[mpen-dayton] FW: "Victory in Ohio!" & "Transformation of a White Supremacist" & "Nasty woman" & "McCain says GOP will block ANY Democratic SCOTUS nominee!" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: Victory in Ohio!
· FW: Progressive thinkers for HRC
· FW: Transformation of a White Supremacist and Fairfield High school incident
· FW: Personal Technology Tips - NYT
· FW: "Nasty woman"
· FW: "AARP seriously gave Paul Ryan a 'champion' award" & "Paul Ryan thinks a $5 COLA is too generous"
& "Republican's first move in 2017 - cut Social Security"
· FW: NEW AD: The Supreme Court is on the ballot (watch & share)
· FW: VIDEO: How Democrats win the Senate
· FW: This is nuts. McCain says GOP will block ANY Democratic SCOTUS nominee!
· FW: "How Trump's Casino Bankruptcies Screwed His Workers out of Millions in Retirement Savings"
From: Stuart Naifeh; Senior Counsel, Demos
Subject: Victory in Ohio!
Last month, I told you about an important voting rights victory in the state of Ohio: a federal appeals court struck down the state's practice of purging inactive voters from its voting rolls, declaring that such purges violated the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).
While the decision was crucial in ending future purges, it left unanswered how the state would rectify its injury to those voters already removed from the rolls.
Today, we are happy to share that Ohio's purged voters will get to vote in this year's Presidential Election. The federal district court in Ohio just granted an injunction that will protect the rights of the voters who have been illegally purged over the last several years.
For more information, read our press release on yesterday's decision and what it means in Ohio.
Thanks to the work of Demos and the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio—on behalf of the Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH), and Ohio voter Larry Harmon—the court ordered Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to allow any unlawfully purged voter to cast a ballot and to reinstate the voter to Ohio's voter rolls. The district court's action, coming as quickly in the early voting period as it did, will ensure that the vast majority of purged voters will be able to participate if they want to.
This is a monumental victory for Ohio voters, and it is a vital remedy for a procedure that disproportionately removed voters of color and served as a barrier to voting for low-income, housing-insecure, homeless, and other traditionally marginalized voters.
While the decision reached yesterday will only apply to the 2016 Presidential Election, we will continue to work to secure permanent relief that halt Ohio's illegal voter purges and will protect the right to vote of all Ohio citizens. And beyond Ohio, Demos will continue to raise awareness about states' improper voter purge practices and to fight for Americans' freedom to vote.
From: Andrew
Subject: Progressive thinkers for HRC
A Bunch Of Influential Progressives Just Gave Hillary Clinton Their Stamp Of Approval | Huffington Post
From: Fumiko Tanaka
Subject: FW: Transformation of a White Supremacist and Fairfield High school incident
The white flight of Derek Black
By Eli Saslow on October 15
(About Transformation of a White Supremacist)
WCPO: Teacher Placed on Leave after Making Racially Insensitive Remark to Asian Student
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: FW: Personal Technology Tips – NYT
Flash Card, Math and Organizer Apps for the 21st Century Student
By Kit Eaton
StudyBlue, Symbolab and Google Keep are just a few of the apps that revolutionize tasks once done with pen and p...
Organizing Your Thoughts With Note-Taking Apps
From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Ryan, Shannon, Megan, Libby, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet Action team, UltraViolet Action
Subject: "Nasty woman"
Just like in last night's debate, Donald Trump's brand of sexist, racist, gloom and doom is all we've heard in 2016. And the media just loves to cover it.
Want to hear about something to vote FOR? Want to hear about something to CHEER for?
Then this video's for you. Watch to see for yourself, and then share it to make sure everyone knows five ways Hillary Clinton will be a GREAT PRESIDENT for women!
Check it out and share it on Facebook.
Not on Facebook? Watch and share it from our website.
Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
From: Michael Keegan; President, People for the American Way
Subject: "nasty woman"
There is a lot to go over from last night's final 2016 presidential debate, including the usual abundance of lies and extremism from the Republican candidate, but let's start with what everybody is talking about: Donald Trump's refusal to say he'll accept the results and concede the election if he loses.
As you are probably aware, this is arguably the most extreme position taken by any candidate in history. It's a position against American democracy itself, and a threat to take it down from within. Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine wrote that Trump confirmed that "he is a domestic insurrectionist." He's not wrong.
Elsewhere during the debate, Trump defended his shockingly harsh immigration stance and mass deportation agenda by saying, "we're a nation of laws." But Trump has attacked the rule of law and the foundations of our Constitution repeatedly throughout his campaign.
He said "one of the first things" he'd do if he wins would be to "open up our libel laws," eroding free speech and freedom of the press. He called for a ban on Muslims entering the country and routinely scapegoats Muslim Americans -- a direct assault on religious liberty and pluralism. He said a judge was incapable of doing his job because of his "Mexican heritage," which is an attack on the separation of powers and our entire judicial system that suggests we should have a racial test for judges. And now, perhaps worst of all, he's whipping up paranoia about our election process that is both unfounded and incredibly dangerous.
Here are some other lowlights from the debate.
"Such a nasty woman"
At one point late in the debate, Donald Trump seethed into his microphone at Hillary Clinton, "such a nasty woman." That comment, Trump's statements about the women who allege he sexually harassed and assaulted them, and the repeated boorish interruptions that have been a hallmark of Trump's debate performances are all very familiar to women as the kind of sexism many of them face every day.
There was no reason for Trump to invoke race or make racially offensive comments. No one questioned him about it or brought up issues of race, but he simply could not help himself.
While discussing immigration, he fear-mongered about "bad hombres" living in the country illegally -- crass words directed at Latinos that probably drive his rally crowds wild but, on this national debate stage, only served to put his blatant racism on display.
Then, during his closing, Trump must have thought to himself, "What group have I not specifically offended yet tonight? Oh yeah, African Americans." So he trotted out his message points about how African Americans are living in a bleak, violence-ridden nightmare, saying, "They have no education. They have no jobs."
Anti-Choice Extremism
What Donald Trump had to say about abortion was simply unhinged. He attacked Hillary Clinton's well-reasoned pro-choice views with shockingly ignorant and detached-from-reality misinformation about the anti-choice Right's favorite strawman: late-term abortion. In defiance of science, medicine, and any semblance of the actual facts about the extremely rare medical procedure, Trump said that the pro-choice view shared by Hillary Clinton and millions of Americans would mean that "you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month on the final day."
Television writer and producer Shonda Rhimes tweeted in response, "FYI: 'ripping baby from womb in 9th month' is called C-section. #VaginaEducation"
And Hillary Clinton, who had already addressed the fact that late-term procedures occur when the health or life of the mother is at risk or when something goes terribly wrong with the pregnancy, offered a forceful response in the debate that was even more direct:
"Well, that is not what happens in these cases. And using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. You should meet with some of the women that I have met with, women I have known over the course of my life. This is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make. And I do not believe the government should be making it."
Supreme Pandering on the Supreme Court
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump articulated two vastly different visions of the Supreme Court in the first portion of the debate.
Clinton's was a positive vision of what she sees as the role of justices in protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans, and she described how the Court impacts the daily lives of Americans and should be a defender of, not a weapon against, core protections for things like reproductive choice, equality, and a functional democracy.
Trump said he would appoint justices who, if he was able to appoint enough of them, would eventually overturn Roe v. Wade. And in a shameless pander to gun rights activists -- a large and massively influential segment of the GOP's base -- Trump portrayed the issue of the Supreme Court as being about, first and foremost, guns and the 2nd Amendment. It was a dangerous move that is sure to empower and embolden the NRA in future confirmation battles over Supreme Court nominees.
Perhaps more than any other person in American politics, Donald Trump has carried the water for the extremist gun lobby and its assertion that ANY common sense regulation on who is able to obtain a gun is equivalent to the complete repeal of the 2nd Amendment. That is the position of the NRA and a definitively -- really, as in dictionary definition of the word -- extremist position, making the NRA, despite its large membership, a definitively extremist organization. Trump's comments included some heavy bragging about his endorsement by the group.
All in all, Trump's debate performance was strategically aimed at inflaming the passions and paranoia of his most fervent base -- a strategy that if it doesn't win him the election will at least ensure that Trumpism is here to stay.
By defeating Trump -- resoundingly -- and by removing the Republican majorities in Congress that have propped up his candidacy throughout all of the ugliness, we can be better prepared to deal with and overcome Trump's brand of bigoted, anti-intellectual, alternate reality-embracing demagoguery, which is likely to take even deeper root in the Republican Party and present a barrier to progress for years to come.
And having a Democratically controlled Senate, in addition to the White House, is the only way we'll stand a chance of confirming good Supreme Court justices and advancing much-needed progressive reforms.
We have 19 days until Election Day. Let's get the win that America needs.
P.S. If you have not yet made a donation to support our Election 2016 efforts, or even if you have,
we can really use your generous support right now.
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From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: AARP seriously gave Paul Ryan a 'champion' award.
You may have seen the ominous TV ads declaring that if nothing is done, "Social Security recipients could lose up to $10,000 a year"?
If these ads were being run by the right-wing Koch Brothers, the Republican National Committee, or Paul Ryan himself, I wouldn't be surprised. These are the types of scare tactics that we've seen for years from Wall Street and their friends in Washington.
But these ads are being run by AARP – the nation's largest senior organization. And their fear mongering is threatening the progress we've made – fighting Republican calls for cuts to Social Security and rallying our elected officials around our calls for expansion.
This past summer, AARP handed out "Champion of the 50+" awards to several members of Congress including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. The same Paul Ryan who has spent a decade fighting to privatize Social Security and ending Medicare as we know it.
We know where the American people stand on Social Security, and it's not with Paul Ryan.
Demand that AARP rescind Paul Ryan's award and stop using right-wing scare tactics that could lead to damaging cuts to Social Security.
Speaker Ryan isn't the only dubious recipient that AARP has awarded this year. Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Richard Burr (R-NC) have both supported cutting Social Security, and both received these champion awards. AARP knows how popular Social Security is with the American people. And the only way they can ram through unpopular cuts is by scaring people into accepting worse than they should.
The reality is that Social Security has a $2.8 trillion surplus, can pay out 100% of benefits owed for the next 18 years and over 75% of benefits owed after that. And all we need to do is ask the wealthy to pay their fair share and we can afford to expand benefits for millions of Americans.
Stand with Social Security Works and demand that AARP rescind Paul Ryan's "Champion of the 50+" award and take the right stand on Social Security.
Together we're telling Washington politicians exactly where the American people stand: Expand, don't cut Social Security!
Subject:Paul Ryan thinks a $5 COLA is too generous
This morning, next year's cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security was announced. It is a meager 0.3 percent — $5 per month.
That $5 will not cover the cost of prescription drugs, which rose by 10 percent in the past year. Nor will it cover the rising costs of other out-of-pocket expenses like food, clothing, and utilities.
Yet many DC politicians, like Rep. Paul Ryan, still think a $5 per month COLA is too generous! They want to make Social Security part of the annual budget so that they have the opportunity to cut it every single year.
Tell Congress: Now is the time to expand Social Security to reflect the rising expenses beneficiaries face — NOT cut it.
Last year's cost of living increase was zero. For all Social Security beneficiaries who receive Medicare, next year's COLA is likely to go entirely towards rising premiums. So it is effectively zero once again.
Meanwhile, Wall Street millionaires and billionaires are raking in record profits — while not paying their fair share into Social Security. In fact, they are the ones lobbying Congress to cut our modest Social Security benefits!
Join us in calling on Congress to expand Social Security benefits, and pay for it by requiring the wealthiest Americans to contribute their fair share.
With expenses rising every year, it's time for a real increase in benefits.
Subject: Republican's first move in 2017 - cut Social Security
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Republicans have been subtly laying the groundwork for cuts to Social Security. And the media is playing right into their hands.
In this week's final Presidential debate, moderated by Chris Wallace of FOX News, one of the announced topics is "Debt and Entitlements." This comes after this month's Vice Presidential debate, when the moderator's question indicated that Social Security would "run out of money" - even though nothing could be further from the truth.
This bogus framing sets up Social Security as a problem to be solved, not a solution to the retirement income crisis. The Republicans have used this framing to undermine confidence in the program and open the door for cuts to our earned benefits.
Now we've learned that Freshman Senator David Perdue (R-GA) is working behind the scenes with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other Republican leaders to put cuts to Social Security at the top of the Republican agenda in 2017.
Stand united in our fight to protect and expand Social Security. Donate to Social Security Works today to stop conservative attacks on our earned benefits and ensure the media and our elected officials talk about Social Security in terms of the retirement security crisis, not the "solvency" of the program.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your secure donation will go through immediately:
Express Donate: $15 $25 $50 or $100 Or, donate another amount
Senator Perdue's plan for 2017 is to remove Social Security's guarantee by allowing Congress the power to vote each year on Social Security's spending.
Such an approach would allow conservatives to tie Social Security to the federal budget - even though Social Security is independently funded by the payroll tax and has never contributed one penny to our country's debt.
We have beat back past attempts to cut Social Security: President George W. Bush's 2005 plan to privatize Social Security; the Bowles-Simpson 2010 plan to cut benefits; and Republican and Democratic attempts at a "grand bargain" on Social Security.
We need to stop the Republican attacks before they even begin. Donate to Social Security Works today to protect and expand Social Security for current and future generations.
Together let's tell our elected officials in Washington where the American people stand: Expand, don't cut Social Security!
Paid for and Authorized by Social Security Works
From: Alexandra Hart; Online Team, PFAW
Subject: NEW AD: The Supreme Court is on the ballot (watch & share)
There is a simple binary choice facing voters in this election: either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next president and have the power to nominate up to four Supreme Court justices, shaping the future of our country for decades.
We just released a new ad aimed at anyone even remotely progressive-minded who is on the fence about voting or is considering a "protest vote" for a 3rd party candidate. And we need your help to make sure those people see it.
Please take a moment to watch the ad now and then share it>>
The next president's choice of Supreme Court justices will have an enormous impact on issues like money in politics, LGBT rights, abortion access, and the environment for a generation. Hillary Clinton has made clear that she'll appoint justices who understand that the Constitution protects all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful. Donald Trump's justices will protect the privileges of the wealthy and powerful, but not the rights of ordinary people. It's that simple.
Check out the video now and please share it>>
From: Robert Reich via MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: VIDEO: How Democrats win the Senate
Democrats have a fighting chance to take back the Senate in November. In fact, the latest forecast from The New York Times, puts their chances of winning at 57%.1
It will still require an enormous effort to win, but I like these odds. And—with your help—we can spread the word about what's possible.
That's why I'm hoping you'll watch and share my latest video with MoveOn—"How Democrats Take Back the Senate." (Not on Facebook? Don't worry. Just scroll down for a YouTube link.)
Here's a big bonus: Many of the Senate Democratic candidates are progressives who have been fighting to raise the minimum wage, expand Social Security, and provide paid sick and parental leave.
Just imagine what Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will be able to get accomplished with a Democratic Senate majority and more progressive champions at their side!
Please click here to watch my latest video with MoveOn, and please share it with your friends and family—so that everyone knows what's possible if we all work together in the home stretch of this election.
P.S. If you're not on Facebook, you can watch on YouTube by clicking here.
1. "2016 Senate Election Forecast," The New York Times, accessed October 18, 2016
Want to support MoveOn's work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "You can bet Republicans are hoping that progressives won't get our act together. That we won't work our hearts out for Hillary Clinton. That we won't seize the opportunity that's right in front of us to stop Donald Trump's hatred and build a Trump-proof Democratic firewall in the Senate. That's why MoveOn's work is so darn critical right now, and it's why I'm so invested personally in MoveOn's election campaign. Let's all join forces with MoveOn and make it happen. Together." Click here to chip in $100, or whatever you can afford.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: Unlock the Match (PFAW)
Subject: This is nuts. McCain says GOP will block ANY Democratic SCOTUS nominee!
John McCain just promised Republicans perpetual Supreme Court obstruction until a Republican is back in the White House!
We emailed you earlier about a critical match offer that we need to unlock before the start of the next presidential debate on Wednesday evening (TOMORROW!).
Will you chip in now before the deadline to unlock the match and give our work to defeat right-wing Republicans the boost it needs?
This is the most extreme position imaginable -- we already have one Court vacancy thanks to Republican obstruction and, because of the advanced ages of the sitting justices, we could have another three or more under the next president!
It's never been more important that we keep Trump Republicans' hands OFF of the Supreme Court -- that means keeping Trump out of the White House AND electing a Democratic majority in the Senate.
Will you give now to unlock the match?
From: Judy Burnete
Subject: "How Trump's Casino Bankruptcies Screwed His Workers out of Millions in Retirement Savings" | Mother Jones
[... And Hillary plans to do serious damage to Social Security ... Not a dimes worth of difference! - JB]
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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