate last night. If you’re on Twitter, follow @RightWingWatch.

And check out our report on the 2016 candidates>>

As you can see, for all the blows exchanged between candidates on the stage last night, there's not much daylight between them on a wide array of issue positions.

Share this scorecard on Facebook>>

You can find more Facebook images to share here>>

For some more insight into the race, also read this report:

Right Sees 2016 as Chance to Take Over Supreme Court, Reverse Marriage Equality>>

And, finally, Planned Parenthood was by far the candidate’s favorite punching bag of the night, with anti-choice extremism on full display from all of the candidates. Find out more about what Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio meant when they endorsed constitutional rights for embryos:

The Personhood Movement: Where It Comes From and What It Means For the Future of Choice>>



From: albert baca

This is suggested reading for my Republican friends:


AUG. 7, 2015

I’M scared. The billionaire hedge funder Paul Tudor Jones is scared. My friend Ken Langone, a founder of the Home Depot, is scared. So are many other chief executives. Not of Al Qaeda, or the vicious Islamic State or some other evolving radical group from the Middle East, Africa or Asia. We are afraid where income inequality will lead.

For the top 20 percent of Americans, life is pretty good.

But 40 percent are broke. Every year they spend more than they have.

While so many people are struggling, even those on the higher end of the middle class have relatively little after paying the bills: on average, some $1,300 a month. One leaky roof and they’re in trouble.

If inequality is not addressed, the income gap will most likely be resolved in one of two ways: by major social unrest or through oppressive taxes, such as the 80 percent tax rate on income over $500,000 suggested by Thomas Piketty, the French economist and author of the best-selling book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century."

We are creating a caste system from which it’s almost impossible to escape, except for the few with exceptional brains, athletic skills or luck. That’s why I’m scared. We risk losing the capitalist engine that brought us great economic success and our way of life.

Ken Langone and I both feel very grateful to this country, and we have been meeting with chief executives, trying to get action on inequality.

This country has given me remarkable opportunities. I am an off-the-boat immigrant, having arrived in the United States as a teenager from Romania in 1954. I had been separated from my parents when I was 7 because they had traveled to the United States and could not return to Romania when it was taken over by the Soviet Union. When I was about 10 I was placed in a hard-labor camp along with my 15-year-old brother. With the help of the American people and the intervention of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, we were reunited with our parents after five years in the camp. Through kindness and compassion, I was invited by the headmaster of Phillips Exeter Academy to attend his school. From there I went to Princeton and the Stanford Business School.

During more than 50 years in the marketing, advertising and public relations business, I was helped by many kind people to fulfill the American dream.

Ken Langone was the first in his family to finish high school and attend college. His grandfather made a living in Italy with his hands. He has been successful in business as well as in philanthropy. New York University Hospital became the NYU Langone Medical Center.

Would young people like Ken and me get those opportunities now? I don’t think so.

Who will be courageous enough to start the ball rolling? The most obvious choice is our government. But the current Congress has been paralyzed.

We business leaders know what to do. But do we have the will to do it? Are we willing to control the excessive greed so prevalent in our culture today and divert resources to better education and the creation of more opportunity?

Business has the most to gain from a healthy America, and the most to lose by social unrest or punitive taxation. Business can start the process in two steps. First, invest in the actual value creators the employees. Start compensating fairly, by which I mean a wage that enables employees to share amply in productivity increases and creative innovations.

The fact that real wages have been flat for about four decades, while productivity has increased by 80 percent, shows that has not been happening. Before the early 1970s, wages and productivity were both rising. Now most gains from productivity go to shareholders, not employees.

Second, businesses must invest aggressively in their own operations, directing profit into productivity and innovation to boost real business performance. Today, too many corporations reduce investment in research and development and brand building. As a result, we see a general decline in the value of their brands and other assets. To make up for those declines and for anemic revenues, businesses buy back their stock (now at record levels) and thus artificially boost earnings per share.

Someone must break the ice; someone must lead. Companies including Home Depot, Costco Wholesale, Whole Foods, Publix, Qualcomm, Starbucks and Gravity Payments are taking small steps, and compensating employees more. These are the green shoots we need. Similar changes must be made by many more businesses.

As Ken and I talk to business leaders and try to drum up support for our cause, we find almost unanimous agreement on the nature of the problem and the urgent need for solutions. That’s the good news. Our concern is action. We have been told by chief executives that to pay employees more fairly, they need more support from their boards, from prominent business leaders, from the media and even from the government, to combat the intense market pressure to maximize short-term shareholder returns.

So while we celebrate those who do the right thing, how can we move more businesses and chief executives to act now? We really don’t want civil unrest or an 80 percent tax rate to jar us into action.

There is a way to start. Government can provide tax incentives to business to pay more to employees making $80,000 or less. The program would exist for three to five years and then be evaluated for effectiveness.

The benefits would be huge. People would have more money to spend, and many would no longer need government help. That would mean a reduction in entitlements.

Finally, that other America, the one that hasn’t been able to climb out of debt, will know that help is coming not as an increase in government support, but as a fairer way to share in the hard work and incremental value a business generates. As has been proved again and again, shareholders also win, because satisfied employees produce better results.

Is this idea simply pie in the sky? Not really. Senator Mark R. Warner, Democrat of Virginia, is working on a somewhat similar bipartisan plan to introduce in Congress. I don’t know yet what it would cost. But not acting would be far more costly. The urgency is clear. A fair and responsible free enterprise system is still the best engine ever invented to create opportunity and a higher standard of living.

A version of this op-ed appears in print on August 9, 2015, on page SR6 of the National edition with the headline: Capitalists, Arise



From: Major General (Ret.) Paul Eaton, VoteVets.org
Subject: Two choices: Diplomacy or War

"And if the rhetoric in these ads, and the accompanying commentary, sounds familiar, it should -- for many of the same people who argued for the war in Iraq are now making the case against the Iran nuclear deal." - President Obama, August 5, 2015

Yesterday afternoon, the President laid out the case for why Congress should approve the deal negotiated between the United States, our partners in the P5+1, and Iran.

The choice is clear: Congress must approve the deal.

Not only is a deal the best way to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but if the agreement falls apart, Iran will get everything they want: sanctions will begin to unravel, America will lose some of its standing in the world, and Iran's path to the bomb will only accelerate. In short, it's almost everything the hardliners in Iran are hoping for.

As Congress heads home for recess before the September vote, they need to hear from veterans, military family members and VoteVets supporters on this issue.

Tell your representative and senators that you expect them to vote to APPROVE the deal negotiated with Iran that will prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

There are ultimately two choices here: diplomacy or war.

For some neoconservatives, they are happy to cast their lot with more war. For them, force is the only tool in America's foreign policy arsenal. But we'll be there to counter their worldview every step of the way in this debate.

We have a very unique voice in the conversation.

Make yours heard.



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: U of Illinois Chancellor Wise Steps Down; Judge Upholds Salaita's Lawsuit on 1st Amendment Grounds

"Palestinian-American professor Steven Salaita was effectively fired from a tenured position in American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2014 for tweets critical of Israel.

On August 6, a federal court upheld a Salaita against the university lawsuit on free speech grounds, ruling that the professor's tweets "implicate every 'central concern' of the First Amendment."

In the midst of this ruling, Phyllis Wise, who faced harsh backlash for overseeing Salaita's firing, resigned from her positions as UIUC chancellor and vice president, in which she had served since 2011. ...."

University of Illinois Chancellor steps down as judge upholds
Salaita lawsuit against school on 1st amendment grounds



Subject: more about the Chancellor


U of I chancellor Phyllis Wise to resign next week

By The Associated Press
Posted Aug. 6, 2015 at 3:39 PM; Updated Aug 6, 2015 at 4:29 PM

URBANA — University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Chancellor Phyllis Wise said Thursday that she is resigning, citing a range of "external issues" she says have become a distraction for the school.

Wise leaves as she and the school face a lawsuit filed by a professor whose job offer she rescinded over his anti-Israel Twitter messages, a vote by a prominent academic group to censure the campus in response, and complaints and a pair of lawsuits alleging mistreatment of athletes in three sports. Her resignation is effective Aug. 15.

In an emailed release sent to the campus and media, Wise said she was proud of the work she and others had done since she took the position in 2011. She cited in particular the engineering-based College of Medicine recently approved by university trustees,

"Yet, external issues have arisen over the past year that have distracted us from the important tasks at hand," she said. "I have concluded that these issues are diverting much needed energy and attention from our goals. I therefore believe the time is right for me to step aside."

University President Timothy Killeen said he expects to name an interim chancellor within a week.

"I anticipate a smooth transition in leadership and dedicate myself to working closely with internal and external stakeholder groups — faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors and community leaders — during the process," Killeen said in the release.

Wise, who was hired in October 2011, spearheaded plans for the new medical school in Urbana, scheduled to enroll its first class in 2017.

But over the past year, Wise and the university's flagship campus have faced a string of problems.

Her decision to take back a job offered to professor Steven Salaita led to his ongoing lawsuit against her and the school and bad publicity in the academic world, where some questioned whether his right to free speech had been violated.

That decision also led to a censure vote from the American Association of University Professors.

Complaints about alleged poor treatment by three former football players, seven former women's basketball players and a women's soccer player have also landed at Wise's door. The basketball and soccer complaints have led to pending lawsuits. Wise is athletic director Mike Thomas' boss, and she is named as a defendant in the basketball lawsuit.



From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: The Catholic right's newest target is Faithful America (important)

One of America's most notorious right-wing Catholic organizations is attacking Faithful America as "a phony group ... that poses as a religious entity."

Bill Donohue from the Catholic League is furious that every major media outlet in Philadelphia covered the delivery of our petition calling for Margie Winters, a Catholic teacher fired because of her marriage to another woman, to be reinstated.

In a statement sent to every Catholic parish in the city, he claims we aren't a real organization -- as if Christians like us don't exist, just because we don't agree with Donohue's political agenda.

The Catholic right is launching this attack now because Pope Francis is about to visit Philadelphia, and reporters there have noticed how the local archbishop -- who applauded Margie's firing -- is undermining the pope's vision for a more compassionate and inclusive church.

In short, we've struck a nerve, and now it's time to expand our work -- and show Donohue and his ilk that there's nothing "fake" about the millions of Christians who are sick and tired of the religious right.

Donate to Faithful America

Because the pope's visit to the United States is emerging as such a powerful flash point, we've brought on extra staff to make sure we take advantage of this moment.

But our small budget is already stretched, and with this latest unexpected opportunity in Philadelphia, we're scrambling to figure out how much more we can afford to do.

Your donation today won't just help us prove Bill Donohue wrong -- it'll help make sure that the media tells the true story of how many Christians are standing with Pope Francis and against the narrow-minded and hateful politics of the religious right.



From: Rebecca Vilkomerson; Executive Director, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: BDS: front and center

The BDS movement is under attack - because it's effective. Will you chip in $25 to fund ads in Iowa & New Hampshire showing how many Jews and allies support it?


Donate $25
to send a strong
message: we care
about Palestinian lives

I’ll keep this brief.

Presidential Candidates from both parties have been raising money from mega-donors by promising to oppose the movement for Palestinian liberation. At JVP, we believe equality matters more than campaign cash -- and so do you and the 16,000 JVP supporters like you who signed our petition.

This is a clear opportunity to educate the public about the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and show the world that thousands of people want a US foreign policy that respects Palestinian human rights.

We’re going to take out ads in newspapers in Iowa and New Hampshire, where the eyes and ears of the American political establishment already are, to show how many of us are tired of rhetoric and want to take concrete, principled action to change Israeli and US policy. We need to raise $10,000 to fund it. One of our staunch supporters in Minneapolis already pledged $1,500 - but to get the rest of the way, we're going to need your help.

If just 340 activists like you give $25, we’ll be home and dry. Will you chip in $25 now?

It’s clear why mega-donors are making the candidates they own speak out against our movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions -- they’re terrified. They know that in churches, campuses, and communities across the country, people are waking up to the horrific reality of Israel’s human rights abuses, and they’re ready to take action.

Take action today -- make a tax-deductible $25 donation to help fund our ad.

The road ahead is long.  But every time we raise our voices together, we move the needle. Every time we show that we care about Palestine, we make it harder to ignore our growing movement.



From: George Boston; The Getto Free Presss, Valdosta, Georgia
Subject: Another Trip To Moore's Ford Bridge Jule 25, 2015 With Rep. Tyrone Brooks Part Five (5)


1.       Video from Moore's Ford Bridge And More Within The State Of Georgia And Beyond!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV1sV18vGcE

2.       DOJ And Rep. Tyrone Brooks At Moore's Ford Bridge:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9FJp4Aqc64



From: Morris Dees; Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center
Subject: We should be celebrating today, but we can’t

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, fulfilling our democracy’s promise to African Americans still bound by the chains of Jim Crow.

Johnson declared the law a “triumph for freedom as huge as any victory that has ever been won on any battlefield” and noted that all of our other liberties spring from our access to the ballot box.
We should be celebrating today.
It should be a day for remembering the courageous souls who died in the voting rights struggle – and the thousands of others who risked life and limb to right the great injustice that Johnson said “no American, in his heart, can justify.”
We should be celebrating, but we can’t.
In the last five years, states have enacted a spate of voter-restriction laws at a pace not seen since the beginning of the Jim Crow era in the 1890s. Some of them would not have been possible without the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2013 decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act. 
These new laws – requiring photo IDs, limiting voting hours and early voting, ending same-day registration and more – are designed specifically to suppress turnout among African Americans and other minorities. What’s more, states have gerrymandered legislative districts to limit the voting impact of minorities.
It’s shameful. It’s outrageous. And it’s un-American.
We must commit to reclaiming the ballot box for the many Americans who are now losing access as the result of a decades-long campaign to erase the Voting Rights Act.
We must demand that lawmakers roll back restrictive laws and expand – not restrict – access to the ballot. There can be no justification under our most fundamental democratic principles for any other course.
To help encourage voting and the push for voting rights, we’re making our new Teaching Tolerance documentary, Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot, available free to community groups. 
Please join us in this historic fight for the heart of our democracy. Encourage voting in your community – and tell Congress to pass a new Voting Rights Act. Together, we can make a difference.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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