U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, June 19, 2016

[mpen-dayton] MPEN-Alert --- FW: CALL SEN. PORTMAN re Gun Violence Prevention

Please call and ask Senator Portman to vote 'yes' based on a common-sense.     Best, Munsup
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From: Alisa Tanaka-Dodge
Subject: FW: CALL SEN. PORTMAN re Gun Violence Prevention

Courtesy of the listserv from my husband's church on Capitol Hill, DC, which recently hosted the Newtown victims' families for a vigil against gun violence. None of the targeted Senators for these calls is from the DC area but the list does include Sen. Portman from Ohio.    – Alisa


Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Action on Gun Violence Prevention
June 19, 2016 at 7:33:16 PM EDT
To: "

There is finally some (a little, but even a little is really important) movement in Congress in the gun control debate. And that means there is concrete action you can take right now and this week!

This is from our friends at Newtown:


Senator Ayotte (NH) - 202-224-3324
Senator Heidtkamp (ND) - 202-224-2043
Senator Portman (OH) - 202-224-3353
Senator Burr (NC) - 202-224-3154
Senator Heller (NV) - 202-224-6244

Ask them to vote YES on Senator Feinstein's Amendment to prevent individuals on the terrorist watch list from obtaining firearms and NO on the weak substitute amendment being introduced by NRA-supported Senator Cornyn.

Ask them to vote YES on Senator Murphy's universal background check amendment and NO on the weak substitute amendment introduced by NRA-supported Sen. Grassley.

When you do, feel free to use the following call script:

Hello, My name is _______ from _______. Please tell Senator _______ to vote YES on Senator Feinstein's Terror Gap Amendment and the Senator Murphy's Background Check Amendment and NO on the Cornyn/Grassley substitute amendments. Thank you and have a nice day.

Also call your Senators using the Capitol Switchboard number: 202-224-3121. 

The list of all U.S. Senators is here: http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/

#WeAreOrlando #WeAreNewtown #WeAreEveryTown #HonorWithAction #DemandAction #DisarmHate #Enough #EndGunViolence #GunSense

Thank you for supporting our efforts and Happy Father's Day to all the dads who are working so hard to protect their children from gun violence.

Also, you can sign up for alerts from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Here: http://act.everytown.org/signup/GSAN/

There will be a lot to do in the months ahead. This vote is likely going to fail, but it's important to vote so that we can hold individual legislators accountable.
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End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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