U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, February 19, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events & News

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you
no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to
unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my
email servers.
P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

* (Feb. 20) FW: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] Demo

* (Feb.20 - Mar.15) FW: Lenten Fish Fry

* (Feb. 21) Presentation by Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton

* (Feb. 21, 28) FW: Savor Your Sundays: A Delicious "Dine & Donate"
Event Benefiting Stivers School for the Arts!

* FW: Peace Covenant Agreement

* Funding Needed!!!


The Greater Miami Valley Math and Computer Science
Circles Present Classes on Saturdays at WSU!!!

Any students are welcome to join the circles.
Please contact me at munsup.seoh@wright.edu <mailto:munsup.seoh@wright.edu>
if you are interested in joining.

Math classes are held on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month in three
Beginning (grades 5-7), Intermediate (grades 7-9) and Advanced (grades
More information can be found here: http://iis.stat.wright.edu/GMVMC.High/


2016 Ohio Mathematics Contest

Saturday April 9, 2:00 – 6:00 pm
Registration Begins at 12:30 pm

The Contest (OMC) is organized by the
<http://iis.stat.wright.edu/KSEA-DaytonOhio> Dayton Branch of the
<http://www.ksea.org/NMSC> Korean-American Scientists and
Engineers Association (KSEA) hosted by the
<https://science-math.wright.edu/math-statistics> Department of Mathematics
and Statistics and
awarded by President David R. Hopkins at the <http://www.wright.edu/>
Wright State University (WSU)

The pre-registration will end on Saturday, April 2.
You may register online <http://www.ksea.org/nmsc/registration.asp> here
(choose Dayton-OH among listed locations)
or mailing the attached registration form after filling it out.
(Please don't choose Ohio and Southwest Ohio,
since those are in Columbus and Cincinnati!)

2016 Awards & Scholarships

Cash Prizes
Grades 4–8: 1st place, $100; 2nd Place, $75;3rd place, $50
Grades 9–11: 1st place, $150; 2nd place, $100; 3rd place, $50
All students will receive participation certificates.

The top three winners in grades 9, 10, and 11 will receive
the following scholarships:
1st place, $2,500; 2nd place, $1000; 3rd place, $500.

Scholarships are applied to undergraduate tuition at Wright State
and are renewable for up to four years if recipients maintain good academic
Students may win in multiple years and accumulate the scholarship amounts.

For more information, please visit <http://www.wright.edu/OMC>

From: Hilary Lerman [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow]
Subject: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] Demo

DAWN! is scheduling its regular demonstration this Saturday, Feb 20. It
will start at 1pm at Salem and Siebenthaler. Please come and show your
solidarity withe the Peace Movement. Despite all we do the War Party acts as
if war is a normal occupation for our country. Even Bernie, does not take a
stand against our aggression overseas .

Let us change the narrative and focus on peace and non-intervention!!

From: Jerome Johnson
Subject: Lenten Fish Fry

The Lenten Fish Fry Event wi;; be held at St. Benedict the Moor Catholic
Church located at Liscum Dr. and SR 35 West, diagonally across from the
Dayton VAMC. The time is 11 am - 7 pm, every Friday during Lent. Please
review the attached flyer to share with your list. Thank you for your help.
Mary Johnson 268-7448.

From: Katherine Cooper
Subject: Presentation by Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton

The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to present

Date/Time: 21 February 2016, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Speaker: Rachel Magdalene, PhD, JD
Topic: : Rabbi Abraham Heschel and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Location: Foster Hall at Christ United Methodist Church; 3440 Shroyer Road;
Kettering, Ohio

Free and open to the public as always.

For more information please go to the following website:

Some people like to bring a light refreshment to share -- no pork or
shellfish please! Ingredient lists on homemade products help those with food
sensitivities make safe choices.

From: Billi Ewing; Stivers Seedling Foundation ~ Stivers Alum ~ Stivers
Subject: Savor Your Sundays: A Delicious "Dine & Donate" Event Benefiting
Stivers School for the Arts!

Coco's February Sunday Brunches
to Benefit Stivers

by Alexis Larsen, contributing writer for Dayton.com <http://dayton.com>

For eight of the last 10 years, the Coco's Bistro in Dayton has put on
"Savor your Sunday" brunches benefiting Stivers School for the Arts in
February. The special brunch dates are a way to celebrate art, food,
education, community and the opportunity to give back.

The popular brunches sell-out quickly bringing in 150-200 people per
brunch, for a total of about 800 meals served. Getting a reservation in
early is key. The cost is $30 per person with $15 donated back to Stivers.
Meals include a fruit and cinnamon pita chip starter, a choice of one dish
on the menu and live entertainment from a different Stivers group of
musicians. Visual art students also get involved with a large painting on
display based on the Fernand Leger painting, "Les Trois Musiciens."

It's a special opportunity to dine for a good cause - Coco's does offer
brunch on special occasions like Mother's Day and Easter, but it's the only
time during the year to be able to enjoy brunch at Coco's on any kind of a

WHAT: Coco's Bistro Savor your Sunday brunches to benefit Stivers School
for the Arts
WHERE: 250 Warren St., Dayton
WHEN: Reservations are available from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. for the four
Sundays in February
COST: $30 per person with $15 donated back to Stivers
SCHEDULE OF ENTERTAINMENT: The Stivers Jazz Group (Feb. 21) and The Stivers
Concert Pianists (Feb. 28)
MORE INFO: www.228coco.com <http://www.228coco.com> | 937-228-2626

From: Crystal Walker
Subject: Peace Covenant Agreement

Please feel free to share with your groups. This covenant is for adults and
children alike.

From: Colette Harrison, PhD., Unity In The Valley Seminars, One Human
Family Workshops, Successful Self-Direction Programs
Subject: Funding Needed!!!

Unity in the Valley is looking to bring a series of "workshop"
opportunities to Dayton, approximately quarterly, over the next two years. I
would love to have a broad Multi-faith/Multi-organizational Alliance help
fund this endeavor which seeks to highlight the dimensions of institutional
racism and implicit biases that perpetuate negative interactions in our
community. The total amount needed to present the entire program offerings
will be approximately $18,000 - $20,000 over the remainder of 2016 and all
of 2017. I will be happy to provide the overview documents describing each
component as mentioned, but omitted, in the previous posting of this
opportunity - just send me an email request at

As it has been proven that many things that are free are often not valued
or regarded as worthwhile, I suggest asking participants to pay between $10
and $15 (or possibly "free-will offerings") to basically cover the costs of
the food that is to be served during each event. Some events will be a few
hours to a half day, while others are weekend or 4 Sunday afternoons or 5
weekday evenings as best fit the needs of the community where it is to be

If, once you have reviewed the attachments, you believe in the value of
these community-building and race unity workshops, please send the
attachments out to your business owner, organizational, as well as members
of the faith community, with your recommendation that they contribute to
this endeavor as I hope you will yourselves.

I also look forward to your input and would be happy to meet in person and
I can also be reached by phone at 937-274-7009.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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