U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, October 28, 2016

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


·         (Oct. 29) FW: If you against hatred, please join us.

·         (Oct. 29) FW: Sign up for your volunteer shift now. Swing state voters need to hear from you!


·         FW: Announcing - 2017 Hero/Shero of Health Award Nominations Are Open

·         FW: Sign our Petition: No More Pre-K Suspensions

·         FW: Community Health Improvement Plan Newsletter (6 month update)


From: islom shakhbandarov
Subject: If you against hatred Please join us. Please share this as much as you can.



From: Daily Kos Stop Trump
Subject: Sign up for your volunteer shift now. Swing state voters need to hear from you!

We know why Trump is dangerous. He is a threat to our democracy pure and simple.

Trump has done away with all pretense and is now his campaign is proudly proclaiming that have big voter suppression plans to help him win the election. All the while, he's claiming that when he loses it will be because Hillary Clinton stole the election.

We need to make sure that Democratic voters get out and make their voices heard loud and clear. We need to make sure that Hillary Clinton's victory is decisive. We cannot let Donald Trump tear this country apart with fake outrage because he just can't cut it.

The United Against Hate campaign is ramping up efforts and hosting over 400 canvasses in swing states this weekend, October 29 and 30. Sign up for your shift now!

United Against Hate Garden Station Canvass to Defeat Trump!
Start: October 29, 2016 - 1:00 PM
Click here to RSVP
Dayton, OH 45402

Join Daily Kos and MoveOn to Get Out the Vote with United Against Hate to defeat Trump. Attend an event in your area.

Want to help but can't volunteer? Chip in $5 to help Daily Kos Get Out the Vote.

While we stand strong against Donald Trump, we can't forget that the House and Senate are both in play and we have a chance to turn Congress blue. That means President Clinton could push progressive policies without Republican trickery and obstruction.

Sign up for a volunteer shift to make sure we have leaders in the White House and Congress working for our values and priorities.

Can't volunteer? Chip in $5 to help Daily Kos get out the vote.



From: School To Prison Pipeline On Behalf Of Prof. Vernellia Randall

The Intergenerational Impact of Slavery, Segregation
and Racism on the Health of Descendants of
Africans Enslaved in the United States (DAEUS)

Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)

The link will be email to you after registration.

Racial health disparities, particularly maternal health, are a significant issue. In this session, Professor Randall will: (1) describe the relevant health status of Black Americans to White Americans (with specific attention on maternal and neonatal health); (2) define race and racism; (3) explain the role of race and racism in health disparities; (4) explain the interaction of embedded social/ racial inequalities and personal behavior on health status with particular attention on the impact of intergenerational racial stress; (5) discuss discrimination in health care and it role in health disparities; and (6) discuss the role of the law in eliminating racism and discrimination.



From: Cheryl Scroggins, Community Coordinator, Dayton Council on Health Equity, Public Health  -  Dayton & Montgomery County
Subject: Announcing - 2017 Hero/Shero of Health Award Nominations Are Open

Public Health is now accepting nominations from the community for individuals to be considered for the Hero/Shero of Health Award.
The person nominated must be a person who lives in Ohio and who assists or serves Montgomery County residents, and is working to improve minority health.
April is Minority Health Month – a 30-day campaign to recognize those who are unsung Hero/Shero's of Health, and a time to promote healthy eating, healthy living, and healthy lifestyles geared toward the minority community.
The Hero/Shero of Health Award recognizes a person who serves others in a way that contributes to the overall health of the minority community. The Hero/Shero of Health award honors the hard work, special achievements, and good deeds of "unsung heroes."   Many individuals are overlooked because they are not widely known or work behind the scenes at smaller organizations. Nominations are open to anyone working to improve the overall health condition of minorities.
Deadline to Submit Nominations: Friday, December 2, 2016 at 4:30 pm
Please see the attached packet for information about the Nomination Process.
For more information, contact Cheryl Scroggins at (937) 225-4962 or cscroggins@phdmc.org.
No nominations can be accepted after the deadline.



From: Racial Justice NOW!
Subject: Sign our Petition: No More Pre-K Suspensions

Sign our Petition To:
Senator Peggy Lehner , 6th Ohio Senate District, Chair of the Senate Education Committee

Tell Ohio Senate: No More Pre-K Suspensions



Sign Our Petition HERE


From: Dawn L. Ebron, MS, MPH, CPH, Community Health Improvement Planning Supervisor & Epidemiologist, Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County
Subject: Community Health Improvement Plan Newsletter (6 month update)

Six months have passed since we began the implementation phase of the Community Health Improvement Plan(CHIP). While much of the first 6 months has been spent getting organized, we have been able to make progress in several areas of our CHIP. Most importantly, Montgomery County is beginning to truly embrace the concept of Collective Impact. With the entire community aligning their efforts to focus on a specific problem, while using a common agenda and measures of success, we will begin to see an improvement in birth outcomes, chronic diseases, and access to behavioral health services. 

Please take a moment to read the CHIP - 6 month update newsletter! (Copied Below!)

Many of the Implementation Teams for the CHIP Priority Goals are just getting started. While we still want Stakeholders to find a place on a team, we need input from community members and organizations, local businesses, and local government to ensure this is a "community" plan. If you know of someone in the community that would like to participate, please have them contact me.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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