[mpen-dayton] FW: "I was beaten and left for dead" & "Welcome to Donald Trump's America & "Hitler's Reaction" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: I was beaten and left for dead
· FW: Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio this Thursday
· FW: Church pastor: The truth about my late-term abortion
· FW: Welcome to Donald Trump's America
· FW: Don't do that laundry
· FW: ABC News just announced:
· FW: How A Disgraced Congressman Sexting a Child Led to the FBI Reopening Investigation into Clinton
· FW: Hitler's Reaction
· FW: Help us plan our next steps
· FW: Zoot Suit Riots by abagond
· FW: Antigovernment militia group vows to patrol polls on Election Day
· FW: Trump U Values Threaten Higher Ed
From: John Lewis
Subject: I was beaten and left for dead
For over 50 years, my friends and I have fought for the right to vote. I was imprisoned, beaten, and left for dead because I stood up for that fundamental right.
So when I hear Donald Trump say he might not accept the results of this election -- I get chills down my spine.
We simply must defeat Donald Trump. We must defeat his hate, his cynicism, and his bigotry. And we need to do it by a landslide.
I need you to do your part. Chip in $5 or whatever you can right now:
Chip in $5 right now: http://go.boldpac.com/Chip-In
We've come too far to allow hate to triumph.
We've come too far to allow bigotry and cynicism to drag us back to a time when some Americans couldn't vote without fear of violent retribution.
A time when women couldn't make their own healthcare decisions and LGBT Americans couldn't marry the person they love.
We've come too far -- and we can't let Donald Trump take us back.
I need you. Hillary needs you. Your country needs you.
Chip in $5 right now: http://go.boldpac.com/Chip-In
From: Jason Tengco; National Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Outreach Director, Hillary for America
Subject: FW: Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio
Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio
On Thursday November 3, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont will campaign in Ohio for Hillary Clinton. At public events in the Mahoning Valley and Cincinnati, Sanders will discuss Clinton's plans to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and Donald Trump's plans, which would benefit himself and other millionaires and billionaires like him.
Sanders will say let's raise the minimum wage to a living wage, let's make public colleges and universities tuition free, let's end a broken criminal justice system, and let's defeat Trump and make Clinton our next president.
Additional details about these events will be released soon. Members of the public interested in attending the Mahoning Valley event should RSVP here. Members of the public interested in attending the Cincinnati event should RSVP here.
Media interested in covering these events should RSVP here.
ontributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Detroit Free Press: Church pastor: The truth about my late-term abortion
From Detroit Free Press
Church pastor: The truth about my late-term abortion
Elections are supposed to be about real people — and not the ones whose names appear on the ballot. They are supposed to be about all of us, the policies that will impact our lives in tangible ways and the choices we make about the country we want to be.But this year, we have watched a major candidate for our country's highest office demean and slander whole categories of American citizens. We have watched him make offensive, outrageous claims about real people and real decisions that everyday Americans face. People like me. Decisions like mine.What sent me to my computer to write is late-term abortion. As I heard Donald Trump talk about babies being "ripped" from their mothers' wombs, as if ending a pregnancy is a reckless, irresponsible afterthought, my outrage poured down my face in angry tears. In those moments, Trump, who has never been pregnant and presumably has navigated this far in his life without undertaking any difficult, gut-wrenching, gray-area decisions, used my own pain — deep, deep pain — to advance his political agenda.
From: Michael Keegan; President, People for American Way
Subject: Welcome to Donald Trump's America
While the news media has been focused almost exclusively on the innuendo storm around emails from a Clinton aide's computer, more ugly examples of Trumpism's impact on our politics have been happening all over the country but largely passing under the radar.
In North Carolina, incumbent GOP Senator Richard Burr, who is up for re-election, joined the trend among Trump Republicans -- started by Trump himself -- of seemingly cheering on gun violence against Hillary Clinton.
Burr was recorded over the weekend saying, "nothing made me feel better" than seeing a magazine about rifles "with a picture of Hillary Clinton on the front of it," but he "was a little bit shocked at [sic] that -- it didn't have a bullseye on it."
Burr also said, "if Hillary Clinton becomes president, I am going to do everything I can do to make sure four years from now, we still got an opening on the Supreme Court," and, referring to the stalled Merrick Garland nomination, boasted that he is responsible for the "longest judicial vacancy in history."
And this from someone who hasn't even been considered one of the most extreme Republicans in the Senate!
Sadly, Burr is just one example.
White supremacists have been more energized by Donald Trump than any other modern political candidate and they are active in this election -- funding their own pro-Trump ads in several states. In Utah, where independent conservative candidate Evan McMullin is attracting a good deal of Republican support, one white nationalist leader is funding a new robo-call that tries to hurt McMullin by highlighting that his mother is a lesbian!
The call says, "Evan has two mommies … His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is OK with that." And it suggests that that McMullin himself is a "closet homosexual."
Every aspect of this reeks of the damage Donald Trump has done to our political discourse -- a political ad going after a candidate's MOTHER … rooted in hate … and funded by a white nationalist…
This is not the American Way we love and fight to defend.
We're at the precipice. And the only way to save our country from this sort of extremism is to defeat Trump and Trump Republicans RESOUNDINGLY on Election Day.
Our programs are designed to turn out the most crucial voters to progressive victory in the states that will decide the presidency and the majority in the US Senate.
But there's just ONE WEEK to go and all the polls have tightened.
We need your help now more than ever. PLEASE dig deep and chip in what you can -- even if you've already given -- to help us win this one.
Our country needs you now.
P.S. If you donated recently and are still receiving this email it's because we feel these updates are still important and could be valuable to you. Your support and continued attention to our updates are greatly appreciated!
From: Victoria, Matt, Erica, Kaili, and the rest of the United Against Hate team, MoveOn.org
Subject: Don't do that laundry
There are just seven days left to avoid Trumpocalypse, elect our first woman president, along with a new Senate majority, and ensure a progressive Supreme Court for the next 30 years. This isn't business as usual: The outcome is far from clear, and the stakes could not be higher.
So, don't do that load of laundry. (I haven't.) Turn that homework in late. (Tell your teacher it's to save our democracy.) Order pizza for dinner. (You'll burn it off knocking on doors.) Tell that new cutie that you had fun on your date and that you'll see them after you send Trump packing. (Or invite them to canvass with you—nothing says romance like helping to elect our first woman president together!)
Whatever you do, don't wait for a how-could-this-possibly-have-happened-Brexit-style-shock on November 9, and then think about all the things that could have waited while you did your bit for democracy. Do your part, starting right now. You'll be so glad you did.
Here's a canvass event near you—can you make it?
Dayton Area Canvass to Defeat Trump!
Monday, November 7, 4:00 PM
Miami Valley Progressive Caucus office
Dayton, OH
RSVP: http://act.moveon.org/event/gotv_canvass_attend/4632/signup/?t=3&akid=172598.1195276.7o6SUk
Or look for canvasses near you during the final GOTV push:
Saturday, November 5
Sunday, November 6
Monday, November 7
Tuesday, November 8 (Election Day!)
Not sure about your schedule? Commit to helping between now and Election Day, and an organizer will be in touch to find a time that does work.
Together MoveOn members in eight key states, including Ohio, have knocked on more than 100,000 doors and talked to 25,000 voters face-to-face. But before this race is over, we're going to speak to hundreds of thousands more in one-on-one conversations that could determine whether these voters turn out—and who wins on November 8.
With polls tightening, even a few voter conversations could make the difference. That's why your time knocking on doors is so valuable—and why the other stuff can wait until November 9.
Sign up for a canvass now.
Saturday, November 5
Sunday, November 6
Monday, November 7
Tuesday, November 8 (Election Day!)
Don't know when you can make it, but still want to help? Sign up here to let us know you're interested.
Want to support MoveOn's work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "I'm so enthusiastic about MoveOn's smart and targeted plan to hire a network of organizers in key battleground states to mobilize and train volunteers to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors. It's bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House, and build the power we need to win progressive change after the election." Will you chip in to help make it all possible?
Click here to chip in $100, or whatever you can afford.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: ⚠ NEWS FROM ABC - EndCitizensUnited.org
Subject: ABC News just announced:
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: How A Disgraced Congressman Sexting a Child Led to the FBI Reopening Investigation into Clinton
From: Sang Kang
Subject: FW: Hitler's Reaction
From: Matt, Ann, Scott, Anna, and the rest of the team, MoveOn Elections Team
Subject: Help us plan our next steps
Election Day is around the corner and we're curious about what you're thinking and feeling regarding the presidential race.
Will you take just a moment to fill out this short survey and help us plan our next steps? This isn't a formal vote. It's just a way to get a sense of what MoveOn members are thinking around the country.
Click here to take the survey.
Want to support MoveOn's work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "I'm so enthusiastic about MoveOn's smart and targeted plan to hire a network of organizers in key battleground states to mobilize and train volunteers to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors. It's bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House, and build the power we need to win progressive change after the election." Will you chip in to help make it all possible?
Click here to chip in $100, or whatever you can afford.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Zoot Suit Riots by abagond
History lesson...outside of school
Zoot Suit Riots
Sat 29 Oct 2016 by abagond
The Zoot Suit Riots (1943) took place in Los Angeles and lasted for about a week. It started out as fighting between White US servicemen and pachucos, Mexican Americans who wore zoot suits. But soon Mexican, Black and Filipino Americans were being beat up whether they wore zoot suits or not. And Whites, some of them off-duty policemen, were helping the servicemen. Amazingly, no one was killed.
Zoot suits had a long jacket, wide lapels and baggy trousers with tight cuffs (pictured below). They were sometimes worn with a long chain and a wide-brimmed hat. It was a Black American fashion that soon became a Mexican American one.
Pachucos were Mexican Americans who wore zoot suits, listened to jazz, had their own slang, hairstyles, dances and so on. Their female counterparts were pachucas. Like many youth subcultures, it offered them an oppositional identity counter to their (square Mexican) parents and the (racist Anglo American) mainstream.
The White press stereotyped pachucos as hoodlums, as part of a crime wave from Mexico.
Servicemen: Los Angeles by this time had tons of servicemen from all over the country, fresh out of boot camp, going off to fight Japan in the Second World War. On any given weekend, 50,000 were on the streets of LA. And the Navy had a base right in the middle of a Mexican neighbourhood. Fighting between White servicemen and Mexicans became a fact of life. And then it got worse:
On June 3rd sailors broke into the Carmen Theater and went after those wearing zoot suits, tearing off their suits and beating them up. The police did little, so with each passing night it got worse. What started out a just a few servicemen became hundreds then a thousand, roaming the streets and bars and cinemas looking for pachucos to beat up.
The police would arrive after an attack and arrest – the victims.
The press made the servicemen into heroes. It gave helpful instructions on how to tear off zoot suits and burn them. The Los Angeles Times ran headlines like this:
"Zoot Suit Chiefs Girding for War on Navy"
After a while you did not even have to be wearing a zoot suit – or even be Mexican. One Black man was pulled off a streetcar and had an eye gouged out with a knife.
The Mexican government protested to the US State Department.
Military authorities, with the permission of city government, stepped in and restored order. The next day the city outlawed the wearing of zoot suits on the street.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt:
"The question goes deeper than just [zoot] suits. It is a racial protest. I have been worried for a long time about the Mexican racial situation. It is a problem with roots going a long way back, and we do not always face these problems as we should."
Or, as the Los Angeles Times put it:
"Mrs. Roosevelt Blindly Stirs Race Discord."
– Abagond, 2016.
Subject: Antigovernment militia group vows to patrol polls on Election Day
Oath Keepers promise to monitor polling locations for voter fraud on Election Day
The Oath Keepers, an antigovernment militia group driven by paranoid conspiracy theories, called on its members this week to monitor polling locations for voter fraud on Election Day. The group's leader claims the effort is intended to ensure the election is not "stolen" from the American people. Studies show that voter fraud is virtually nonexistent. The real danger is that armed militiamen might intimidate voters.
Hate group leaders use Twitter to broadcast vitriolic agendas
A recent study found that a small population of racists and Internet trolls is responsible for anti-Semitic harassment against Jewish journalists on Twitter. A number of hate group leaders and organizations, including David Duke and the American Nazi Party, promote their toxic messages on the social media platform, but Twitter generally fails to ban abusive users.
In honor of the SPLC's 45th anniversary, please make an extra gift today to support our work fighting hate and seeking justice. |
From: Rudy Fichtenbaum, AAUP President
Subject: Trump U Values Threaten Higher Ed
"You can stop living paycheck to paycheck, build your retirement account and pay cash for your dream car. . . . . I'm going to help you take your first step to create the life you've dreamed of. Follow me and let's get you enrolled."
If that sounds more like a carnival huckster than a university course description, there's a good reason. That's straight from the Trump University handbook.
Election Day will be an important turning point for the direction of higher education. As we careen towards November 8th, the onslaught of rhetoric is enough to make anyone consider participating in a month-long zen retreat just to bask in the sound of silence. But instead, most of us remain at our jobs, teaching, doing research, and creating an environment that fosters learning and academic freedom. In short, doing work that stands in stark contrast to the sleazy corporate values that Trump University represented.
Sign the pledge. Stand against the Trump "University" version of higher education.
Whatever the outcome of the election, the AAUP will fight every day, as we have for over a hundred years, to ensure that our system of higher education is focused on quality education, not profit. We believe universities should be places where students are taught to think critically, not treated as marks for a hustle. Join us.
Whether Trump is elected or returns to the private sector, corporate values like those embodied by Trump University threaten our system of higher education.
Sign the pledge. Stand against the Trump "University" version of higher education.
Pass the pledge on.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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