[mpen-dayton] FW: The Retirement You've Earned; Are you ready to kill a pipeline for good?; THIS is how we grab back; FW: Memories.. and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: Inspirational Quote of the Day
- FW: The Importance of the Federal D.C. Circuit Courts for Ohio's Environment
- FW: The Retirement You've Earned
- FW: A government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people???
- FW: Are you ready to kill a pipeline for good?
- FW: Today's call: Restore DACA and CHIP
- FW: THIS National Monument is at risk (sign to save!)
- FW: THIS is how we grab back
- FW: Being ready for the next big moment
- FW: Memories…
From: druesguy
Subject: FW: Inspirational Quote of the Day for Wed, 20 Dec 2017
May you always be blessed with walls for the wind.
A roof for the rain.
A warm cup of tea by the fire.
Laughter to cheer you.
Those you love near you.
And all that your heart might desire.
From: Thomas Roberts
Subject: FW: The Importance of the Federal D.C. Circuit Courts for Ohio's Environment Ohio Environmental Council
The Importance of the Federal D.C. Circuit Courts for Ohio's Environment
Maxim Perel, 3L Ohio State Moritz College of Law & OEC Law Center Intern, December 15, 2017
President Trump is positioned to fill more vacancies across the federal bench than any past president since the late 1950s. This is no accident. The fact that there are so many vacant seats is because the Republican-led Senate has refused to confirm lower court nominations during the last two years of Obama's presidency. President Obama made 54 nominations to those seats that Republicans refused to confirm, including several dozen where a final vote was never held.
President Trump will fill these federal bench seats with judges who will be appointed for life. It is highly important that we properly scrutinize all of the nominated judges before they have a chance to to secure such long tenures, especially since federal courts decide all sorts of important cases that widely affect the lives of Americans. Federal courts are where a majority of impactful environmental cases are decided. Two federal courts of particular note that decide important environmental law cases are the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and the D.C. District Court.
The D.C. Circuit Court is important for those groups and individuals fighting for environmental protections for the whole country. Not only because the Clean Air Act requires that all regulations of national scope be handled exclusively in that court, but the D.C. Circuit Court also routinely decides cases concerning the U.S. EPA's administrative authority.Two examples of ongoing cases that show the national scope of environmental issues that the D.C. Circuit Court handles include: West Virginia et. al. v. EPA – the case that concerns the challenge to the Clean Power Plan rule, regulating emissions of greenhouse gases that come from fossil fuel-fired power plants. In this case, Health and Environmental groups (including OEC) are defending against the industry and coal state attacks on the regulation; and Utility Solid Waste Activities et al. v. EPA – This case deals with the EPA's final rule about the classification of coal combustion residuals where environmental groups are fighting for stronger protections.
Additionally, the D.C. District Court also decides plenty of environmental cases that have a national impact, perhaps most notably, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers where the court found that the Army Corps of Engineers had not adequately considered several issues in its environmental assessment for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Four of the prospective judges that President Trump has nominated to fill the vacancies on the D.C. District and Circuit courts are Gregory G. Katsas, Dabney L. Friedrich, Trevor N. McFadden, and Matthew S. Petersen.
A common thread between these nominees is a total lack of judging experience. With that lack of experience comes their unpredictability with the important environmental issues the D.C. Courts will face. Not only do none of them have prior judging experience that could have put them into arbitration positions for environmental issues, none of them have even appeared to have tangentially dealt with environmental issues at all.
- Gregory G. Katsas has no prior judging experience; instead, he has worked as a private attorney at the global law-firm Jones Day. He is a "conventional conservative" that believes in a strong executive branch and presidential power. He argued before the Supreme Court that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional.
- Dabney L. Friedrich has most notably worked as Associate Counsel to the President under George W. Bush and as Commissioner in the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Her most notable accomplishment there included working to eliminate race-based sentencing disparities and reduce sentences for nonviolent, drug-related crimes.
- Trevor N. McFadden currently works as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Department of Justice, and before that he was in private practice representing clients in white collar matters.
- Matthew S. Petersen is the current Chairman of the United States Federal Election Commission. Prior to this, he specialized in election and campaign finance law at the law firm of Wiley Rein LLP in Washington, DC.
As was mentioned, the federal courts act as checks on the administrative state. This power is now more important than ever, as the President and the director of the U.S. EPA appear to be moving the priorities of the environmental administrative state away from the insurance of the health and wellbeing of current and future generations. With such a great responsibility being put on our federal judges, we must ask ourselves if we can trust the health of our families and our community to judicial nominees with blank records on the important environmental issues. We must make our dissatisfaction heard in Washington with Senators Brown and Portman, and encourage them to vote against confirming these choices for the federal bench.
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From: Senator Sherrod Brown
Subject: The Retirement You've Earned
The Retirement You've Earned
Right now, the pension plans of thousands of Ohioans are at risk of massive cuts. This crisis affects the Building Material Drivers Union Local 436, Composition Roofers Local 42, Southwest Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters, Teamsters Union Local 73, Asbestos Workers Local 8, Bricklayers Local 55, Bricklayers Local 7, Ironworkers Local 17, Laborers Local 265, GCIU, CWA ITU, Central States, Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry, National Integrated Group, and PACE Industry Union Management.
It's bad enough that Wall Street squandered workers' money – and it's worse that the government that's supposed to look out for these folks is trying to break the promise made to these workers.
Not on our watch. We won't allow that to happen.
I've rolled out a plan to fix this crisis, without cutting a cent of these Americans' retirement. It's called the Butch Lewis Act, named for the former retired head of Teamsters Local 100 in Evendale, Ohio. You can learn more about it HERE.
Now is the time of year when Congress negotiates over a lot of priorities that have to get done – and guaranteeing these pensions has to be at the very top of the list.
Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate have endorsed the Butch Lewis Act, and together we are fighting to get it across the finish line.
As Butch often said, you didn't work 40 years to get 40 percent of your retirement.
You've done your part. Now it's time for Congress to do theirs.
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: A government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people???
I think not.... Who the hell are we kidding??? - E
From: John, Andy, Caty, Genevieve, Kelly, and Samantha; Other98
Subject: Are you ready to kill a pipeline for good?
2018 is going to be the year we take down an enormous Tar Sands pipeline. And there won't be a single thing Trump can do about it.
The Other98 team has laid out a point-by-point plan for 2018 that zeroes in on one major target: Kinder Morgan's Tar Sands super-pipeline that would pump millions of gallons of Tar Sands crude from Alberta Canada to the delicate waters of the Puget Sound to be shipped to refineries and overseas markets.
Other98 and our crew of on-water activists have been targeting oil giant Kinder Morgan for a while now, and the company has already taken some expensive losses. If our team can laser-focus all our resources on this fight next year, we believe we can win it. Can you chip in today to help us do it?
If Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline is allowed to go forward, it would be the most massive pipeline coming out of the Tar Sands to date. It's a much bigger pipe, with a much dirtier carbon footprint, than the Keystone XL or the Dakota Access.
Here's the good news: this pipeline is extremely vulnerable. Just this week Kinder Morgan's stock price tanked on company reports that their pipeline faces major delays from increasingly militant opposition by First Nations and activists. And the provincial government of British Columbia is fully on our side. Finally, permits and approvals are up to Canadian officials, not Trump or his cronies.
Other98 is working directly with First Nations and indigenous groups on both sides of the U.S./Canada border who have been leading this showdown, including the Tsleil Waututh and Swinomish Nations. We need to raise $10,000 to pull off the kind of bold on-water actions and creative campaigning that helped kill the KXL and the DAPL. But again, unlike the KXL and the DAPL, a win this time is a win Trump can't un-do.
We need more kayaks, more on-water safety gear, and as many new people on the water as we can get. We hope you'll pitch in today and help Other98 kill Kinder Morgan's Pipeline in 2018.
The team is going all in on this because we believe it's the most strategically important battle going down in the climate justice movement right now. The Pacific Northwest is the only thing standing between Big Oil and the overseas markets they're increasingly desperate to reach. A win here wouldn't just protect our lands and waters from a near-certain major oil spill: it will send the strongest message yet to Big Oil that their days of destroying the climate for profit are over.
So if you want to throw down on the biggest, baddest pipeline fight of 2018, and you want to do it with a crew that's dedicated to bold, effective action that gets results, this is it. Make a tax-deductible donation before the year is out!
We're grateful to have you with us as we show Big Oil that we're not even close to being done fighting — in fact, these tough times have made us tougher than ever.
P.S. Other98 is joining forces with the Mosquito Fleet, a fierce grassroots network dedicated to on-water activism against Big Oil, to stop Kinder Morgan. We can win this. Are you in?
From: Nicole Regalado; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Today's call: Restore DACA and CHIP
Call Democratic leaders: No more delays or excuses. Protect Dreamers and save CHIP.
This is it. Congress must pass a budget bill by Friday, and Democratic leaders need to use their power to resist Trump's cruel, heartless white supremacist agenda NOW. Call today to make sure they do the right thing.
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
It is becoming more and more clear that Democratic leaders will not protect Dreamers unless we force them to act.
Republicans cannot pass the year-end spending bill without Democratic support. That gives Democrats the leverage to protect the immigrants and children most threatened by Donald Trump and his goons. But instead, they are reportedly backing down, refusing to lead the resistance to Trump and playing politics with people's lives.1
Mitch McConnell just announced his priorities for the year-end spending bill that include federal funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) but leave out permanent protection for Dreamers. That is unacceptable. Democratic leaders need to stand up and fight.
Call Democratic leaders: Lead your caucus in blocking any year-end spending package that does not include a clean DREAM Act and federal funding for CHIP. Click here to start your call.
Trump's heartless attacks on immigrants and children are already ruining people's lives.
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) gave many people brought to the United States as children by their parents, also known as Dreamers, the ability to work and live in the country. Since Trump ended the program, 122 Dreamers a day lose their work permits and protection from deportation.2 Immigrant youth, their families and communities are living in fear.
Last week, police jailed seven courageous Dreamers who occupied Sen. Schumer's and Rep. Curbelo's offices to demand that Congress pass a clean DREAM Act. Four of them are still in custody and on hunger strike. Democratic leaders have remained silent about these Dreamers' tremendous sacrifices and have instead backed away from their commitment to get protections for DACA recipients on the books before the end of the year. We need to hold them accountable.
CHIP gives low- and middle-income children access to lifesaving health care. Republicans allowed it to expire in September. Now, more than a dozen states are preparing to shut down their CHIP program completely.3 Mitch McConnell says that restoring CHIP is a priority, but we cannot let up until Congress approves federal funding for the program.
To keep Dreamers safe and millions of children healthy, we need Democratic leaders to do their jobs, keep their commitments and use their leverage now. Can you help flood their offices with calls demanding that they hold the line on a clean DREAM Act and CHIP?
Call Democratic leaders: Lead your caucus in blocking any year-end spending package
that does not include a clean DREAM Act and federal funding for CHIP. Click the link below to start your call.
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
- Ed O'Keefe, "Democrats unlikely to force DACA vote this week, probably averting shutdown," The Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2017.
- Dara Lind, "Thousands of immigrants are losing their DACA protections already," Vox, Nov. 10, 2017.
- Colby Itkowitz and Sandhya Somashekhar, "States prepare to shut down children's health programs if Congress doesn't act," The Washington Post, Nov. 23, 2017.
From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, and Ryan, the UltraViolet Action team
Subject: Re: THIS is how we grab back
We want to make sure you saw this email from last week. In 2018, it will be crucial for all of us to be ready to respond to anti-woman extremists at a moment's notice. Can you join our rapid response mobile text program to get alerts about urgent campaigns? Text GRAB BACK to 83224 or sign up online. Thank you! -Nita and Shaunna
P.S. Already joined? Forward this email to your friends and make sure they are in the loop, too!
Last November, a man who brags about grabbing and assaulting women "grabbed" the election and has since repeatedly grabbed at women's health care, access to abortion, economic security, and dignity.
But 2018 is just around the corner--it's time to GRAB BACK with UltraViolet. Get periodic text alerts on crucial campaigns by texting GRAB BACK to 83224 or signing up online.
UltraViolet's power comes from having over a million members ready to take action at just the right moment. That's why text messages, which are quick and easy to respond to, will be crucial.
Join the rapid response list, and forward this email or share the graphic on social media to make sure your friends are in as well!
*You will receive periodic texts. By providing your mobile number, you consent to receive cell phone and text communications from UltraViolet Action and its affiliates concerning news and action opportunities. Message and data rates may apply. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP.
Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
From: ✎ Signature Requested: John Lewis HQ
Subject: THIS National Monument is at risk (sign to save!)
SIGNATURE NEEDED: Join the lawsuit to SAVE Bears Ears
The White House is being SUED to stop them from shrinking Bears Ears National Monument.
So we're gathering 10,000 activist signatures to validate the lawsuit.
Sign on immediately to SAVE Bears Ears National Monument:
President Obama declared Bears Ears National Monument protected in 2016.
But the current administration just said that they will SLASH the protected land by 85%.
So now five Native American tribes are SUING the administration!
We can't let them fight on their own -- we need to collect 10,000 signatures to support their lawsuit to protect our national monuments.
Sign the petition and join the fight now to SAVE Bears Ears:
It's so important that we protect our national monuments.
That's why so many other companies and conservation groups are taking a stand too!
We must work together to save our beautiful natural resources.
So Munsup, will you stand with us today and sign on to SAVE Bears Ears?
From: Johnny Mathias, Color Of Change
Subject: Being ready for the next big moment
This message was sent to a random selection of Color Of Change members regardless of racial identity.*
My name is Johnny Mathias. I've worked at Color Of Change since 2012. And I'm white.
Almost exactly 2 years ago, I sent an email specifically addressing white Color Of Change members. I've been thinking about how a message to the same audience might need to be different today in a world where the majority of people who look like me voted for Donald Trump. And I arrived at a simple conclusion: the most important thing white people can do in this moment is still to use our financial resources, whatever they may be, to support independent Black political leadership.
For over 5 years, I've had the honor and privilege to support and learn from some of the most brilliant Black strategists in the country. Just in this past year your support has helped fund strategic campaigning of Black leaders like:
- Brandi Collins-Dexter who led our strategic direction to dismantle white supremacists financial resources through our #BloodMoney campaign which successfully targeted credit card companies that were processing donations for hate groups.
- And Jade Magnus Ogunnaike had the early insight to demand that corporate leaders stop enabling Donald Trump by joining his business council and launched the #QuitTheCouncil campaign.
These campaigns have a few things in common. They were powerful interventions that relied on strategic research which laid the campaigning groundwork to strike when the moment arrived. In August 2017, that moment was Charlottesville. Both the #BloodMoney and #QuitTheCouncil had been active for months with the corporate enablers dragging their feet. Now with the violent hatred of white nationalism on full display in the Virginia college town, we had the leverage we needed to attack corporate support of the white supremacist in the White House and the network of organizations across the country.
Now as we at Color Of Change prepare to rise to meet the challenge that 2018 demands of us, we're reorganizing internally to become and even stronger force for racial justice. I have joined the internal team that worked on the #BloodMoney and #QuitTheCouncil in a new role focused on building out the research to win strategic campaign.
But we need your help to develop this internal research department to it's fullest potential and be ready for the moments that will arise in 2018. As a white member of our Black-led and multi-racial staff, I will be supporting the strategic vision of Color Of Change's Black leaders to shine a light where white-controlled corporate and governmental structures are enabling attacks on Black lives. Making a contribution to Color Of Change is one of the many ways, as a white member, you can deepen your support for racial justice and your commitment to dismantling white supremacy.
In 2018, I'm supporting independent Black political power at Color Of Change by contributing $3
*As an organization, we are committed to centering Black people in this movement. Most of our members are Black, but we felt it important to take this opportunity to speak directly to the thousands of white members of Color Of Change . Please consider sharing this with the white people in your life.
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Memories…
It is with a sense of sadness that I remember these things, places and the faces of friends and lovers, gone but never forgotten. It's just the track of my tears!
How many of these do you remember?
Our childhood in pictures |
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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