[mpen-dayton4] FW: "EXPAND Social Security now!" & "Ted Cruz Christianity" & "Thousands of kids POISONED" & "The EGO Has Landed: THE REAL DONALD TRUMP" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
· FW: Pres. Obama Seriously Considering Secret Money EO
· FW: EXPAND Social Security now!
· FW: Tell Third Way NO WAY
· FW: Ted Cruz Christianity
· FW: Earley sought to testify before Congress
· FW: URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Senators to Vote NO on Punishing Teachers
· FW: How Racism and Anti-Tax Fervor Laid the Groundwork for Flint's Water Crisis
· FW: Thousands of kids POISONED. Your signature needed NOW-->
· FW: URGENT: President getting pushback from the Chamber of Commerce
From: Rio Tazewell, Government By the People Campaign Coordinato, People For the American Way
Subject: NYT: Pres. Obama Seriously Considering Secret Money EO (Calls needed TODAY!)
The New York Times recently reported that President Obama is “seriously considering” issuing an executive order that would require federal contractors to disclose their political spending1 -- a huge step towards exposing the corporate money that floods our elections.
This is thanks in no small part to grassroots pressure from activists like you. Over one million people joined you in signing the petition calling on President Obama to issue this order.
Now that we’re closer than ever, can you help ratchet up the pressure even more by calling the White House and expressing your support for an executive order to fight secret money in politics?
Call the White House now: 202-456-1111
After calling for a “better politics” in his final State of the Union speech, President Obama may soon take historic action to make that vision a reality. Let’s make sure he hears from all of us that this action can’t wait!
Call the White House now at 202-456-1111 and urge the president not to wait any longer on fighting secret money!
Obama only has months left to make this a part of his political legacy. With your help, we can make this much-needed progress happen.
From: Alex, People For the American Way
Subject: EXPAND Social Security now!
America’s Retirement System Replaces a Declining Share of
Pre-Retirement Income -- The Solution: Expand Social Security!
To: All Members of the U.S. Congress America is facing a looming retirement security crisis. Recent research shows that 30 percent of 65-69 year-olds in the United States are employed versus 20 percent of 65-69 year olds in other OECD countries, largely because our retirement system replaces a lower share of pre-retirement income than those in other industrialized countries. In order to ensure a safe and secure retirement for all and not just the wealthy few, we call on you to pass legislation that expands Social Security benefits for millions of Americans. |
In the midst of an American retirement security crisis where current and future retirees must prepare for a sharper drop in their standard of living at retirement than their parents, research by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) shows that Americans are less likely to retire in their 60s than their counterparts in other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 30 percent of 65-69 year-olds in the United States (and rising) are employed versus 20 percent of 65-69 year olds in OECD countries.
This is largely because in other countries, the retirement system replaces enough income for people to survive decently and maintain their standard of living. Not so in the U.S., where senior poverty is high and our retirement system replaces a lower share of pre-retirement income.
The main cause has been the shift from traditional pensions to do-it-yourself retirement savings plans such as 401(k)s, causing financial insecurity for millions of current and future retirees.
The solution is for the United States Congress to pass legislation that expands Social Security benefits and ensure a more secure retirement for all, not just the wealthy few.
Please join with PFAW and our allies and sign the petition to the U.S. Congress today calling on them to act on behalf of all current and future retirees>>
This measure would be paid for simply by eliminating the cap on Social Security payments from high incomes, NOT with any increase in existing Social Security taxes
From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: Tell Third Way NO WAY
This past week, Third Way – a Wall Street-funded group that poses as a "progressive" think tank – has again attacked the movement to expand Social Security in a new report titled, “How the Sanders Social Security Plan is Not Progressive.”
By attacking Social Security expansion Third Way is attempting to create the illusion of discord amid the united Democratic support for Social Security expansion. They’ve seen that nearly every Democratic Senator and a large majority in the House of Representatives – are on record supporting expansion. And Third Way’s Wall Street donors are getting nervous.
This is not Third Way’s first attack on Social Security expansion. They previously wrote that Senator Elizabeth Warren's "economic populism [is] disastrous for Democrats," including the growing consensus that we must expand – not cut – Social Security.
Please, sign our petition today to all Democrats to immediately distance themselves from Third Way and their Wall Street backed attacks on our Social Security benefits.
Wall Street is trying to marginalize long-time Social Security champions like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren by arguing that across-the-board benefit increase are a handout to the wealthy.
Let’s set the record straight. Senator Sanders’ plan – supported by 90 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Republicans – would in fact increase benefits for all Social Security recipients. It would provide the largest increases to those with the lowest earnings and increase the minimum benefit so that no one will retire into poverty. It will adopt a more accurate cost of living increase, so that Social Security’s benefits don’t erode over time, and it will pay for it by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share.
This widely embraced approach to expanding Social Security benefits will add $11.9 trillion to the Social Security trust fund over 75 years, all paid for by those earning over $250,000.
Third Way receives a ton of money from Wall Street, but they don't publicize this on their website or in their attacks on Senators Sanders and Warren. But their agenda is clear: cut Social Security and force more Americans into risky retirement plans with high Wall Street fees.
Stand up to Wall Street funded attacks on our Social Security champions. Join Social Security Works in calling on all Democrats to distance themselves from Third Way and their attacks on our earned benefits.
From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: Ted Cruz Christianity
We wanted to make sure you didn't miss this - can you chip in?
The headlines today say that Ted Cruz won Iowa because of Christian voters. What does that really mean?
Cruz touted the endorsement of hate group leaders and even a fringe anti-semitic pastor who says God sent Hitler to hunt Jews. He held rallies where Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson denounced the "perversion" and "depravity" of gay marriage and said we need to "rid the earth" of those who support marriage equality.
This isn't Christianity - it's bigotry wrapped up in the Bible. And the only way to fight is for Christians to stand up and say: That's not our faith.
If you're okay living in a country where Ted Cruz's political agenda passes for Christianity, then go ahead and delete this email right now.
But if you want to put a stop to the right-wing hijacking of Jesus, Faithful America urgently needs your financial support.
With more than 300,000 grassroots members across the country, Faithful America is the largest organization of our kind. We're not affiliated with any church or denomination. We have no pastor, property, or charitable tax status to protect. We're not afraid of criticism, and our small staff and creative use of technology means we can turn on a dime to respond to the latest right-wing attacks.
But we do depend on our members to help take on the religious right and reclaim Christianity as a prophetic voice for a just and compassionate society. And with the Republican primary heating up and outrages coming fast and furious, there is suddenly more to do than ever before.
Can you chip in? Click here to make a donation to Faithful America.
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Earley sought to testify before Congress
See http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2016/02/02/subpoena-issued-ex-flint-emergency-manager-earley/79729216/
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: FW: URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Senators to Vote NO on Punishing Teachers
Michigan State Legislature, under GOP control, seeks to punish teachers for speaking up about conditions in Detroit Public Schools.
AFT Michigan members and our labor brothers and sisters across the state have sent 3,809 e-mails and made hundreds of phone calls to Michigan Senators asking them to vote no on SBs 713-715, which would punish teachers and school employees for standing up for students.
Thank you to everyone who has taken action to demand Lansing politicians step up to the plate to address the issues facing our schools, instead of punishing the whistleblowers.
If you haven't contacted your legislator yet, send an email by clicking here, and then follow up by making a phone call using this link. Make sure to call on break time, not work time.
Thanks for everything you're doing.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Lansing politicians are trying to punish teachers and school employees for standing up for their students.
The Senate Education Committee rammed through three bills despite overwhelming opposition testimony and they’re now on the fast track in the Michigan Senate.
If these bills pass, if two or more public school employees is found to have engaged in an illegal work stoppage to effect change in working conditions, the following would happen:
- The union would not be allowed to represent employees for at least five years
- Individual teachers engaging in illegal strikes would lose their teaching certificates
- School districts would be fined five percent of their state aid payments if the administration failed to fine them
We need you to send an email and call your Senator ASAP to urge them to oppose the bills.
Click here to send an email.
To amplify your voice, follow up with a phone call. Make sure to call on break time, not work time.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: How Racism and Anti-Tax Fervor Laid the Groundwork for Flint's Water Crisis
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How Racism And Anti-Tax Fervor Laid The Groundwork F... The water contamination crisis was a century in the making. | |||||||
Preview by Yahoo | |||||||
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From: Alex Hart; Alex Hart, Online Team, People For the American Way
Subject: Thousands of kids POISONED. Your signature needed NOW-->
Thousands of children POISONED by their own drinking water … All to save the state a few bucks and pay for tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.
What is going on in Flint, Michigan is not simply something that’s happening on Republicans' watch, it's the DIRECT RESULT of their Tea Party ideology put into practice.
For all the talk by Republicans about the virtues of running a state -- or the country, for that matter -- “like a business,” we are now seeing the devastating results of what that means.
Please speak out now and then help spread the word.
Immediately upon taking office, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder gave a huge tax break to businesses and the mega-rich. To pay for his these tax cuts, Gov. Snyder implemented a series of “fiscal responsibility” cuts across the state. And in Flint, a city of 100,000 people, that meant switching the community’s water supply to the Flint River to save a few bucks.
But Flint’s new, more corrosive water exposed the city’s residents -- including thousands of children -- to dangerously high amounts of lead. Now Flint residents are facing a public health nightmare: they’ve been poisoned, their children have dangerous levels of lead in their blood, and they still don’t have reliable access to clean water.
With so many people potentially lead-poisoned, the devastating impact of Snyder’s actions will be felt for generations. And it’s becoming increasingly apparent that members of Snyder's administration ignored the warning signs in Flint and allowed residents to be exposed to poisonous chemicals for months. Recently released emails show that Snyder knew about the elevated lead levels as early as January 20151 -- and still refused to take action. Only this month did he declare a state of emergency in Flint.
Now Gov. Snyder is dragging his feet on seriously addressing this crisis. Flint residents are still being told not to drink even filtered tap water, and their corroded pipes have yet to be replaced.
Flint’s majority-African American community is already vulnerable -- four in ten Flint residents live below the poverty line, and the city’s population is half of what it was in the 1960s and ‘70s. Flint’s water crisis shows what happens when “fiscal responsibility” is prioritized over public health. In their attempts to save money and put conservative dogma into action, Michigan’s right-wing leadership has created an unprecedented disaster.
This tragedy is the direct result of a governing ideology that puts tax breaks for the rich above the health and interests of the public. And for all we hear from conservatives about the merits of running a state (or a country) “like a business,” Flint is an example of how potentially disastrous that can be.
Add your name now to call on Gov. Snyder to step down
over his mishandling of the Flint crisis>>
We don’t yet know the full damage of the water crisis. But we know that the people of Flint cannot wait for a resolution. The FBI has launched a criminal investigation into the situation in Flint that may implicate city and state officials, including Snyder. Meanwhile, Gov. Snyder is more concerned with protecting his image than helping poisoned Michiganders. Justice must be done, and those responsible must be held accountable -- and, most urgently, Flint must be helped. That’s why Snyder needs to take responsibility for this disaster by stepping down immediately.
Tell Governor Snyder to resign immediately
so the people of Flint can get the urgent help they need>>
Thank you for taking action!
From: tbacane
Subject: FW: The EGO Has Landed: THE REAL DONALD TRUMP
Oh boy. Am I tired of these people playing games with us at our expense. Am tired of them using the kids as sex toys. Time to put up or shut up Clinton, Bush, Rockefeller, Trump, Soros, Koch Bros, etc. and ALL the rest of you sorry sacks of shit. Putin is pretty fed up too. While I don't expect anyone to rescue our sorry asses, he's the one that will put some of the previously mentioned sorry asses in jail or in their bunkers for the rest of their lives.
From: Carissa Miller; Daily Kos
Subject: URGENT: President getting pushback from the Chamber of Commerce (please read)
Exciting news from the New York Times:
“President Obama is seriously considering an executive order that would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose their political contributions, White House officials said on Tuesday, a step long awaited by activists to reduce the influence of secretive corporate donations in elections.”
You are one of those activists! You have signed petitions, written emails, made phone calls, maybe even marched or lobbied for this important executive order. Thank you!
Can you step up one final time and call the White House to let them know you support this action fully?
Please call the main comment line at 202-456-1111, and leave this message:
I am in full support of the Dark Money executive order. I know the President is hearing from large corporations and the Chamber of Commerce who oppose this order. Please don’t give in to corporate bullying. Please issue the Dark Money executive order NOW. This is such an important first step to taking our democracy back from the corporate rule it has been under since Citizens United. Thank you!
Click here after the call to let us know how it went.
Can’t call? Then please send an email to the White House urging President Obama to take immediate action.
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