U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Saturday, May 06, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Sign the petition: Denounce Republicans for passing Trumpcare" & "BREAKTHROUGH (re: Medicare for All) & "The battle for an open internet needs you" and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


  • FW: Sign the petition: Denounce Republicans for passing Trumpcare
  • FW: Republicans don't care about sick people, women or seniors
  • FW: never seen ANYTHING like this!!! (Bernie Sanders)
  • FW: BREAKTHROUGH (re: Medicare for All)
  • FW: NPR news JUST reported:
  • FW: The battle for an open internet needs you
  • FW: Hillary Clinton Must Only Blame Herself instead of blame-shifting her defeat
           and "The FBI James Comey Saga: Hillary Bribed the FBI Official in Charge of the Email Investigation"
  • FW: Stop Eventbrite from fueling the new wave of hate groups!


From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Sign the petition: Denounce Republicans for passing Trumpcare

Trumpcare is an utter disaster. You know that. The American people know that. Even Republicans in Congress know that. But House Republicans just voted to pass it anyway.

Add your name: Fuck House Republicans. They're heartless monsters who just passed a bill to kill tens of thousands of Americans. And I will do everything in my power to stop this bill and beat Republicans in 2018.

Sign the petition

Here's what the House GOP just voted to do:

  • Strip health insurance from 24 million Americans over the next 10 years, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates
  • End guaranteed coverage for people with pre-existing condition in exchange for coverage "in name only," according to one House Republican
  • End Medicaid as we know it
  • Give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires

But here's the grim bottom line: 24,000 - 44,000 Americans could die
every year because of lack of health coverage under Trumpcare.

And House Republicans voted to pass it anyway.

Here's our response to the House GOP: Fuck. You.

Add your name: Fuck House Republicans. They're heartless monsters who just passed a bill to kill tens of thousands of Americans. And I will do everything in my power to stop this bill and beat Republicans in 2018.

Sign the petition



From: Nicole Regalado; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Republicans don't care about sick people, women or seniors

Tell the Senate: Stop Trumpcare

The petition to the Senate reads:
"Block and resist Trumpcare and any other legislation that guts Medicare and Medicaid, defunds Planned Parenthood or takes health care away from sick people."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Tell the Senate: Stop Trumpcare

The cruel and heartless Republicans in the House of Representatives just voted to take away health care from tens of millions of Americans, including some of our nation's most vulnerable people.

The party of death1 was so desperate to pass Trumpcare they added deadly amendments that put sick people's, women's and seniors' lives at risk and called a vote before the Congressional Budget Office could review the bill.2 That is not how a functional Congress legislates good policies to serve the interests of our communities.

Already, several Republican senators have expressed concerns that the latest version of Trumpcare would not adequately cover people enrolled in Medicaid and fear that a rush in implementing the new law would leave their low-income constituents lost in the system.3 Republicans can only afford to lose two votes in the Senate, which is why we must keep pushing.

Tell the Senate: Block and resist Trumpcare and any other legislation that guts Medicare and Medicaid, defunds Planned Parenthood or takes health care away from people with pre-existing conditions. Click here to sign the petition.

Trumpcare is care that kills. The latest version would not only destroy Medicare and Medicaid and defund Planned Parenthood, it would also allow health insurance providers to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions and refuse to cover essential health services.

Medicare, Medicaid and Planned Parenthood provide health care to tens of millions of people, but extreme right-wing Republicans have had their sights on dismantling our social safety net and defunding women's health care providers for years. Trumpcare would steal from the Medicare trust fund to pay for huge tax breaks, hastening the program's demise and paving the way to its privatization.4 It would also completely undermine Medicaid's guarantee to provide care to low-income people by cutting funding to states, potentially forcing people to go without necessary care.5

Defunding Planned Parenthood would threaten the health and reproductive freedom of the more than 2.5 million people, most of whom are low-income, who rely on Planned Parenthood every year for life-saving health services like cancer screenings, birth control, STD testing and treatment, and abortion. Speak out now to help us raise a massive public outcry against this heartless legislation.

Tell the Senate: Block and resist Trumpcare and any other legislation that guts Medicare and Medicaid, defunds Planned Parenthood or takes health care away from people with pre-existing conditions. Click here to sign the petition.

Trumpcare's newest provisions would allow health insurance providers to throw people with pre-existing conditions under the bus by charging more for their coverage and decreasing their quality of care.6 Under Trumpcare, surviving domestic violence, rape, Postpartum depression and giving birth are considered pre-existing conditions.7 The provisions would also allow insurers to remove health services like emergency room visits and maternity care from the list of essential benefits that they are required to cover.8

We expect Senate Democrats to resist Trumpcare. All we need now to win is two Senate Republicans of good conscience who already know that Trumpcare is a reckless attack on our health care to join the Democrats and block this cruel and heartless bill.

Click the link below to demand the Senate stop Trumpcare and any other legislation that guts Medicare and Medicaid and defunds Planned Parenthood.


Thank you for your activism,

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. CREDO Mobile, "Health Care Killers," May 4, 2017.
  2. Chauncey Alcorn, "Will the Senate pass the GOP's 'Trumpcare' bill? Here's what to expect." Mic, May 4, 2017.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Allegra Kirkland, "Bonus! GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill Depletes Medicare Trust Fund Faster," Talking Points Memo, March 10, 2017.
  5. Gene B. Sperling, "The AHCA's Tradeoff: Giving Up Vital Care to Get Tax Cuts for the Rich," The Atlantic, March 14, 2017.
  6. Bob Bryan, "Republicans have a new plan to repeal Obamacare - and it may bring them closer to passing 'Trumpcare,'" Business Insider, April 26, 2017.
  7. Sarah Spellings, "In Trump's America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition," New York Magazine, May 4, 2017.
  8. Bryan, "Republicans have a new plan to repeal Obamacare - and it may bring them closer to passing 'Trumpcare.'"



From: [WOW!] Medicare for All (via BOLD Democrats)
Subject: never seen ANYTHING like this!!! (Bernie Sanders)

BREAKING: "Medicare for All" bill reaches
record-breaking co-sponsors in Congress

WOW!!! We've NEVER seen anything like this!

Help us thank Bernie for fighting for Medicare for All:

Republicans clearly have NO IDEA what Americans really want when it comes to healthcare.

And once the first disastrous Trumpcare plan imploded, Bernie capitalized on this momentum with a groundbreaking universal healthcare plan called "Medicare for All."[1]

And Lonny, the momentum is still building:

104 Members of Congress have already pledged their support for universal healthcare. YES!!!

We're FINALLY on track to pass a "Medicare for All" bill that would ensure access to healthcare for every American.

This is history in the making. Help us thank Bernie for fighting for universal healthcare:

[1] Vox | Obamacare is getting more popular by the day | 4.25.17




From: Medicare for All (via TrainDemocrats.org, National Democratic Training Committee)
Subject: BREAKTHROUGH (re: Medicare for All)


The United States spends more on healthcare than ANY other modernized nation.

That's why Bernie Sanders will introduce a new "Medicare for All" bill that would:

For the first time in history, a majority of House Democrats support this proposal.

But Munsup, we want to hear from Democrats in 45431:

Should Democrats support 'Medicare for All'?

The facts speak for themselves: 29 million Americans currently lack health insurance. Millions are underinsured and can't afford their sky-high payments. And Republicans are constantly plotting to take away Obamacare.

Bernie's plan would ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare.

Do you think Democrats should support 'Medicare for All'?


Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org,
not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



From: AlterNet
Subject: NPR news JUST reported:
The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Rob Quist for Montana:

Have you been listening to NPR??
NPR: People See a Real Opportunity for a Real Upset in Montana

CNN, Rachel Maddow, and now NPR confirmed the truth: we can seriously WIN the Montana Special Election!!

But the Republican campaign machine just launched ANOTHER $1,2OO,OOO attack to stop us in our tracks.

Unless more people step up we're going to run out of money -- and FAST. So for today only, all gifts are QUADRUPLE-MATCHED.

Please chip in just $5 (WORTH $2O QUADRUPLE-MATCHED) to WIN the Montana Special Election:

The Republican establishment and their big business donors are panicking. They know Rob has what it takes to win.

That's why they're spending MILLIONS to buy the Special Election.

But we have a message for them: Montana elections are NOT for sale.

We're ready to fight back. Pitch in anything you can right now to join us:

http:// go.robquist.org/4X-Match

They may have the money, but we have the people.

Paid for by Rob Quist for Montana



From: John Sellers, Other98
Subject: The battle for an open internet needs you

Ajit Pai—the former Verizon lawyer that Trump put in charge of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—has just unveiled his plan to end net neutrality.

This is it: the FCC wants Congress to vote on this disastrous plan in just three weeks, so we need to move fast.
Write to your rep today and remind them they work for you, not huge internet corporations: demand they vote to protect internet fairness.

You've probably heard how net neutrality protects us from huge internet service providers like Comcast or Verizon. It stops them from using their power to create "slow lanes" for websites run by folks who can't afford to pay huge fees.

Here's the scary part: internet corporations are often part of the very same huge telecom corporations that control our TV and radio airwaves.

That means that without net neutrality, Comcast or Verizon could slow down a small, independent news site to the point of making it un-usable — and speed up the websites for the corporate news channels they control.

6 huge corporate conglomerates already control 90% of our TV, print, and radio news. The last thing we need right now is for them to control the internet too.
Tell your reps to protect internet fairness and defend net neutrality.

We may have to fight this into the fall, but this first step is the most important. In the next three weeks, we need to establish a huge groundswell of public support calling for our broadband rules to stay just as they are now.
Two years ago, we fought for net neutrality and won. We can do it again.



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: Hillary Clinton Must Only Blame Herself instead of blame-shifting her defeat



From: Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Evan, Jade, Yeshi, Anika, Corina and the rest of the Color Of Change team.
Subject: Stop Eventbrite from fueling the new wave of hate groups!

Eventbrite is selling tickets to events for hate groups.

Tell Eventbrite to stop supporting and profiting from hate groups.

Take Action

Eventbrite - the world's largest platform for selling event tickets - has a hate group problem. Eventbrite is making tens of thousands of dollars a year selling tickets to events hosted by hate groups and featuring enablers of white supremacy like Milo Yiannopoulos and Richard Spencer.

Demand Eventbrite permanently cut white supremacists off from their platform!

Just this past Saturday, white nationalists hosted a sold-out gala featuring some of the biggest names in the white nationalist movement. Tickets to the event were sold on Eventbrite for as much $1,500 each. For a similar event hosted last year by white nationalists, Eventbrite made upwards of $100,000. The event page hosted by Eventbrite even contained a cartoon image of Trump making a hand gesture that is increasingly being used as a white supremacist symbol.

Despite having met with their leadership and bringing this problem to their attention multiple times, Eventbrite continues to fail to take action that ensures their platform is not used to spread and fund hate, all while CEO Julia Hartz talks openly about being a people-centered company. If Eventbrite truly cares about people, then why do they continue to promote and profit from groups and individuals whose rhetoric are explicitly tied to the rise in violent hate crimes?

Demand Eventbrite permanently cut white supremacists off from their platform!

When white supremacists - and the people who cater to them - use a platform like Eventbrite's to elevate their hateful and violent ideas they create tangible dangers for our people. These hate groups and their leaders are not just shock-jock provocateurs looking to get a rise out of people by 'offending' them; they are actively painting a target on the backs of our communities and teaching their audiences how to harass vulnerable people.

While Eventbrite's relative profit from these hate groups is practically peanuts, these groups are using the money raised off of Eventbrite to indoctrinate people into their hateful ideologies, spread propaganda that promotes damaging lies about marginalized groups and even to train and deploy an army of white nationalist that travel around the country to harass people of color. And in the case of Gavin McInnes, one of Saturday's featured speakers, to organize an "alt-right" paramilitary group whose goal is to physically assault people protesting against Trump and the far-right.1 Groups like McInnes' are clearly meant to intimidate and harm people of color, so why won't Eventbrite do the right thing and stop profiting off of hate?

Eventbrite needs to make sure its platform is not profiting from hate groups or giving them a megaphone to stir up racial fear and push damaging falsehoods and distortions about Black communities.

Demand Eventbrite permanently cut white supremacists off from their platform!

1. "Meet the New Military Division of White Nationalism" The Root, April 26, 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/7864?t=7&akid=7400.239715.FTbwvu

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.


End of MPEN e- Newsletter


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