U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, June 23, 2016

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Hillary is headed to Cincinnati with Senator Warren" & "Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action ..." & "Social Security surplus is ..." and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.

·         FW: Hillary is headed to Cincinnati with Senator Warren

·         FW: POTUS & John Lewis (INSPIRING)

·         FW: Munsup, meet Dante

·         FW: Self-righteous anger imploded

·         FW: Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action Program at University of Texas

·         FW: Thank you, Bernie

·         FW: New bill to undo Citizens United! (need your name on this)

·         FW: I'm with her. I need you to be, too

·         FW: BREAKING: Social Security surplus is $2.8 trillion and growing


From: Hillary for Ohio
Subject: Hillary is headed to Cincinnati with Senator Warren

Ohio has a big role to play in this election, and no one knows that better than Hillary.

She's coming to Cincinnati with Elizabeth Warren on Monday to talk about their shared commitment to building an America that is stronger together and an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top -- and you should be there.

RSVP now to be in the room:

WHAT: Join Hillary and Elizabeth Warren in Cincinnati!
WHEN: Monday, June 27th, 2016
Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
WHERE: Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

We made history in the primary by putting a big crack in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America -- this November, we Ohioans can help Hillary break right through.

Let's show Hillary we have her back in Ohio -- RSVP now to join her and Elizabeth Warren on Monday:


Paid for by Hillary for America, a grassroots campaign of 1.3 million donors committed to electing Hillary Clinton (and keeping Donald Trump out of the White House).

Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.



From: ALERT (via DCCC)
Subject: POTUS & John Lewis (INSPIRING)

WOAH -- this is INSPIRING!

President Obama just stood in solidarity with John Lewis and Americans EVERYWHERE as they occupied the House floor.

The President is right -- we NEED action on gun violence.

And if the Republicans won't act -- WE. MUST. DEFEAT. THEM.

We want to get 19,134 more gifts in the door. Will you pitch in $26?


Thank you,

Paid for by the DCCC | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 | (202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the DCCC are not tax deductible.


From: Guy Cecil
Subject: Munsup, meet Dante

Dante is a seventeen year old Nevadan who at age one, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on his spine. He's spent his whole life fighting back, and his ability to overcome life's challenges is an inspiration to me. Dante wants our next president to be someone who inspires him -- not someone who makes fun of him.

Donald Trump's mocking of someone with a disability was a troubling look into what type of President he would be. The "Stop Hate" campaign is about standing up to bullies like Trump who mock the disabled, call women pigs, and try to divide us, one against another. Dante is absolutely right when he says we need a president who inspires us, and that's not Donald Trump.

We're proud to be launching our "Stop Hate" campaign with so many great partners in a coordinated effort to stop the spread of hate in our country and to #StopTrump from ever becoming our president.

Watch "Dante" here and be sure to forward to a friend who wants to help stop hate:



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Self-righteous anger imploded



From: Norman Edwards
Subject: FW: Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action Program at University of Texas

Supreme Court Upholds
Affirmative Action Program at University of Texas

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to a race-conscious admissions program at the University of Texas at Austin, handing supporters of affirmative action a major victory.

The decision, Fisher v. University of Texas, No. 14-981, concerned an unusual program and contained a warning to other universities that not all affirmative action programs will pass constitutional muster. But the ruling's basic message was that admissions officials may continue to consider race as one factor among many in ensuring a diverse student body.

The decision, by a 4-to-3 vote, was unexpected. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the author of the majority opinion, has long been skeptical of race-sensitive programs and had never before voted to uphold an affirmative action plan. He dissented in the last major affirmative action case.

Supporters of affirmative action hailed the decision as a landmark.

"No decision since Brown v. Board of Education has been as important as Fisher will prove to be in the long history of racial inclusion and educational diversity," said Laurence H. Tribe, a law professor at Harvard, referring to the Supreme Court's 1954 decision striking down segregated public schools.

Roger Clegg, the president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, which supports colorblind policies, said the decision, though disappointing, was only a temporary setback.

"The court's decision leaves plenty of room for future challenges to racial preference policies at other schools," he said. "The struggle goes on."

President Obama hailed the decision. "I'm pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the basic notion that diversity is an important value in our society," he told reporters at the White House. "We are not a country that guarantees equal outcomes, but we do strive to provide an equal shot to everybody."

Justice Kennedy, writing for the majority, said courts must give universities substantial but not total leeway in designing their admissions programs.

"A university is in large part defined by those intangible 'qualities which are incapable of objective measurement but which make for greatness,'" Justice Kennedy wrote, quoting from a landmark desegregation case. "Considerable deference is owed to a university in defining those intangible characteristics, like student body diversity, that are central to its identity and educational mission."

"But still," Justice Kennedy added, "it remains an enduring challenge to our nation's education system to reconcile the pursuit of diversity with the constitutional promise of equal treatment and dignity."

Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor joined Justice Kennedy's majority opinion. Justice Elena Kagan, who would probably have voted with the majority, was recused from the case because she had worked on it as solicitor general.

In a lengthy and impassioned dissent delivered from the bench, a sign of deep disagreement, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. denounced the court's ruling, saying that the university had not demonstrated the need for race-based admissions and that the Texas program benefited advantaged students over impoverished ones.

"This is affirmative action gone berserk," Justice Alito told his colleagues, adding that what they had done in the case was "simply wrong."

Under the University of Texas' admissions program, most applicants from within the state are admitted under a part of the program that guarantees admission to top students in every high school in the state. This is often called the Top 10 Percent program, though the percentage cutoff can vary by year.

The Top 10 Percent program has produced significant racial and ethnic diversity. In 2011, for instance, 26 percent of freshmen who enrolled under the program were Hispanic, and 6 percent were black. The population of Texas is about 38 percent Hispanic and 12 percent black.

The case challenged a second part of the admissions program. Under it, remaining students from Texas and elsewhere are considered under standards that take into account academic achievement and other factors, including race and ethnicity. Many colleges and universities base all of their admissions decisions on such grounds.

In Grutter v. Bollinger in 2003, the Supreme Court endorsed such free-standing holistic admissions programs, saying it was permissible to consider race as one factor among many to achieve educational diversity. Writing for the majority in that case, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said she expected that "25 years from now," the "use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary."

Justice Kennedy's decision left Grutter intact.

Thursday's case was brought by Abigail Fisher, a white woman who said the university had denied her admission based on her race. She has since graduated from Louisiana State University.

"I am disappointed that the Supreme Court has ruled that students applying to the University of Texas can be treated differently because of their race or ethnicity," Ms. Fisher said in a statement on Thursday. "I hope that the nation will one day move beyond affirmative action."

When the court last considered Ms. Fisher's case in 2013, supporters of affirmative action were nervous. But the court deferred conclusive action in what appeared to be a compromise decision.

In his dissent on Thursday, Justice Alito said the court had reversed itself. "Something strange has happened since our prior decision in this case," he wrote.

When the second iteration of the case was argued in December, Justice Kennedy suggested that the court might again send it back to the appeals court. On Thursday, though, he said that would have been a waste of time.

"A remand would do nothing more than prolong a suit that has already persisted for eight years and cost the parties on both sides significant resources," he wrote. "Petitioner long since has graduated from another college, and the university's policy — and the data on which it first was based — may have evolved or changed in material ways."

Justice Kennedy then methodically rejected Ms. Fisher's arguments. He said the university's diversity goals were not amorphous but "concrete and precise," satisfying the constitutional requirement that government racial classifications advance a compelling interest.

Justice Alito described those goals — concerning "the destruction of stereotypes," promoting "cross-racial understanding" and preparing students "for an increasingly diverse work force and society" — as slippery and impervious to judicial scrutiny.

Justice Kennedy wrote that the university was justified in saying that the Top Ten Percent plan did not alone produce sufficient diversity, adding that the holistic part of the admissions program "had a meaningful, if still limited, effect on the diversity of the university's freshman class."

He said the Top Ten Percent program had built-in limits.

"An admissions policy that relies exclusively on class rank creates perverse incentives for applicants," he wrote. "Percentage plans 'encourage parents to keep their children in low-performing segregated schools, and discourage students from taking challenging classes that might lower their grade point averages,'" he added, quoting from an earlier dissent from Justice Ginsburg.

"Wherever the balance between percentage plans and holistic review should rest, an effective admissions policy cannot prescribe, realistically, the exclusive use of a percentage plan," Justice Kennedy wrote.

Justice Kennedy's majority opinion was 20 pages long. It elicited a furious 51-page dissent from Justice Alito, joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Clarence Thomas.

Justice Alito said the majority opinion helped affluent African-American students and hurt Asian-American ones.

"Even though U.T. has never provided any coherent explanation for its asserted need to discriminate on the basis of race, and even though U.T.'s position relies on a series of unsupported and noxious racial assumptions," he wrote, "the majority concludes that U.T. has met its heavy burden. This conclusion is remarkable — and remarkably wrong."

Sherrilyn Ifill, the president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc., said the decision was gratifying.

"Universities all over the country are breathing a sigh of relief," she said. "The court very compellingly reaffirmed the importance of diversity.



From: Matt, Ilya, Iram, Emily, Mark, Victoria, and the rest of the MoveOn for Bernie team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: Thank you, Bernie

The Bernie Sanders campaign has been truly extraordinary. It has upended the conventional wisdom about what's possible politically in America and has inspired millions of people to get involved in their communities.

Please take a minute today and check out the below infographic celebrating the incredible work MoveOn members have done these last 6 months.

We're also collecting stories and pictures from MoveOn members across the country thanking Bernie for his courageous campaign and we'll deliver them to Bernie later this summer. Click here to submit your picture and thank you message to Bernie.

How MoveOn members helped power the Bernie Revolution

Our Early Support Helped Bernie Win a Virtual Tie in Iowa and a Landslide Victory in New Hampshire.

We Showed Up in Every State to Make Calls, Knock On Doors, and Host Events.

We Helped Shape the Narrative and We Dominated Social Media.

The Struggle Continues. Thank you, Bernie

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


From: Rio Tazewell, Government By the People Campaign Manager; PFAW.org
Subject: New bill to undo Citizens United! (need your name on this)

Tell Congress to Support the WE THE PEOPLE ACT!

We The People

Our democracy needs you now.

add my name

When the Senate this week defeated a set of incredibly popular bills aimed at sensible gun violence prevention, gun industry lobbyists and the NRA's millions of dollars in election spending thwarted the will of the American people.

It was just the latest example of the iron grip corporate special interests have on our politics as long as the status quo in election spending and influence peddling is allowed to remain intact.

We The People can do something about it, though. We The People can fight back.

To help us do it, allies in Congress have introduced the We The People Act to enact the democratic reforms that will restore true Government By the PEOPLE.

Sign the petition: Tell Congress you support the We The People Act now>>

The naked corruption we've seen on display as our democracy has morphed into oligarchy has been brought to you by the Supreme Court majority in Citizens United and the other decisions that have burst open the floodgates for unlimited big money in our elections…

It's being protected right now by the (overwhelmingly Republican) lawmakers who continue to resist any and all legislative remedies aimed at creating more transparency and empowering everyday voters and small-dollar donors over the wealthy and corporate elite.

The "We The People Act" would strengthen our democracy, with reforms such as:

  • Amending the constitution to overturn disastrous Supreme Court rulings like Citizens United.
  • Making government more accountable through campaign disclosure and transparency.
  • Strengthening lobbying laws to limit special interest influence in Congress.
  • Closing the revolving door between Wall Street banks and the government agencies that regulate them.

Tell Congress you SUPPORT these reforms and more -- urge them to PASS the We The People Act!>>



From: Elizabeth Warren
Subject: I'm with her. I need you to be, too

I haven't been in the Senate for long, but I've learned: If you don't fight, you can't win. And I'll be honest, when things get tough, too often our side just folds and gives up.

But not Hillary Clinton. For 25 years, she's been on the receiving end of attack after attack. She didn't whimper. She didn't whine. She's always fought back with grace and determination – and no matter how many punches she took, each time she came out fighting stronger.

This is one of reasons I'm with Hillary -- and if you're with her too, chip in to get your free sticker right now.

Hillary is a fighter. Throughout this campaign, she has said she'll hold Wall Street accountable, raise the minimum wage, protect and expand Social Security, and help students graduate from college without being buried in debt. She'll fight for women's rights and LGBT rights and immigrant rights and civil rights. That's Hillary's agenda, and it is a progressive agenda.

We need a candidate who fights for the right values -- and who isn't afraid to fight back against right-wing lunatics trying to undermine progress in our country. Because let's be honest, the Republicans have nominated the looniest of the right-wing lunatics to become our country's next Commander-in-Chief.

Donald Trump is a man who built his campaign on racism, sexism, and xenophobia. A man who got rich while declaring bankruptcy, skipping out on what he owed to others, and scamming people. A man who is a small, insecure, moneygrubbing bully who doesn't care who gets hurt, so long as he makes a buck off it. A man who should never, ever be allowed to set foot in the White House.

So here's the deal: Hillary is smart as a whip, and she's a tough cookie. She can take Donald Trump's attacks and nasty name-calling. But if she's going to win in November – if we are going to win in November – then she cannot do it alone.

It's going to take all of us fighting hard to make sure Donald Trump gets NOWHERE near the White House. Hillary will fight her heart out to level the playing field for working families. That's why I'm with her -- and that's why we all need to be with her:

Hillary is a fighter Paid for by Hillary for America, a grassroots campaign of 1.3 million donors committed to electing Hillary Clinton (and keeping Donald Trump out of the White House).

Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.


From: Alex Lawson, Social Security Works

Subject: BREAKING: Social Security surplus is $2.8 trillion and growing

Social Security's board of trustees just released its annual report on the health of the trust fund. The report shows that Social Security's surplus is $2.8 trillion and growing, and that less than one penny on every dollar is being spent on administrative costs.

Yet Wall Street billionaires and Republicans in Congress will distort today's report and renew their calls to dismantle our Social Security system brick by brick.
They think Social Security's average annual benefit of just $14,375 is too generous.

Help us pre-empt the Wall Street attacks by donating to Social Security Works today.

Express Donate

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your secure donation will go through immediately:

Over Social Security's 80 years, it has grown into the most successful social insurance program in our country's history. 
Seniors, veterans, disabled workers, children and surviving spouses rely on its modest benefits every single day.

And thanks to you, we have changed the national discussion around Social Security away from cuts and toward expansion. In fact, expanding Social Security has become the established position of the Democratic Party.

Wall Street sees this and they are running scared. They know their window to privatize and steal our Social Security benefits is closing.

Help slam the door shut on Wall Street's attempts to cut and privatize Social Security. Donate to Social Security Works today!

Together we can expand Social Security for millions of Americans and address the looming retirement income crisis and rising levels of income and wealth inequality.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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