[mpen-dayton] FW: "Science Isn’t an Alternative Fact" & "Join Us in Standing Up to Special Interests" & "American Healthcare Act" & " Vault 7" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: Science Isn't an Alternative Fact. Join Us in Protecting It.
- FW: 'Great Lakes Restoration cuts' & 'more insult to teachers - thanks to Kasich of OH'
- FW: Weapons of Math Destruction
- FW: "Peanut Butter on the Trump Team's Chins" & "Morning Show Interview"
- FW: Join Us in Standing Up to Special Interests
- FW: Breaking: ICE banned from Chicago churches
- FW: MUST LISTEN/WATCH !!! Ralph Nader on Trump's Speech to Congress
- FW: AMERICAN HEALTH CARE ACT: Legislation Text, ACA Comparison Resources, and Summary Articles
- FW: Action Alert: House GOP Release ACA Repeal Bill
- FW: WAC: What You Need to Know About the Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release
- FW: Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
From: Laura Markwardt; Media and Communications Strategist, AAUP
Subject: Science Isn't an Alternative Fact. Join Us in Protecting It.From intro courses that teach students how to ask questions and evaluate truth based on the weight of evidence to cutting edge research that saves lives and protects our environment, science serves the common good. Science is a vital feature of a working democracy, spurring innovation, critical thinking, and increased understanding.
And from the highest levels, science is under heavy attack.
But science's many advocates are resisting efforts to defund science, harass scientists, and suppress facts. AAUP members, leaders, and supporters are proud to join and support the March for Science on April 22, Earth Day, when scientists and its defenders will head to Washington DC and hundreds of satellite marches across the globe to stand up for science.
Join us at the March for Science. RSVP here.
A few weeks ago, Michael Mann, an AAUP member and professor of atmospheric sciences at Penn State, shared his story of what it was liked to be attacked, harassed, and investigated for his research on climate science. He warned of unprecedented assaults on science by the government that should be supporting and promoting it.
The AAUP continues to monitor and challenge these attacks. We also want to hear from you -- how the attacks on science affect you and your work, and why you're participating in the marches. We'll feature some of your personal stories on social media.
Tell us why you're marching. RSVP here.
From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: 'Great Lakes Restoration cuts' & 'more insult to teachers - thanks to Kasich of OH'
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Weapons of Math Destruction
"Weapons of Math Destruction"....
Hidden in the Algorithms
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: "Peanut Butter on the Trump Team's Chins - The New York Times" & "Morning Show Interview"
Scarily, although it had me laughing my ass off, there's far more truth to this Facebook post that one might normally expect.
But, then again, there's nothing 'normal' about this current Presidency, now is there?..... E
- Right now we have ________ from ______. Mr. _____ what do you make of these allegations from President Trump that President Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower in 2016?
- Well, let's find out. If it happened, let's find out about it.
- Do you think it's true?
- Doesn't matter what I think. President Trump thinks it's possible.
- He said he knows it happened.
- I think he means it might be possible.
- But why does he think that?
- It's not up to me to say why the president thinks something.
- But do you think it's a responsible thing to make that kind of accusation?
- Look, presidents think lots of things. Barack Obama was the president for eight years and lots of things happened during that time.
- Does the president have any proof that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
- Look, in this world, there's the ground, the sky and in between, there's all this air.
- That literally makes no sense. President Trump has accused President Obama of a felony. Does he have proof?
- All I can say is that Latin is a dead language. No one speaks it anymore. So speaking Latin is kind of pointless, don't you think?
- I am totally speaking English. Why did President Trump tweet the accusation that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
- Have you ever been attacked by a puma?
- I have not. Do you think President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower?
- It's more believable than climate change.
- I'm not talking about climate change.
- Well you're just about the only one, then.
- I want to talk about the accusation that President Trump made against President Obama.
- Black people complain a lot.
- I'm not talking about black people.
- That's kind of racist, don't you think?
- Please answer the question.
- I think these are the wrong questions. What about jobs?
- I want to talk about the wiretap accusations.
- Muslims are dangerous. That's all there is to it.
- Stop talking about Muslims.
- There's all kinds of religion in this country and we have to see that immigrants come here to do harm. Let's not be distracted.
- I am not distracted. Why did President Trump accuse President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower?
- If you put everything on a sandwich, it becomes harder to appreciate the meat.
- Thank you, _________.
- Thanks, ________.
America must certainly be the laughing stock of nations, when we have a President who disdains intelligence briefings presented by some to the best and brightest in their fields, yet readily accepts as god's honest truth the twisted, conspiratorial rantings of Wing Nut extremists such as Mark Levin and the Breitbart site.....
From: Chris Carson, President, League of Women Voters
Subject: Join Us in Standing Up to Special Interests
Elections are being won by small margins, which only highlights that every vote matters. But, special interests are attempting to block your vote.
The League of Women Voters is committed to stopping special interests and their corporate funders, to make sure your voice is heard, and your vote is counted. We work tirelessly to fight voter suppression tactics and to protect your right to vote.
Help us fight back against voter suppression schemes pushed by special interests and deep-pocketed corporate funders.
Each time corporate special interests propose another barrier to voting, the League is there to fight it. These special interests know that when fewer people exercise their right to vote, they are better able to manipulate the outcome in their favor.
But we stand up to these well-funded special interests! We fight state-by-state to overturn or oppose discriminatory anti-voter laws. We've led petition drives to get anti-voter legislation before the voters through ballot measures, we've challenged these tactics in court, and we've defeated them through the legislative process.
Help us preserve your right to vote by supporting the League of Women Voters today!
We are the most trusted voice, with effective and passionate volunteers working to involve more citizens in elections and advocate for a government that puts people, not special interests, first.
For over 90 years, the League of Women Voters has fought to educate and engage Americans. The League strives to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. We believe that people form the basis of a strong democracy.
Will you help us make democracy work for all citizens?
Thank you again for being active participants in our government and helping to make democracy work.
From: Judy Burnnette
Subject: FW: Breaking: ICE banned from Chicago churches
Big news: The Catholic archbishop of Chicago has instructed churches and schools not to voluntarily allow immigration enforcement agents onto their property.
Cardinal Blase Cupich's letter to priests means that his archdiocese is joining the hundreds of churches around the country who have pledged not to cooperate with immigration enforcement.
Under President Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have been pushing the boundaries of preexisting policies on sensitive locations like churches. In one case, they even laid in wait outside a church hypothermia shelter to ambush immigrants as they were leaving.
Let's send a powerful warning to Trump and ICE that our churches are off limits. Can your church pledge not to cooperate with immigration enforcement?
Yes, my church or organization is ready to pledge not to cooperate with immigration enforcement.
Maybe. I need to talk to church leaders to get an official decision.
No, but I'll chip in $5 to support this organizing campaign.
From: tbacane
Subject: FW: MUST LISTEN/WATCH !!! Ralph Nader on Trump's Speech to Congress
Ralph on the LEGAL issues Trump is dismantling and/or ignoring, and the regulations he's dumping..........Regulations that keep us safe like the Clean Water Act. Corporate malfeasance will skyrocket once Trump is finished. It's a declaration of WAR against the people starting with GIVING THE PENTAGON MORE MONEY while de-funding social programs supporting LIFE & US! Ralph knows the history, and has been involved in keeping us from succumbing sooner from the DUOPOLY (2 Party) HOAX & 2 STEP. Now we see it, now we don't. XOXO
Ralph Nader on Trump's Speech to Congress - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECECWTW6VTw)
Published on Feb 28, 2017
Ralph Nader tells Paul Jay that Trump's attack on the EPA and regulatory agencies will be a disaster
Help support The Real News by making a donation today: http://therealnews.com/donate
Also be sure to watch & listen to Bernie! He's become the new & REAL voice of the what's wrong with the heart & soul of this economy & the voice for social & economic justice.
Bernie Sanders' BRILLIANT Response To Trump's Speech To Congress - YouTube (https://youtu.be/8eK-5ivYb3o)
Published on Feb 28, 2017
Bernie Sanders isn't buying what Donald Trump is selling. In his response to the President's first speech before Congress, Sanders calls out Trump for going back on his campaign promises, lying about corporate tax rates, and continues his push for a single-payer healthcare system.
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From: Chris Keck; Enroll America
Subject: AMERICAN HEALTH CARE ACT: Legislation Text, ACA Comparison Resources, and Summary Articles
A little less than 24 hours ago the House released their health care legislation, The American Health Care Act. This email includes the text of the bills, tools that compare the ACA to the new plan, and articles that offer analysis.
This email is divided into three sections- legislation text, comparison tools, and articles.
Legislative Text
- Ways and Means Committee- Section by Section American Health Care Act
- Ways and Means Committee- Press Release
- Energy and Commerce Committee-
Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations Relating to Repeal and Replace of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Comparison Resources
- Kaiser Family Foundation- Side by Side ACA and the American Health Care Act
- Kaiser Family Foundation- Map- Tax Credit Side by Side Comparison
- New York Times- Parts of Obamacare the Republicans will Keep, Change, or Discard
- Health Affairs- Examining The House Republican ACA Repeal And Replace Legislation
- Kaiser Health News- House GOP Health Bill Jettisons Insurance Mandate, Much Of Medicaid Expansion
- Vox- The American Health Care Act: the Republicans' bill to replace Obamacare, explained
- Wall Street Journal- Q&A: How the House Plan to Replace Obamacare Would Affect Consumers
- Washington Post- Highlights of House GOP health care legislation
- Fox News- House Republicans release long-awaited ObamaCare replacement bill
- LA Times- Obamacare 101: What's in the House Republicans' replacement plan?
- Politico- Who wins and loses under the GOP's Obamacare repeal bill?
From: R. Scott Poppen MD MPA, Vice Chair, Doctors for America
Subject: Action Alert: House GOP Release ACA Repeal Bill
The House Republicans released their bill to repeal and replace major provisions of the ACA on Monday night. We cannot let this bill become law.
Their bill would make it harder for millions of people to afford health coverage. Leaders in Congress want to rush through the process and make it law by the end of March without any public hearings or even waiting for a score on cost and impact from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
The public needs to know what's happening, and the people they trust far more than Congress are doctors and medical students.
Health care is complicated, but what doctors and medical students want for our patients is very straightforward. We want our patients and communities to be able to get the health care they need. We want equitable, affordable, high-quality health care to be a basic right for everyone - no matter what your age, income, or health status.
Members of Congress and the Trump administration may claim to be working toward the same goals, but their policies would do the opposite. Here are some important changes the bill would make to the Affordable Care Act:
- Effectively ends Medicaid expansion by ending federal funding, starting in 2020; and caps Medicaid payments to states, virtually ensuring the patients that need it most would have reduced access to lifesaving coverage and benefits.
- Takes away insurance coverage from millions by cutting tax credits for lower- and moderate-income people - the people who need assistance the most. Instead of providing tax credits that scale up with financial need (as the ACA does), it would be based primarily on age, which means the lowest income people would see the greatest cuts in their tax credits.
- Increases health care costs for millions by allowing insurance companies to charge seniors five times as much as young people and allowing insurance companies to charge people - including people with pre-existing conditions - 30 percent more if they have any gap in coverage.
- Defunds Planned Parenthood by preventing any federal health care funds to go toward Planned Parenthood's essential services like Pap smears, mammograms, and contraception - even though they are the only provider of these services in many underserved communities.
- Provides tax breaks for the wealthiest by cutting the taxes on the wealthy and the pharmaceutical and insurance industries that have made it possible for lower income Americans to afford health care.
- Rolls back progress on preventing chronic disease by eliminating the Public Health and Prevention Fund, which funds a significant portion of the CDC's budget and important community prevention efforts that target tobacco cessation, improving nutrition, and other evidence-based programs.
- Breaks President Trump's promise of "insurance for everybody."
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: FKTV | "WAC: What You Need to Know About the Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release"
What a day it's been so far - and this is only the beginning! The war within the Deep State seems to be kicking into higher gear, with WikiLeaks' release of what they're calling "Vault 7", in which they reveal how the "CIA's secret hacking division produced a huge amount of weaponized malware to infest iPhone, Android phones - and lost control of it."
Vault 7 was released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday morning, one hour earlier than they'd officially announced on Monday and Julian Assange's press conference was delayed, his "Persiscope+Facebook video stream links are under attack his video press conference will be rescheduled." It appears that WikiLeaks responded by releasing the password to the files ahead of schedule.
WikiLeaks chose to redact and anonymize information on "Tens of thousands of CIA targets and to attack machines throughout Latin America, Europe and the United States" but they proudly note that today's dump, alone "Already eclipses the total number of pages published over the first three years of the Edward Snowden NSA leaks."
According to the main page of WikiLeaks article, the provenance of this archive: "Appears to have been circulated among former US government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive."
Detractors are pointing out that the release has nothing to do with the "clues" it posted to Twitter last month and that that WikiLeaks is probably compromised, as many believe. Detractors also speculate that this limited hangout is a distraction from the growing scandal over the apparent DC Pedophile ring, revealed by WikiLeaks, prior to becoming "compromised" but this is only the first of many dumps related to Vault 7, so these critiques really can't truly be made until the data from Vault 7 is published in its entirety.
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is all over WikiLeaks' long-awaited release, which he describes as a "Cyber-Electronic 9/11". He does a great job of summarizing the main points that emerged today, including degrees of creepy privacy invasion, which many of us have long suspected but which are now confirmed:
- CIA Can Spy on You Through Your TV and Bypass Your Mobile Encryption Apps
- CIA Catalogues Hack Techniques Used By Other Countries, Including Russia
- NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Believes Wikileaks CIA Leaks Are Authentic
- Revelations Give Weight to Theories about the Assassination of journalist, Michael Hastings
If you don't have or want a Twitter account, it might be worth getting a temporary one, just to see the fotonovela of truth bombs getting dropped on WikiLeaks' page, with posts of schematics of how the the agency operates and with WikiLeaks almost comically crowing - with documents to back up their claims that:
- "US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base"
- "CIA hackers celebrated what they saw as the financial largesse of Obama towards them with 'Make It Rain'" (Hip Hop slang for money dropping out of the sky)
- "Don't want to pay for Windows? The CIA's hackers have a pirate guide to skip product key activation"
- "CIA illicitly hoarded 'zero day' attacks, putting at risk industry, government and even Trump's Twitter account"
Posts from Edward Snowden, which were either retweeted by WikiLeaks or directed by him at WikiLeaks's account, include: "The CIA reports show the USG developing vulnerabilities in US products, then intentionally keeping the holes open. Reckless beyond words."
On Snowden's own account, he tweeted, "Imagine a world where the actual CIA spends its time figuring out how to spy on you through your TV. That's today".
An earlier tweet about how one would have had to have been read-in to a particular program, in order to know the details revealed appears to now have been deleted.
Let the detractors detract. We've never seen anything like this and it's a beautiful thing.
WAC: What You Need to Know About the Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release
From: CLG_News
Subject: Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
News Updates from CLG on 08 March 2017, http://www.legitgov.org/
All links are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed --CIA[ciopaths'] malware targets Windows, OSx, Linux, routers | 07 March 2017 | Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virginia. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election. Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, tr-jans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation...The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware...Attacks against Internet infrastructure and webservers are developed by the CIA's Network Devices Branch (NDB).
WikiLeaks posts huge CIA hacking trove | 08 March 2017 | The CIA has suffered what appears to be a massive security breach with WikiLeaks dumping thousands of confidential documents detailing the spy agency's global hacking abilities. The CIA documents published by WikiLeaks show how the CIA has managed to read popular encrypted apps, signal and telegram by breaking into phones to intercept messages before the encryption is applied. WikiLeaks, headed by Australian Julian Assange, claimed that its leaked data includes hundreds of millions of line of code that includes the CIA's "entire hacking capability."
White House calls for investigation into claims Obama ordered 'wiretap' on Trump | 05 March 2017 |The White House has called for the US Congress to investigate President Donald Trump's claim Barack Obama ordered Trump Tower to be "wiretapped" during the US election. In a series of tweets, White House press secretary Sean Spicer called Mr Trump's allegation, for which he has provided no evidence, "very troubling". He said Mr Trump is requesting Congress examine whether "executive investigative powers were abused" during the 2016 election campaign, as part of an ongoing congressional probe into Russia's influence on the election.
Trump ratchets up Obama attack with wiretapping allegation | 04 March 2017 | President Trump ratcheted up his attacks on his predecessor Saturday, with his allegation that former President Obama ordered surveillance of the real estate mogul before the November election sparking confusion and backlash ... At least two Republicans, Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), called on Trump to provide more information about his allegation. Sasse noted any such wiretap would have taken place with authorization from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and "an application for surveillance exists that the court found credible."
Paper says Comey asks DOJ to reject Trump claim | 05 March 2017 | The New York Times is reporting that the director of the FBI has asked the Justice Department to publicly reject President Donald Trump's assertion that Barack Obama as president ordered the tapping of Trump's phones during the presidential campaign.
Trump Inherits a Secret Cyberwar Against North Korea | 04 March 2017 | Three years ago, President Barack Obama ordered Pentagon officials to step up their cyber and electronic strikes against North Korea's missile program in hopes of sabotaging test launches in their opening seconds. Soon a large number of the North's military rockets began to explode, veer off course, disintegrate in midair and plunge into the sea. But [some] experts have grown increasingly skeptical of the new approach, arguing that manufacturing errors, disgruntled insiders and sheer incompetence can also send missiles awry.
North Korea fires four ballistic missiles into sea near Japan | 06 March 2017 | North Korea fired four ballistic missiles into the sea off Japan's northwest coast early on Monday, South Korean and Japanese officials said, days after the reclusive state promised retaliation over U.S.-South Korea military drills it sees as a preparation for war. South Korea's military said the missiles were unlikely to have been intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) which could reach the United States, but flew on average 1,000 km (600 miles) and reached a height of 260 km (160 miles).
Intel report: 121 former Guantanamo prisoners returned to terrorism | 07 March 2017 | The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released updated figures on former Guantanamo Bay prisoners suspected or confirmed of re-engaging with terrorism Tuesday, showing a small shift in the figures since September. According to the updated data released Tuesday, the intelligence community has confirmed that a total of 121 former detainees have re-engaged in terrorism. That number is a one-person drop since the previous report, released in September, which listed 122 prisoners as confirmed terrorists.
Germany arrests 2 Syrian migrants; one suspected of killing 36 with terror group | 02 March 2017 | German police arrested two Syrian migrants linked to the [John McCain-backed] Syrian terror group al-Nusra Front, which morphed into Fatah al-Sham Front in 2013. A 35-year-old man identified as Abdalfatah H.A. was arrested Wednesday in Düsseldorf, and a 26-year-old identified as Abdulrahman A.A. was arrested Thursday in Giessen. The former is suspected of killing 36 people prior to arriving in Germany, Deutsche Welle reported Thursday.
Disgraced journalist charged over bomb threats to U.S. Jewish groups | 03 March 2017 | A disgraced former journalist was charged on Friday with making a wave of bomb threats to Jewish organizations while posing as an ex-girlfriend in retaliation for breaking up with him. Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis, the first case to emerge from a federal investigation into a surge of threats against Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) and schools that has rattled American Jews...U.S. authorities are examining more than 100 threats made against JCCs by phone this year, which appear unrelated to the Thompson allegations.
Trump signs revised travel ban in bid to overcome legal challenges | 06 March 2017 | President Donald Trump signed a revised executive order on Monday banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States but removing Iraq from the list, after his controversial first attempt was blocked in the courts. The new order, which takes effect on March 16, keeps a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. It applies only to new visa applicants, meaning some 60,000 people whose visas were revoked under the previous order will now be permitted to enter.
'Like McCarthyism': Lavrov slams US 'witch hunt-like' scrutiny of Russian ambassador's contacts | 03 March 2017 | With Russian Ambassador to the USA Sergey Kislyak's contacts with members of the Trump administration under scrutiny, Moscow won't apply a tit-for-tat approach to US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov promised. Lavrov said the whole situation resembled the days of McCarthyism. [It does.] Kislyak recently found himself under the US media spotlight with reports of his communications, first with former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and then with Attorney-General Jeff Sessions.
US House intel panel approves scope of probe into 'Russian activities in US elections' | 02 March 2017 | The House Intelligence Committee has agreed on parameters of its investigation of alleged Russian meddling into the 2016 presidential election. Without naming President Donald Trump in its announcement, the panel said it would look into "links between Russia and individuals associated with political campaigns or any other U.S. Persons." House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R) and ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff (D), both of California, agreed on the terms of the investigation, according to an announcement Wednesday evening.
Pro-Trump, anti-Trump protesters clash in Berkeley | 04 March 2017 | Arguments heated up in Berkeley as demonstrators on both sides of the debate over President Donald Trump's policies clashed Saturday afternoon. People participating in the "March 4 Trump" demonstration to show support for President Trump were met by members of the group "By Any Means Necessary," and other protesters, which had planned a counter-demonstration. Berkeley police officers were keeping a close eye on the demonstrations, but video shared on Twitter showed shouting matches erupting and getting physical between the two groups.
Trump: Sessions 'did not say anything wrong' | 02 March 2017 | President Donald Trump stood by Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday, releasing a statement saying Sessions did not make any misleading statements under oath during his confirmation hearings, but that he could have been more accurate in his responses to lawmakers. "Jeff Sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional," Trump said.
Dem lawmaker apologizes for crude remark about Kellyanne Conway | 05 March 2017 | A Democratic congressman apologized Sunday for a joke he made about a controversial photo featuring Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway. Richmond, a Louisiana Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, made the remark at the Washington Press Club Foundation's congressional dinner Wednesday evening. During his speech, Richmond referenced a controversial photo showing Conway kneeling on an Oval Office couch during a gathering.
Kellyanne Conway slams Democratic congressman for his demeaning joke that she looked 'familiar' on her knees on the Oval Office couch --Conway vented her disappointment in his 'sexist, unfunny' joke on Twitter | 03 March 2017 | A Democratic congressman has sparked outrage by joking that Kellyanne Conway looked 'familiar' on her knees on the Oval Office couch. Cedric Richmond, the congressman for the 2nd District of Louisiana, made the joke at a dinner in Washington DC on Wednesday. 'She really looked kind of familiar in that position there,' said Richmond, he told the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner awkwardly as he delivered his speech. Conway took to Twitter to say she was outraged by the 'sexist and unfunny', sharing her disappointment that not more people felt the same. Richmond drew hardly any laughs as he delivered the joke on Wednesday night.
Polls show Trump doing well, despite media's narrative | 01 March 2017 | Recent polling numbers bode well for President Trump, despite the media's narrative. Shame of it is, you likely haven't heard or read much about them as media coverage ignores any positive news as it pertains to this president. "The default narrative is always negative, and it's demoralizing," Sean Spicer said. "When we're right, say we're right. When we're wrong, say we're wrong. But it's not always wrong and negative." ...Are positive stories about the Trump administration falling victim to the bias of omission?
Dow breaks above 21,000 as stocks hit all-time highs after Trump's speech; financials lead | 01 March 2017 | U.S. equities traded sharply higher on Wednesday, with the Dow Jones industrial average climbing above 21,000 for the first time, on the back of President Donald Trump's speech to Congress. Trump's speech, which was delivered Tuesday night, was widely praised for its positive tone but lacked specifics about tax reform and deregulation, two key components of the market's postelection rally. The Dow advanced more than 200 points with Goldman Sachs contributing the most gains. The 30-stock index first closed above 20,000 on Jan. 25.
President Trump's Congress speech - full text | 28 Feb 2017 | PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP'S ADDRESS TO A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS
Remarks as prepared for delivery. (Transcript)
Robots sent to clean up Fukushima nuclear site keep dying due to sky-high levels of radiation | 05 March 2017 | A Japanese company tasked with cleaning up Fukushima, the site of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, has admitted that its attempts to probe the site are failing repeatedly due to incredibly high levels of radiation...The latest attempt to harvest data on Fukushima failed after a robot designed by Toshiba to withstand high radiation levels died five times faster than expected. The robot was supposed to be able to cope with 73 sieverts of radiation, but the radiation level inside the reactor was recently recorded at 530 sieverts. A single dose of one sievert is enough to cause radiation sickness and nausea; 5 sieverts would kill half those exposed to it within a month, and a single dose of 10 sieverts would prove fatal within weeks.
Cuomo's decision-makers skip multi-billion dollar bailout hearing on three failing N.Y. nuclear reactors --Taxpayers to fork over several billion dollars in corporate welfare | 06 March 2017 | A state-approved bailout of three upstate nuclear power plants was the focus of a legislative hearing Monday, but New York's top energy officials declined to attend. The state Assembly held a hearing Monday on the state's "zero-emissions credit" plan, which kicks in on April 1 and will require ratepayers across the state to pay several billion dollars over 12 years to keep open the three aging plants, including the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant near Rochester. The hearing, however, was absent the key decision-makers in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) administration who were behind the initiative.
Bird flu found in Tennessee chicken flock on Tyson-contracted farm | 06 March 2017 | A strain of bird flu has been detected in a chicken breeder flock on a Tennessee farm contracted to U.S. food giant Tyson Foods Inc, and the 73,500 birds will be culled to stop the virus from entering the food system, government and company officials said on Sunday. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said this represented the first confirmed case of highly pathogenic H7 avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry in the United States this year. It is the first time HPAI has been found in Tennessee, the state government said.
Britain detects bird flu on premises in eastern England | 03 March 2017 | Britain said on Friday it had detected bird flu on premises in eastern England during routine checks carried out following the confirmation of the virus at a nearby farm. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) said the virus had been detected on the separate premises after a confirmed case of H5N8 avian flu was found at a poultry farm near Redgrave in Suffolk. Defra said the UK's Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer had said the proactive culling of around 55,000 birds would take place to prevent the spread of the virus which has been found in wild and farmed birds in the UK since December 2016.
G.O.P. Repeal Bill Would Cut Funding for Poor and Taxes on Rich | 06 March 2017 | Republicans in the House have performed major surgery on the Obamacare replacement plan they circulated a few weeks ago. But compared with the Affordable Care Act, the new plan still shifts a lot of benefits from the poor to those who earn more. Legislative language for what House leaders call the American Health Care Act, released Monday evening, would substantially cut back funding to states that cover poor adults through their Medicaid program. It would cut back on financial assistance for relatively low-income insurance shoppers above the poverty line. It would offer new financial benefits for the upper-middle-class and the rich.
Supreme Court scraps case on transgender bathroom rights | 06 March 2017 | The Supreme Court on Monday sent a dispute over a Virginia transgender student's bathroom access back to a lower court, without reaching a decision. The court vacated the current dispute after the Trump administration withdrew support for an Obama administration order supporting transgender students. In returning the case, the justices opted not to decide whether a federal anti-discrimination law gives high school senior Gavin Grimm the right to use the boys' bathroom in his school.
Supreme Court scraps case on transgender bathroom rights | 06 March 2017 | The Supreme Court is handing a transgender teen's case back to a lower court without reaching a decision. The justices said Monday they have opted not to decide whether federal anti-discrimination law gives high school senior Gavin Grimm the right to use the boys' bathroom in his Virginia school.
Eleven U.S. states to drop suit over transgender bathroom order | 02 March 2017 | Eleven U.S. states have agreed to drop a lawsuit against an Obama administration order for transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice after the measure was revoked by President Donald Trump, a court filing showed on Thursday. In a filing in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the U.S. Justice Department said the states, led by Texas, had agreed to drop the lawsuit, and it was dropping its appeal against a federal judge's August stay on the Obama directive. In their suit in May, the states said Democratic President Barack Obama's administration overstepped its authority by ordering public schools to let transgender students use bathrooms matching their gender identity, rather than their birth gender, or risk losing federal funding.
Poachers break into Paris zoo, shoot rhino dead and steal its horn --Four-year-old rhinoceros named Vince found with three bullets to head at Thoiry Zoo | 07 March 2017 | A rhinoceros at a zoo near Paris was shot three times in the head on Monday night by poachers who then cut off its horn with a chainsaw. The four-year-old rhinoceros, named Vince, was found dead by keepers at Thoiry Zoo, to the west of the French capital. One or more poachers are believed to have broken in to the zoo and forced their way into an enclosure where three rhinos lived, reported Le Parisien. [A thousand pities it wasn't the *poachers* with the three bullets to their heads instead of the rhino.]
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