U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Days Before He Was Fired, Comey Asked ..." & Identity Politics of Trump; AHCA/Trumpcare" & "Sign the petition: Fight for $15 in Congress" and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: Days Before He Was Fired, Comey Asked for Money for Russia Investigation
  • FW: Help me spread the word about suspending Jared Kushner's security clearance!
  • FW: Robert Reich just announced: By my count…
  • FW: Identity Politics of Trump; AHCA/Trumpcare
  • FW: Powerful
  • FW: A blatant difference in priorities
  • FW: Eventbrite has a hate group problem
  • FW: Tech Stories of Interest: Keep Chats Private; Software Tells How FB Posts are Targeted; Cloudfare
  • FW: Sign the petition: Fight for $15 in Congress


Days Before He Was Fired, Comey Asked for Money for Russia Investigation

By MATTHEW ROSENBERG and MATT APUZZO - The New York Times - Wednesday, May 10, 2017

WASHINGTON — Days before he was fired, James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in money and personnel for the bureau's investigation into Russia's interference in the presidential election, according to three officials with knowledge of his request.

Mr. Comey asked for the resources during a meeting last week with Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who wrote the Justice Department's memo that was used to justify the firing of the F.B.I. director this week.

Mr. Comey then briefed members of Congress on the meeting in recent days.

The New York Times
View the Full Site



From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Help me spread the word about suspending Jared Kushner's security clearance!

It is time to remove these TRAITORS from office!

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Elizabeth Miller
Subject: Help me spread the word about suspending Jared Kushner's security clearance!

Thank you for signing my petition to suspend Jared Kushner's top-secret security clearance.

When I started this petition two weeks ago, we already knew that Jared Kushner had failed to disclose multiple meetings he had with foreign agents, including Russians, while working on the Trump campaign and transition teams.  

Since then, we have learned about conflicts of interest Jared Kushner also failed to disclose on his security questionnaire.  

We've further learned that Jared Kushner's family will use his role in the White House as a presidential advisor to entice investors with the promise of visas, should they choose to invest $500,000 in a Kushner project.

Jared Kushner, at the very least, needs to have his top-secret security clearance suspended until such time as he publicly and completely discloses all meetings he had with foreign agents during the campaign and transition and all conflicts of interest.  He should also be prosecuted for giving false information on his security questionnaire which is a felony that carries a maximum five year prison sentence.

With your help, we've already reached people who care deeply about this issue and want the White House to know that we are going to hold them accountable.

But if we are going to have an impact, it's critical that we get 500,000 signatures before we deliver the petition to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Background Investigations Bureau.

With your help, we can reach our goal!

Can you please share this link with five of your friends right now:

Want to make a donation to help support petitions on MoveOn.org? Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year to support MoveOn—which is how we're able to keep our petition website free and support campaigns like this one. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: BREAKING (via BOLD Democrats)
Subject: Robert Reich just announced:


Political scientist Robert Reich just announced:

By my count, there are now four grounds to impeach Trump. - Robert Reich


Every minute Trump remains in office, the safety and security of our country is in danger.


Chip in $5 right now to help us IMPEACH Trump:


Trump has sent our nation careening toward disaster.

He's lied repeatedly to the American people, threatened our relationships with allies, and attacked our freedoms.

And there's a VERY REAL chance he's guilty of treason for colluding with a foreign enemy to hijack our election.

When will this end??

It won't. Not unless you play your part.

Become a part of this historic movement to impeach Trump.
Pitch in any amount RIGHT NOW to take him down:




From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Identity Politics of Trump; AHCA/Trumpcare

Recent articles re: Trump administration and health care legislation:


From: Chelsea, Eric, Adrianna, and the rest of the team, ActBlue
Subject: Powerful

When Trumpcare went to a vote last week, there was a huge reaction to the news that the bill would likely pass.

Folks started reaching out to members of the ActBlue team on social media, looking for ways to channel their anger and disgust. Someone had to act quickly in order to make that possible.

So that's what we did. In a matter of hours, we set up one form where donors could contribute to all 217 Democrats who will run against Republicans that voted for Trumpcare in the 2018 general elections.

Our infrastructure is built so that we're able to accomplish something like that, but that's only because of the donors like you who sustain our work. We're a nonprofit and we couldn't do any of our work without your support. Will you chip in $10 a month to support our fundraising tools?

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/massiveresponse

When supporters were looking for a way to fight back, we were able to provide it.

The huge amount of money raised on ActBlue last week made national news. The massive response from grassroots donors made people around the country take notice, and analysts are already talking about the implications the bill could have for 2018 GOP campaigns.

This grassroots movement is a powerful one, and as more donors and groups get involved with resisting the Trump administration, we'll be here offering our support to everyone involved.

As a nonprofit, we just need you to support our work. Can you chip in with a monthly contribution?

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/massiveresponse



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: A blatant difference in priorities


Tap dancing as fast as they could, these craven GOP toadies attempted to make yesterday's hearing about ANYTHING other than its stated purpose. The bullshit which they put on public display was positively stunning, at times, but, and often quite laughably, they were simply no match for the likes of Yates and Clapper.

As this writer so succinctly states, "This insistent, all-encompassing bullshit is disorienting and a little stunning; neither our media nor our political institutions are really fit to contend with it. But eventually, if only after a great deal of carnage, the fog lifts and reality reasserts itself. When it does, it won't just be Trump who is revealed in all his bare disgrace."  



From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: Eventbrite has a hate group problem

Hey! I just signed this Color Of Change petition and thought you should too!

Eventbrite - the world's largest platform for selling event tickets -is making tens of thousands of dollars a year selling tickets to events hosted by hate groups and featuring enablers of white supremacy like Milo Yiannopoulos and Richard Spencer.

CEO Julia Hartz talks about being a people-centered company but if Eventbrite truly cares about people, then why do they continue to profit from groups whose rhetoric is explicitly tied to the recent rise in violent hate crimes?

Demand Eventbrite permanently cut white supremacists off from their platform. https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/eventbrite-stop-sponsoring-hate-groups/?sp_ref=301053337.176.180778.e.0.2&source=em_sp



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: Tech Stories of Interest: Keep Chats Private; Software Tells How FB Posts are Targeted; Cloudfare

Tech stories of interest



From: Murshed Zaheed, Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Sign the petition: Fight for $15 in Congress

CREDO action

Tell Congress: Time for a $15 minimum wage

Petition to Congress:
"Stop attacking workers and instead pass the Raise the Wage Act, which would give more than 40 million Americans a raise by increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2024."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Tell Congress: Time for a $15 minimum wage

In just the first 100 days, Trump and Republicans in Congress have made it easier for employers to hide fatal injuries, blocked an increase in overtime pay, pushed a bill cutting pay for workers on federal infrastructure projects and making it harder for workers to organize, allowed Wall Street to exploit workers who plan to retire, pushed a fast food CEO for labor secretary, and gave federal contractors a free pass to endanger their workers.1

It is nothing less than a war on workers – and now, progressive champions Rep. Keith Ellison and Sen. Bernie Sanders have united Democrats to push a bold alternative. They recently introduced a bill to gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.2

Every sign of support for this bill exposes Trump's true agenda and shows that progressives have bold solutions, so we need to get behind it in a big way.

Tell Congress: Time for a $15 minimum wage. Click here to sign the petition.

While Trump was refusing to pay contractors and scamming students these last years, workers have been organizing. They stood up to intimidation, surveillance, threats and the risk of losing their livelihood in order to "fight for $15." Because of their bravery and determination, a $15 minimum wage has gone from being a progressive priority to an idea embraced by dozens of Democrats who have co-sponsored the bills in the House and Senate.3

The average age of a minimum wage worker is 36. Many are over 55, and many have families. Raising the minimum wage does more than help teenagers working summer jobs – it would raise the wages of more than 40 million Americans. Women, African-Americans and Latinos would disproportionately benefit from raising the minimum wage, as structural racism and sexism leaves these Americans too often locked in jobs that pay less than $15 per hour.4

By forcing giant companies to share their obscene profits instead of spending them on stock buybacks to benefit rich shareholders, a $15 minimum wage would boost the economy and fight income inequality. Today, a parent working full time at the minimum wage could still be living in poverty.5 That's unacceptable, and that's exactly what this bill would stop.

Trump pretended to support a minimum wage boost during the 2016 campaign, and now Democrats are calling his bluff. We need to stand alongside them.

Tell Congress: Time for a $15 minimum wage. Click here to sign the petition.

The $7.25 minimum wage today is worth less in real dollars than it was in 2009 when it was last raised. The Raise the Wage Act would immediately raise the wage to $9.25 and then steadily increase it to $15 by 2024, even as it institutes new protections for tipped workers and helps people with disabilities.6

Trump likes to pose as a populist, but his meager successes in life have come from scamming people. Democrats need to drive home a bold, unapologetic pro-worker message to expose his hypocrisy – and to do that, we need to drum up grassroots support for bills like this one.

Tell Congress: Time for a $15 minimum wage. Click below to sign the petition:


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. Heidi Shierholz and Samantha Sanders, "How President Trump and congressional Republicans are undercutting wages and protections for working people," Economic Policy Institute, April 19, 2017.
  2. Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Raise the Wage Act," accessed May 1, 2017.
  3. Bryce Covert, "Democrats are now all on board with a $15 minimum wage," ThinkProgress, April 26, 2017.
  4. Sen. Sanders, "Raise the Wage Act."
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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