[mpen-dayton] FW: "Trump's Budget Undermines ..." & "White Nationalism goes mainstream ..." & "Tell Visa: No money for white supremacists" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: Trump's Budget Undermines Science, Education & the Public Good
- FW: 9-11 Legal Action
- FW: You, us and Muslim Advocates
- FW: They banned her from the championship game because she wears a hijab
- FW: White Nationalism goes mainstream, for the 21st Century
- FW: 'Recovering Republican', on roadblocks to Universal Health Care
- FW: Tell Visa: No money for white supremacists
- FW: Flint Official Escapes Imprisonment, Only Has to Write Apology Letter
- FW: Because we care
From: American Association of University Professors
Subject: Trump's Budget Undermines Science, Education & the Public Good
President Trump released an initial budget proposal Thursday containing deep cuts that would severely damage scientific research, the arts and humanities, and access to higher education.
The budget proposal includes a cut of nearly 20 percent to National Institutes of Health funding and deep cuts to research programs at the Department of Energy, Department of Education, and other government agencies. It decimates funding for climate change research and programs within the Environmental Protection Agency and completely eliminates the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The repercussions of these cuts, if enacted, would be very serious for faculty, our students, and the public.
Cuts to student aid are also severe, and disproportionately affect students of color and working class students. The proposal slashes work-study programs, grants for low-income college students, and programs that prepare disadvantaged students for college. It robs Peter to pay Paul by moving $3.9 billion in surplus Pell Grant funds to noneducational uses.
While we aren't surprised by this proposal--just one in a string of politically motivated attacks on higher education--we are dismayed by it. This is not a design for the world class system of higher education that Americans have come to expect. It is, instead, a design that will undermine the world's finest system of higher education and further harm low-income college students. It is not in the interest of the American people.
The AAUP has long supported teaching, research, and student access to higher education, including expanding opportunities for students of color. We believe that colleges and universities are a public good and learning and the search for truth are vital for a functioning democracy.
We will continue to fight for these programs, and we rely on you, our members, for support.
From: Barton F Bruce
Subject: 9-11 Legal Action - PLEASE look at this
The following is the link to a change.org petition which is self explanatory please sign and help circulate.
I may be confused, but after signing it, I took the request for $$s to be going to change.org to send the request to sign to more people which may not be a bad idea, but I decided to instead send money to:
as they know best how they want it spent, and, as an IRS 501(c)(3), money to them should be fully tax deductible.
From: Trish Tobin; Vice President of Marketing, CREDO Mobile
Subject: You, us and Muslim Advocates
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational group dedicated to promoting freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths. CREDO is a strong ally of Muslim Advocates, and their work fighting Donald Trump's unconstitutional Muslim ban is critical, now more than ever. We're also proud that CREDO members voted to donate more than $21,000 to Muslim Advocates in our recent December donations election.
Public Advocacy Director of Muslim Advocates Scott Simpson will be visiting CREDO headquarters at 1 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday, March 21 to talk about the organization's current campaigns to counter hate and protect vulnerable communities during the Trump era. We'll be broadcasting the visit on Facebook Live and want you to join us.
You can RSVP for the live broadcast here.
What: Muslim Advocates' Public Advocacy Director Scott Simpson to present on countering hate in the Trump era
When: Tuesday, March 21 at 1 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. ET
Where: WATCH LIVE at facebook.com/CREDO
We want you to be a part of this important visit. Mark your calendar and join us on Facebook Live!
I hope to see your likes, questions and comments.
From: Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Anika, Jade, Evan, Corina, the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: They banned her from the championship game because she wears a hijab.
Tell the NFSHSA to stop targeting Muslim teenagers now!
They banned her from playing in the championship game because she was wearing a hijab.
Sixteen year old, Je'Nan Hayes had spent months perfecting her basketball game--unrelentingly practicing dribbling and shooting every day with her beloved team mates after school. As a practicing Muslim, she wore a hijab every single day--but that didn't stop her from playing in 24 games throughout the season. That was set to change on the day of the big championship game. The anticipation was high, with the shouts of proud parents and the smell of gym shoes and popcorn in the air. As Je'Nan stood for the National Anthem, her excitement grew--this was the moment she had been waiting for all season. The moment all of her hard work would pay off. But as the game started, Je'Nan never got off the bench. There she sat--watching as every single member of her team got to participate in the championship game. Her spirits sank lower as she watched her team suffer a defeat--but nothing prepared her for her coach pulling her aside after the game and gently breaking the news as Je'Nan sobbed: the referee wouldn't let her play in the game because she wore a hijab even though she'd played in every game that season.1
Tell the National Federation of State High School Associations to lift the ban on hijabs now!
The referee was enacting an anti-Muslim rule in the National Federation of State High School Associations' handbook which outlaws religious headwear unless the player has a signed waiver from the state. But in a country built on the principles of religious freedom, it's outrageous that there's a rule that inherently singles out Muslim teenagers and other religious minorities--why should they need permission to wear garb that is essential to the practice of their faith? Especially because there has never been a recorded incident of a hijab being a safety hazard during a basketball game. And even the state governing body is backing Je'Nan up, stating that she should have been allowed to play in the game. But as long as the rule exists, it leaves Muslim students open to irregular enforcement by referees who may or may not be anti-Muslim. No child should be denied the fruits of their labor due to religious practice. That's why it's time for the National Federation of State High School Associations to stop targeting Muslim teenagers and lift the ban on hijabs and other religious headwear now.
Tell the National Federation of State High School Associations to stop targeting Muslims and other religious minorities and lift the ban on hijabs now!
The NFHS targeting Muslim teenagers shouldn't be taken lightly--it's a policy that's simply stoking the flames of anti-Muslim bigotry that have reached a terrifying height since Donald Trump was elected. Since his election, hate crimes have already risen to a level not seen since 9/11.2 And the Trump administration has already tried to implement two Muslim bans--halting immigration, and even tourism from Black and Brown Muslims. The National Federation of State High School Associations must lift the ban on hijabs now.
No more anti-Muslim bigotry. Tell the National Federation of State High School Associations to lift the ban on hijabs.
Now, more than ever, governing bodies like the NFHS that claim to advocate for all student-athletes, must responsibly wield the enormous power they hold. As they are the supervisory organization over high school athletics, the National Federation of State High School Associations can either normalize--or stigmatize students of marginalized religions, countries of origin, and ethnicities. They must take this responsibility seriously and create an equitable playing environment for all student-athletes. Tell them to lift the ban on hijabs now, so no more students have to endure what Je'Nan Hayes did: putting in all of the hard work to win a championship, only to have her dreams ripped away from her--just because she's Muslim.
Tell the National Federation of State High School Associations to lift the ban on hijabs now!
- "After playing all season, Maryland girl held out of basketball game for wearing a hijab." Washington Post, 13 March 2017. https://coc.actionkit.com/go/7596?t=8&akid=7128.239715.nUqbP7
- "Post-election spate of hate crimes worse than post-9/11, experts say." USA Today, 12 November 2016. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/7095?t=10&akid=7128.239715.nUqbP7
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: White Nationalism goes mainstream, for the 21st Century
The Party's continued silence speaks volumes....
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: 'Recovering Republican', on roadblocks to Universal Health Care
From: Rashad Robinson
Subject: Tell Visa: No money for white supremacists
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover - are processing funds for some of the vilest white supremacist groups.
White supremacist hubs like Stormfront are able to easily receive funding from their members because these companies are allowing them to. And thanks to transaction fees, these companies are making money every time someone donates to these hate groups.
Each of these companies has built a brand committed to diversity and inclusivity - but all of that is meaningless as long as they process payments for groups directly responsible for the skyrocketing number of hate crimes. These payment processing companies have cut off other hate groups in the past, it's time for them to step up and cut all white supremacist groups from their financial resources.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
White supremacist platforms like Stormfront have played a major role in the recent and rapid rise in anti-Black, anti-Jewish and anti-LGBTQ hate crimes in the last year and a half. On these platforms, they plotted to turn their hatred into violence. "They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water-treatment plants, and power grids," reports the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The radicalization occurring on these platforms has helped to cause anti-Muslim hate crimes to skyrocket nearly 67% over the last year — a proliferation unprecedented in recent times. Stormfront users have also been disproportionately responsible for some of the most lethal hate crimes and mass killings since the site was put up in 1995. In the past decade alone, Stormfront members have murdered close to 100 people.
Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express should not be helping to fund groups inspiring hate crimes and murder.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
The hate groups receiving money processed by these companies represent the full range of white supremacy. Everything from skinheads and robed klansmen to the rapidly rising white supremacist think tanks that mask the same old beliefs in academic-sounding language and expensive suits.
But no matter how great their reach on social media, or how inspired they feel by Trump and his allies, these groups still need substantial financial resources to operate their online platforms. If we can cut off hate groups from easily accessible online funds, we might just be able to bring a few of these racist hubs down.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
Want to make a donation to help support petitions on MoveOn.org? Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year to support MoveOnâ€"which is how we're able to keep our petition website free and support campaigns like this one. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.
From: Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Evan, Jade, Anika, Yeshi, Corina, the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: Tell Visa: No money for white supremacists
Credit card companies should not be funding hate g
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover - are processing funds for some of the most vile white supremacist groups.
White supremacist hubs like Stormfront are able to easily receive funding from their members because these companies are allowing them to. And thanks to transaction fees, these companies are making money every time someone donates to these hate groups.
Each of these companies has built a brand committed to diversity and inclusivity - but all of that is meaningless as long as they process payments for groups directly responsible for the skyrocketing number of hate crimes. These payment processing companies have cut off other hate groups in the past, it's time for them to step up and cut all white supremacist groups from their financial resources.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
White supremacist platforms like Stormfront have played a major role in the recent and rapid rise in anti-Black, anti-Jewish and anti-LGBTQ hate crimes in the last year and a half. On these platforms, they plotted to turn their hatred into violence. "They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water-treatment plants, and power grids," reports the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The radicalization occurring on these platforms has helped to cause anti-Muslim hate crimes to skyrocket nearly 67% over the last year — a proliferation unprecedented in recent times. Stormfront users have also been disproportionately responsible for some of the most lethal hate crimes and mass killings since the site was put up in 1995. In the past decade alone, Stormfront members have murdered close to 100 people.1
Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express should not be helping to fund groups inspiring hate crimes and murder.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
The hate groups receiving money processed by these companies represent the full range of white supremacy. Everything from skinheads and robed klansmen to the rapidly rising white supremacist think tanks that mask the same old beliefs in academic-sounding language and expensive suits.
But no matter how great their reach on social media, or how inspired they feel by Trump and his allies, these groups still need substantial financial resources to operate their online platforms. If we can cut off hate groups from easily accessible online funds, we might just be able to bring a few of these racist hubs down.
Demand Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express take immediate action to cut hate groups off from their financial service platforms.
1. "SPLC Report: Nearly 100 Murdered by Stormfront Users," SPLC, April 17, 2014. https://coc.actionkit.com/go/7575?t=7&akid=7129.239715.Vkqwt9
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: [Where in the world is Michael Moore ... ??!] "Flint Official Escapes Imprisonment, Only Has to Write Apology Letter" | naked capitalism
[The Flint water crisis has been going on for several years. But except for a blip when this human-made, Israeli zionist-like act of potential genocide was first made public, I don't recall any explosive and righteous public condemnation from Michigan native son, Michael Moore - at least not to the extent and frequency as when he expressed his disappointment and outrage at President Obama.
On the other hand Moore, who initially made it a point to chart the reasons against candidate Hillary Clinton in comparison to candidate Bernie Sanders, went on a very public campaign in support of this same Hillary when she became the Dem nominee.
Last year Moore spent a great deal of time stumping for a candidate whom he acknowledged early on had serious flaws.
Granted the prospect of a Trump presidency was chilling, but surely the actual fact of what Flint and other Michigan officials had done, and were continuing to do with the Flint water supply, rated at least the same level of ongoing public outrage and protest from Michael Moore.
In the past Moore has written more letters to the public about his movies than he has said or written about the Flint water crisis.
My point is that I can't help wondering if Michael Moore had been just as visible, vocal, and diligent in generating national concern and support by speaking for the Flint victims at the same time, and as vigorously as he did on behalf of Hillary Clinton, would the Flint case have resulted in greater justice for Flint MI residents.
D'ya think maybe he's saving all of his passion and concern for his next movie ...??!]
Read article from Naked Capitalism below.
" ... On the one hand, flipping lower level officials to go after the big dogs is a classic prosecution strategy. But on the other (and this may be a gap in the reporting, not in the actual deal-making), the prosecution seems to be going awfully slowly, which is never a good sign for prosecutors and plaintiffs.
And more specifically, my impression is that there are usually carve-outs in cooperation deals, whereby if the party ceases being helpful, other charges may be levied. I don't see any sign that that happened here."
From: Ari Wohlfeiler, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: Because we care
JVP members can't all come to Chicago the weekend of March 31 - April 2nd for our National Member Meeting - but we care deeply about you being a part of the movement we're building.
So we've created an (affordable and easy) way for you to hear some of the most cutting-edge thinkers and organizers in our movement:
Ta da! The NMM Virtual Pass cometh to you.
So don't miss: Phyllis Bennis analyzing the policy scene, or Melanie Yazzie breaking down connections between colonialism in the US and Israel.
Also Sunday afternoon catch the closing plenary featuring Linda Sarsour, Rasmea Odeh, Nyle Fort, and Rabbi Alissa Wise.
Get every plenary and featured workshop live: click here to register today for an NMM Virtual Pass.
The full schedule is below - check it out and then click through to reserve your pass for just $18.
JVP National Member Meeting Virtual Pass Schedule:
Featuring: Rebecca Vilkomerson, Fadi Quran, Robin DG Kelley, Judith Butler
Friday 8 PM
Featuring: Efrat Yerday, Lubnah Shomali, Dianna Buttu, Rachel Gilmer, Stefanie Fox
Saturday 9 AM
Featuring: Kristian Davis Bailey, Mohammad Khatib, Melanie Yazzie, Kalia Abiade, Ari Wohlfeiler
Saturday 2 PM
Featuring: Nyle Fort, Linda Sarsour, Rasmea Odeh, Rabbi Alissa Wise
Sunday 3:45 pm
Featured Workshops
Featuring: Reuven Abergel, Barbara Ransby, Nick Estes, Farid Esack, Hatem Abudayyeh, Asaf Shalev
Saturday 11-12:30 AM
Featuring: Lesley Williams, Dima Khalidi, Bina Ahmad, Tarek Abuata
Saturday 4-5:30 PM
Featuring Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari, Henri Picciotto, Debra Goldstein, Kat Macías, Bekah Wolf
Sunday 2-3:15 PM
Featuring: Tallie Ben Daniel, Aurora Levins-Morales, Arthur Goldwag, Linda Sarsour, Brant Rosen, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Mark Tseng Putterman
Sunday 10-11:30 AM
Featuring: Katherine Franke, Phyllis Bennis, Nadine Naber, Nadia Hijab
Sunday 12:30-1:45 PM
It will bring you a slice of probably the most important part of the NMM: a chance to feel the inspiration, determination, and hope that animates everything you do.
Click here to reserve your Virtual Pass today.
Jewish Voice for Peace is a national membership organization inspired by Jewish tradition
to work for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all the people of Israel and Palestine.
Become a JVP Member today! Donate!
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