U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, March 27, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.

P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         (April 1) FW: 2016 Minority Health Month Kick-off

·         (April 4) FW: MLK Dayton Inc.'s April 4 Observance by MLK Dayton, Inc.

·         (April 4) FW: Season for Non-Violence

·         (April 9) FW: Dayton Children's Hem/Onc 5k and Kid's 1 Mile Run

·         (April 9) 2016 Ohio Mathematics Contest at Wright State University
                (with Cash prizes & scholarships & Math/Magic/Music Show)


From: Scroggins, Cheryl
Subject: 2016 Minority Health Month Kick-off, April 1

Let’s have a great Kick-off Celebration of April – Minority Health Month!

Friday, April 1, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Kettering Tower Lobby. There will be a live remote radio broadcast with WDAO – 1210AM Radio.

·         Free Hepatitis C, Cholesterol, blood pressure, and confidential HIV. Also, free substance abuse, gambling addiction, and nicotine/tobacco screenings.

·         Health services and community resource exhibitors.

·         All attendees will receive a free tote, water bottle, and more!



Subject: MLK Dayton Inc.'s April 4 Observance by MLK Dayton, Inc.




From: Colette Harrison
Subject: Season for Non-Violence

We would appreciate it if you can distribute this far and wide. Let's make this the beginning of a new era of understanding and collaboration in all aspects of our community's life which fosters greater community appreciation and engagement as we work together to tackle the issues highlighted as well as others.

Be the Change!

5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Monday, April 4, at Grace United Methodist Church, 1001 Harvard Blvd., Dayton
(Downstairs Parlor Room - Handicap access from Harvard Ave entrance and parking)
CONTACT: Colette Harrison 937-274-7009 UnityInDiversity_2015_Dayton@yahoo.com

This event, co-hosted by the Dayton Season for Nonviolence Initiative and the Dayton Move to Amend affiliate, will begin at 5:00 p.m. with refreshments and opportunities to learn about local organizations working to improve the lives of people in the Dayton area.

A Season for Nonviolence is a national 64-day educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal, transform, and empower our lives and our communities. Begun in 1998, and inspired by the memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this international event honors their vision for a nonviolent world.

Ms. George Friday of Move to Amend will speak on “Community Engagement and Social Change”around 7:00 p.m. She will be preceded by several community activists at 6 p.m. with presentations and community discussion on the issues of education, economic disparities and food deserts, criminal justice, and race relations.

Move to Amend is comprised of diverse groups dedicated to ending legal doctrines that prevent US citizens from exercising democracy. Hundreds of organizations have endorsed Move to Amend, and more than 400,000 people have signed Move to Amend Petition.


From: Larrilyn Yelton; Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State
Subject: Dayton Children's Hem/Onc 5k and Kid's 1 Mile Run

Are you interested in jump starting that summer beach body this spring while also raising money for an incredible cause?

Come out to the “In it for the Long Haul DCH/BSOM Hem/Onc 5k and Kid's 1 mile Run”
      on April 9 at 9 a.m. in Beavercreek Rotary Park
All proceeds will benefit Dayton Children's Hematology/Oncology Department.

Register for the run >>

Not quite up for a 5k but still want to donate? Donate online >>



2016 Ohio Mathematics Contest

Saturday April 9, 2:00 – 6:00 pm
Registration Begins at 12:30 pm

The Contest (OMC) is organized by the Dayton Branch of Korean-American Scientists and
(KSEA) hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
and awarded by President David R. Hopkins at the Wright State University (WSU)

The pre-registration will end on Saturday, April 2.
You may register online
here (choose Dayton-OH among listed locations)
or mailing the attached registration form after filling it out.
(Please don’t choose Ohio and Southwest Ohio,
since those are in Columbus and Cincinnati!)

2016 Cash Awards & Scholarships

Cash Prizes
Grades 4–8: 1st place, $100; 2nd Place, $75;3rd place, $50
9–11: 1st place, $150; 2nd place, $100; 3rd place, $50
All students will receive participation certificates.

The top three winners in grades 9, 10, and 11 will receive
the following scholarships:
place, $2,500; 2nd place, $1000; 3rd place, $500.

are applied to undergraduate tuition at Wright State University
and are renewable for up to four years if recipients maintain good academic standing.
may win in multiple years and accumulate the scholarship amounts.

For more information, please visit www.wright.edu/OMC

Just before the award ceremony at 5:00 pm, there will be a talk entitled Math/Magic/Music:


By Raghavendra N Bhat, from India

Ever wanted to do high speed math?
Ever wanted to predict the days of the week?
Ever wondered how math is used in music?


Tabla playing + Mental Calculations + Mathematical Magic

Raghavendra from India is going to show you how math can be fun, games and interesting.
Calculator (To cross check him if you don’t trust him)
Your phones (Switched off)

Special Thanks to:
Dr Arthur Benjamin (Inspiration)
Late Srinivas Ramuanujan (Inspiration)
Dr Narasimha Bhat (Dad, Guide, Teacher, Inspiration)
Prof. Manjul Bhargava (Inspiration)
Mrs. Shashikala Bhat (Mom, Guide, Teacher)
Prof. KT Arasu and Prof. Munsup (Organizers)

The whole show is about an hour (Unless you ask too many questions).
Everything you see is done live without any pre-planning.
Most things are genuinely done without any hidden tricks.

What to expect: Magic Squares, Multiplication, Music and Puzzles


End of MPEN e-Newsletter

Thursday, March 24, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "A dangerous drumbeat" & "What we heard at AIPAC" & "Bernie Sanders" & "Only for Donald Trump?!" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.

P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW: A dangerous drumbeat

·         FW: The deep end

·         FW: What we heard at AIPAC

·         FW: Elizabeth Warren vs. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

·         FW: "Sanders Looks West as National Poll Gives Him 'Whopping' Lead over Trump"

·         FW: Join Tammy Duckworth to Turn the Senate Blue

·         FW: Sign here: Senate leaders need to do their job and give Garland a vote.

·         FW: Only for Donald Trump?!

·         FW: VIDEO: Trump incites violence


From: Alex Lawson; Social Security Works
Subject: A dangerous drumbeat

In the recent Presidential debate, moderator Dana Bash asked the candidates about Social Security. In her question, Bash cited the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget when she noted, falsely, that "Social Security is projected to run out of money within 20 years."

Why does the media repeat phony claims that Social Security won't be there? They rely on Wall Street-funded think tanks like the Third Way and the CRFB. This misinformation leads to a lack of confidence in the entire program.

Join us in calling on CNN to issue an on-air correction and
stop repeating false talking points ginned u
​​p by Wall Street "think tanks."

The framing of this question falls into Wall Street's intended trap. This lack of confidence weakens our most successful social insurance program.

Social Security has a $2.8 trillion surplus. It can pay out 100% of benefits owed to every eligible recipient for the next 19 years and approximately 80% of benefits owed after that. If the wealthiest Americans pay into Social Security at the same rate as everyone else, we can extend the lifespan of the Social Security trust fund and expand benefits for millions of Americans.

We need to take a stand for truthful reporting that recognizes that our Social Security system works. The solution to the retirement income crisis is to expand Social Security, not cut it.

Join us in calling on Dana Bash to issue an on-air correction and stop repeating false talking points ginned up by Wall Street "think tanks."

We are telling our elected officials in Washington exactly where the American people stand. Expand, don't cut Social Security!

Paid for and Authorized by Social Security Works



From: Mike Honda
Subject: The deep end

The Republican presidential candidates have fallen off the deep end.

Instead of reacting with messages of compassion for the victims and survivors of the Brussels and Turkey terrorist attacks, they decided to use the tragedy as a moment to further spew their hatred and bigotry toward our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Ted Cruz said we should "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods." And of course, the original bigot, Donald Trump, agreed.

Our nation is heading down the same path of panic and xenophobia that led to my family's internment during World War II. This is not something we should be aiming to recreate in 2016, but the Republican rhetoric implies otherwise. They are actively trying to move America backward and recreate a culture of fear and racism.

Now more than ever, it is important that we have progressive champions in Congress that will stand up for everyone in this country regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

Normally, this would be where I would ask you to donate to my campaign. But in light of the terror attacks, I'd like to ask you to give to the GoFundMe page created to help the victims.

help brussels TODAY

Paid For By Mike Honda for Congress



From: Ari Wohlfeiler; Deputy Director, Jewish Voice for Peace.
Subject: What we heard at AIPAC

Can you help fund our organizing?

We're fighting back, and proving that Jews and allies stand for justice in all 50 states. Are you with us?

No surprise here: Monday's marathon of speeches at AIPAC was as appalling as it was depressing as it was scary. No matter who was on stage.

But that's AIPAC. And their relationship to war-mongers and Islamophobic demagogues -- whether Pamela Geller or Donald Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu -- has always been one of mutual reinforcement. Together they drive public conversation and public policy to ever lower lows, promoting racist policies from drone strikes to the endless funnelling of billions of dollars in military aid to Israel.

But we're fighting back. We're proving that Jews and allies stand for justice in all 50 states.
And we're just $4,600 from our critical fundraising goal. Can you chip to help us keep fighting for Palestinian human rights?

Over the last two weeks you helped us launch a new phase of stepped-up organizing to defeat this wave of anti-free speech, Islamophobic attacks on our movement.

  • We sent 10,000 emails to Congress opposing the "Combatting BDS Act" with our partners at the Arab American Institute - and another 3,000 pressuring the University of California not to officially define anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
  • We earned 20 unique media hits in the last week that exposed these craven attacks on free speech for what they are: a desperate strike against a growing justice movement. 
  • We helped JVP leaders in 15 states advocate against McCarthyism and for the right to boycott in their state capitols 
  • And we took our message to the streets with actions in DC, Albany, Sacramento, and Columbus, aided by giant truck billboards so many of you helped fund. While AIPAC was rallying inside the DC Convention Center, we projected a message of hope and solidarity nationwide.

This week also reminded us that we can't take our eye off college campuses, even for a second. On top of the 21 states (plus Congress) considering anti-BDS, anti-free speech legislation, the University of California Regents will be voting today on whether to silence political speech by defining anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.

And the CUNY (City University of New York) system is in the center of a maelstrom, with Senate Republicans threatening to cut $900 million in university funding because of the supposed dangers of the BDS movement. Acclaimed writer and academic (and JVP Advisory Board member) Sarah Schulman was hauled in front of a CUNY task force after the far-right Zionist Organization of America drummed up completely spurious, utterly unverified charges of anti-Semitism against her and the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter she advises.

We're under attack, but we're not backing down. We're stepping up.
But we could be doing so much more -- and with your help, we will. Click here to donate to our BDS fighting fund -- we're just $4,600 away from our goal.

This last chunk of our $25,000 fighting fund will make sure we can send rapid response grants to chapters and local coalitions around the country -- places and moments where a well-timed newspaper ad, funds to print education materials, or even just snacks for a lobby day can make all the difference.

When bills like these ones came up last year in Illinois and South Carolina, they were passed unanimously. Not one single legislator spoke up for free speech or the right to boycott. 

But this time we've been able to kill these bills entirely in some states, and can count dozens of elected officials who have voted with us. 

Make no mistake, there's still a long way to go. But I believe we will get there -- until hundreds, and eventually thousands of elected officials stand up to defend free speech and for fundamental changes to US foreign policy. And AIPAC and their friends believe it too. That's why they're spending millions of dollars to stop us now. 

We're working on a shoestring budget, and our organizing team, together with our incredible grassroots leaders and coalition partners, have been going all-out. We need your help to email legislators. To advocate in person. To place op-eds and letters to the editor. To stage rallies and protests. To reach out across communities and build new alliances. 

Because we need to do so much more. Help us take these attacks head-on: even more grassroots organizing. Even more coalition building. Even more victories. Click here to make a donation right now.

Just a small donation goes a long way. $18 prints 250 leaflets. $60 pays for 1000 phone calls in to congressional offices, using our special advocacy software. And $100 gets 2 activists to their state capitol in person, to lobby legislators directly.

Chip in $18, $60, or even $100 now -- and help us suit up against AIPAC, far-right Christian Zionists, and everyone else trying to hold us back.

These are critical times for our movement. We've already come so far, and built power across the country. But if you stand with us, we can do even more.



From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Fwd: Elizabeth Warren vs. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

No, Debbie, No!! EW has the right idea.
From: "Eddie Kurtz, Courage Campaign"  
Subject: Elizabeth Warren vs. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is under attack by the head of the Democratic National Committee. Will you donate to help fight back?



Since U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren got to Washington, she's been going to battle with big banks, Wall Street lobbyists, and Tea Party Republicans.

Now she's being attacked by the head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has just co-sponsored legislation to block Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from cracking down on payday lenders -- the notoriously predatory loan operations that target and exploit people of color and low income people living paycheck to paycheck.(1)

Elizabeth Warren is fighting for all of us -- especially the most vulnerable -- and now she needs us to have her back. Will you make a donation to help us fight with her?

Yes, I'll donate to stand with Elizabeth Warren against predatory payday lenders.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created after the recent financial crash to finally keep a watch on the financial industry scams and ripoffs that hurt customers.

And one of the biggest scammers out there is the payday loan industry.

The average payday loan borrower takes out ten loans and pays nearly 400% in interest and fees.(2) These are people like single working mothers trying to pay for car repairs and school books for their kids. Or a cab driver needing help to cover his mother's funeral costs.

The lenders' entire business model is designed to trap people facing a short-term financial crunch in a long-term spiral of rollover debt.

Why wouldn't Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the DNC, want to crack down on these predatory loan sharks? Maybe it's because she has gotten over $30,000 in campaign contributions from the payday loan industry.(3)

Enough is enough. Elizabeth Warren is fighting tooth and nail to make sure the CFPB is allowed to do its job, but we need to stand with her. Will you donate today?

Yes, I'll donate to stand with Elizabeth Warren against predatory payday lenders.

Thank you for fighting for a fair economy,

Eddie, along with Annie, Emma, Eddie, Ernesto, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Paul, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team)

1. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2658?t=5&akid=2610.2158858.yh753Z

2. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2660?t=7&akid=2610.2158858.yh753Z

3. https://couragecampaign.actionkit.com/go/2659?t=9&akid=2610.2158858.yh753Z


Like what we do? Chip in to help fund the fight for a more progressive nation. Or find us on Facebook or Twitter.
Courage Campaign fights for a more progressive California and country. We are an online community powered by more than 1.2 million members.



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Sanders Looks West as National Poll Gives Him 'Whopping' Lead over Trump"




From: AlterNet
Subject: Join Tammy Duckworth to Turn the Senate Blue

The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Tammy Duckworth for Senate:

http://tammyduckworth.com/files/2014/04/TD-headshot-150326-web-size.jpegWith the GOP Senate leadership vowing to continue their obstructionist tactics indefinitely, now is the time to ensure a Democratic Senate majority in 2016—and flipping the Senate starts with Tammy Duckworth in Illinois.

POLITICO has called incumbent Republican Senator Mark Kirk "The most endangered Republican in the country." This race is Democrats' best chance in the nation to turn a Republican Senate seat blue in November.

It's not surprising. Sen. Mark Kirk has proven again and again that middle-class Americans are not his priority. He put Wall Street first by voting against Dodd-Frank banking reform. He voted against equal pay for equal work for women, and voted to cut childcare to support working moms, as well as nutrition aid for pregnant women.

Families in Illinois need a leader who will advocate for people like them. That's why Tammy Duckworth is running for Senate.

Will you add your name to help Tammy defeat Mark Kirk, the most vulnerable GOP senator?

Tammy will stand up for working families and won't be beholden to corporate interests and billionaires. She'll work to make college more affordable for our students. Tammy is a Veteran who is dedicated to protecting the honor of those who sacrifice for our country every day.

Tammy Duckworth is the type of leader Illinois needs and she will help regain a Democratic majority in the Senate come November. But she needs your support in order to do so.

Join our grassroots campaign to help Tammy defeat Republican incumbent Sen. Mark Kirk and turn the Senate blue. Add your name to stand with her.

Paid for and authorized by Tammy for Illinois;
AlterNet | 1881 Harmon St. Berkeley CA 94703



From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Clarise, Anathea, Audine, Ryan, Shannon, Megan, Kaytee, and Libby, The UltraViolet Team via Daily Kos  
Subject: Sign here: Senate leaders need to do their job and give Garland a vote.

President Obama just announced his nomination to fill the Supreme Court seat: Merrick Garland.

Now that the nominee has been named, the fight for an up-or-down vote is on. The good news is that some Senators are paying a price for insisting on obstruction, and now that someone with Merrick Garland's credentials has been named, if we keep building pressure, it will be even harder to avoid giving the President's pick a fair hearing and vote.

That's why we all need to stand together right now to tell the Senate to give Merrick Garland a vote. It's their job.

Tell the Senate: "Do your job: Give Merrick Garland a fair hearing and an up or down vote."

Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, was on the shortlist for the Supreme Court nomination in 2010, and has nearly 20 years of experience as a judge.

With his moderate record, Garland will be the toughest for conservatives to block from the nomination--but some might still play political games to keep an Obama nomination from going through.

We can't let Senate obstructionists refuse to do their job and leave Scalia's seat vacant. With only eight justices on the bench, the Supreme Court will be unable to fulfill its Constitutional duty. Crucial decisions that impact women's daily lives from abortion access and contraceptive coverage to reducing gun violence and guaranteeing equal pay.

If Senate leaders have their way, Merrick Garland will remain in perpetual limbo until next year. Women just can't wait for the Senate to do its job. Now is the time to speak up and demand that Merrick Garland gets a fair vote.

Add your name.

Paid for by UltraViolet



From: Ashley, Kristin, Donna and the whole MomsRising team 
Subject: Only for Donald Trump?!

Almost $2 billion.

That is the value of the FREE airtime Donald Trump has received from major media outlets so far in this election, according to the New York Times.[1] This is nearly 3 times the amount of earned media generated by Hillary Clinton and more than 5 times as the media has given candidates Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz.[2]

Why is this happening? Some of the media have allowed Trump – and only Trump – to call into television shows, rather than appear in person on camera, whenever he wants and this translates into many more media interviews. Other candidates have been denied this option, which is unfair and undemocratic.[3]

Join us in calling on the major media networks to apply their call-in interview policies equally to all Presidential candidates.

Momentum is growing for this change, particularly among the influential Sunday morning political talk shows. Beginning last fall, Fox News Sunday eliminated the phone-in interview option for all candidates, including Donald Trump.[4] Over the weekend, NBC's Meet the Press host, Chuck Todd, announced that he would no longer allow Donald Trump to call into the show instead of appearing on camera.[5]  Since the beginning of 2015, Trump has appeared in Sunday morning political talk shows 63 times, including 28 times by phone only. This is a media advantage almost exclusively granted to Trump so far in this campaign season.[6]  

Join us in calling on the media to stop treating any candidate differently by giving him or her a huge advantage in free coverage compared to other candidates.

We'll deliver your signatures to all of the TV networks to show that the public supports the shows that are treating candidates fairly and to send a strong message to the networks who have not yet taken a position.

Last week, we called out the tone of the Presidential campaign and the worrying trend of the debates featuring bullying, vulgarity, and other tactics which we don't even want to expose our children to seeing! This unequal coverage by the networks is really not so different. It sends the message that some candidates can play by different rules, with no consequences.

Call on network executives to stop giving any candidate more than his or her share of free coverage by taking phone calls from some while requiring others to appear on-camera.

** Share this action with your friends right now by forwarding this email.  Most people have no idea that the media has been unfair to the other Presidential candidates in this way!  The more signatures we have on our open letter to the media, the greater our chance of getting them to adopt a fair policy and to stick with it!

Together we are a powerful force for children and families,

Note: This is a nonpartisan message that is not intended to favor or disfavor any Presidential candidate but to call upon the mass media to be even-handed and fair in the coverage they provide to all contestants during this election campaign season.

[1] "Measuring Donald Trump's Mammoth Advantage in Free Media," New York Times, Mar. 15, 2016.
[2] "Measuring Donald Trump's Mammoth Advantage in Free Media," New York Times, Mar. 15, 2016.
[3] "STUDY: Trump The Only Candidate To Swamp The Sunday Shows With Phone Interviews," Media Matters Blog, Mar. 18, 2016.
[4] "CBS declines to do Trump phone interview," Politico, Mar. 8, 2016.
[5] "The Mutual Dependence of Donald Trump and the News Media," New York Times, Mar. 20, 2016.
[6] "STUDY: Trump The Only Candidate To Swamp The Sunday Shows With Phone Interviews," Media Matters Blog, Mar. 18, 2016.



From: Ben O., Rivkah, Justin K., Victoria, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: VIDEO: Trump incites violence

Reporters thrown to the ground. Peaceful protesters punched. Innocent people being assaulted on the street by attackers chanting, "TrumpTrumpTrump!"1

Donald Trump has openly incited violence throughout his hate-fueled campaign—yet, he portrays himself as the innocent victim, and too many in the media treat him as an entertainer.

Will you watch and share this two-minute video we produced that already has nearly 4 million views and that shows how Trump, in his own words, is fueling a wave of violence?

Watch this video of Donald Trump inciting violence at his rallies.

The truth is that Donald Trump's not innocent or entertaining—he's dangerous.

The tacit and the explicit permission that Trump has given his supporters to attack people they disagree with is a threat to our entire country—and especially people in communities of color.

Please watch and share this video—and join the peaceful mass mobilization to defeat Trump and his hateful ideas, while showing the diverse, inclusive America we want to build.

P.S. If you're not on Facebook, check out front.moveon.org to go to MoveOn's homepage and watch the video there.

1. "'Trump! Trump! Trump!' attacker allegedly yelled as he beat Hispanic man, Muslim student," The Washington Post, March 14, 2016

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter

Sunday, March 20, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "We're just getting started (Bernie)" & "LOON STAR STATE" & "First Walgreens, now Pfizer?!" & "A budget for the People" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.
P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·        FW: We're just getting started (Bernie)

·        FW: How to fix the Supreme Court

·        FW: LOON STAR STATE & James Crow Esq

·        FW: We're taking democracy back from big monied interests

·        FW: First Walgreens, now Pfizer?!

·        FW: Social Security is the solution

·        FW: A budget for the People (citizen cosponsor opportunity)

·        FW: Why did a Lutheran college just host a Trump rally?

·        FW: "Hillary Clinton just can't win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP"


From: Matt, Emily, Ilya, Mark, and the rest of the MoveOn for Bernie team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: We're just getting started (Bernie)

Just over two months ago, MoveOn members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. Since then this revolutionary campaign has accomplished more than anyone predicted—as The New York Times just reported yesterday, Bernie has a real pathway to victory, a sign of the momentum that has catapulted a long-shot candidate into a serious contender.1

After this past Tuesday, just over half of the states have voted. Here's what MoveOn members have done so far to help power this incredible campaign:

  • More than 78,000 members have donated a total of more than $1,000,000 to the Bernie Sanders campaign through MoveOn.
  • Thousands of MoveOn members have volunteered as event hosts, knocked on doors, made phone calls, and reached millions of friends over social media with MoveOn for Bernie content.
  • MoveOn produced a series of original videos that have been seen by millions. Robert Reich's "Six Responses to Bernie Skeptics" has over 12 million views alone, and episodes of the "O'Keefe Brief" told the story of young voters "feeling the Bern."
  • Hundreds of thousands of MoveOn members signed petitions calling on the Democratic Party superdelegates to respect the will of the voters. And The New York Times editorial board agreed.2
  • We've lifted up the voices of MoveOn members and movement leaders who have endorsed Bernie: Ben Jealous, Keith Ellison, Erica Garner, Raul Grijalva, Susan Sarandon, and many others.
  • We've sent over 300 different email messages to members—including messages tailored to MoveOn members in each and every state that has voted so far.
  • Over 300 media outlets have talked about MoveOn's endorsement of Bernie—including The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and PBS.

And we're just getting started! While some want to prematurely declare this campaign over, the math shows that Bernie still has a path to victory.3 MoveOn members are ready to keep fighting for every vote until the nomination is decided.

Will you volunteer for Bernie?
Yes, I'll volunteer to help Bernie win!

It's halftime of the Democratic primary

As Bernie Sanders continues to win more and more states through June, his campaign will keep defining the race and proving that running as an unapologetic progressive is the way to win.

Look at some of what he's accomplished in the 10 weeks since MoveOn endorsed his campaign and the primary season began in earnest:

  • In January, Bernie was down by 50% in some national polls, and now he's neck-and-neck.
  • Bernie has exceeded polls and expectations across the board, pulling to virtual ties in states he was presumed to lose (Iowa), winning by landslides greater than projected (New Hampshire), and pulling off surprise victories that nobody predicted the day before (Michigan).
  • Bernie has notched record-setting fundraising months with the most individual donors in any presidential primary ever, and the movement is still growing.

And he's doing this because of all of us—the millions of Americans who have stood up to be counted, dug deep to donate, knocked on doors to connect with neighbors, and picked up the phone to be heard by fellow voters.

Will you keep this momentum going by volunteering this weekend at an event near you?

The contested primary is engaging millions of new voters and activists, making whoever is the eventual Democratic nominee better prepared to defeat Donald Trump and the Republicans in November.

So while the corporate media will continue to dismiss Bernie and this movement, we'll continue talking to voters in every state about Bernie's message, and continue building this political revolution. Will you join us and volunteer for Bernie?

Yes, I'll volunteer to help Bernie win!

P.S. You can also search for other nearby volunteer events and offices here.


1.      "'Here's How Bernie Sanders Could Win the Nomination" The New York Times, March 17, 2016

2.      "Superdelegates, Clarify Your Role," The New York Times, February 19, 2016

3.      "'Here's How Bernie Sanders Could Win the Nomination" The New York Times, March 17, 2016

Want to support our work? We're going all out to help Bernie Sanders win the Democratic nomination. Polls across the country show that the race is close, so we really can win. But we can't do it without small-dollar donations from people like you. Click here to chip in.



From: Robert Reich via MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: How to fix the Supreme Court

The United States Constitution is perfectly clear.

By refusing to vote—or even hold a hearing—on Chief Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, GOP senators are abdicating their constitutional responsibility. They're just not doing their job.

Want to know the only thing that can break the GOP's chokehold on the Supreme Court—and end decades of conservative control of the Court? You. Yes, that's right. You.

Will you take two minutes to watch How to Fix the Supreme Court, my latest video with MoveOn, and share it with your family and friends?


The fight for the future of the Supreme Court has huge implications for all Americans. Health care. Women's rights. Fighting climate change. Overturning Citizens United. These are just some of the issues coming before the Court.

There's only one response for MoveOn members in the face of unprecedented GOP obstruction. It's the same winning response you had when Republicans shut down the government because they didn't get their way over the debt ceiling: You hold them accountable.

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by
clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: albert baca
Subject: FW: LOON STAR STATE & James Crow Esq

Old Al knows Texas. In my civilian USAF career, I probably had at least 200 TDY trips to San Antonio. My sister lives in El Paso. A nephew lives in Dallas. My parents are buried in El Paso. Yep, Old Al knows Texas. Even knows who is Gov. I just thought you all would enjoy seeing this one:

Loon Star State
Loon Star State: D.C. Officials Forbid Any Travelers From Texas

Subject: FW: James Crow Esq

This article is worth a read.   It is a pretty good summation of what has been going on since Tricky, St. Ronnie, Daddy Bush, Slick Willie, the Shrub and even the Big O who had a mandate to do more but let the Republicans hood wink him.   For shame.

Notice I left off Carter.   Poor Carter had the misfortune of being bookended by two of the all-time worst presidents.   (Carter's inflation was really Nixon's inflation courtesy of the Arab Oil Shocks and Henry Kissinger.)

Nobody will ever convince me that release of the Iranian hostages was nothing but hanky-panky pulled off by disgruntled former CIA agents trying to help their old boss help St. Ronnie get elected.

Carter also had the misfortune of Big Oil putting the kibosh on his energy policy. Oil, oil, whose got the oil?   We sure as hell need all the oil we can get you know. Solar energy and wind energy be damned. But what about nuclear energy?   Look here:

TO THE ARTICLE: https://sojo.net/articles/4-ways-political-forces-steal-elections-and-how-we-can-stop-it


By Jim Wallis on 03-10-2016

A personal tweet I sent out this week said: "Let's be clear and Christian: A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for racism."

In one of the many postmortem discussions on Tuesday's primary results, Cokie Roberts on Morning Joe said we were leaving race out of the questions we're asking.   She's right.   Donald Trump's success isn't just because of his entertaining flamboyance, his marketing brand, his experienced self-promotion, his business boasting, and his other fabricated "outsider" identities that appeal to people who genuinely feel outside of American politics and life.   At its core, Donald Trump's campaign is about race which is why this is about far more than politics and partisanship for many of us religious leaders.   When Roberts asked Trump if he was proud of the growing reports about white schoolchildren verbally attacking students of color and telling them they will soon have a wall built against them to keep them out of America, Trump reacted by saying it was a "nasty" question.   No, it was one of the few good questions from journalists that morning.

Donald Trump is the race candidate, projecting white nationalism and xenophobia, appealing to fear and resentment, and always blaming people of other races for the problems of low-income white people.   There is a long history of that in the United States, recently exemplified again by the KKK and other white supremacists coming into the electoral conversation and Trump's unwillingness to be quick and clear about his rejection of racial politics.

The pundits say working class Republicans are in revolt against the Republican establishment, which makes sense as those elites are ones who have supported and benefitted from rigged market forces and globalization that have turned all our economic rewards to the top 1 percent while abandoning working and middle class people.   Bernie Sanders is getting many of those angry white votes, too, in the Democratic primaries.   But Sanders doesn't blame "the others" as Trump does; he instead focuses on the richest institutions and people in America who have managed all this the same ones Trump loves to brag about being part of with his ostentatious lifestyle.   (How many press conferences have you seen with the candidate's expensive wines and steaks on display while he proudly lists all of his properties?   Is this really happening in America?)   There is also a long history of uniting working people from all races against the forces that would both ignore and divide them.   One kind of populism tries to divide those who have been marginalized; the other kind tries to bring them together.

Donald Trump is clearly appealing to our worst instincts, as many have said, but let's be more clear: Donald Trump is appealing to the worst instincts of white people, and American history has shown how ugly and violent those white instincts can be.   He is right when he claims to be bringing out people that have never voted before; those new voters are angry white people.

At the same time we're adding them to our voting rolls, there are active political forces directly engaged in trying to block and diminish the turnout of black, Hispanic, Asian, and Muslim voters.   They're doing so in four ways.

First, as Michelle Alexander explains in The New Jim Crow, political strategies now connect the deliberate mass incarceration of black and brown men and women with the subsequent and purposeful political disenfranchisement of those millions of people of color when they return to society.

Second, deliberate gerrymandering and misshaping of voting districts creates and protects white voting blocs and puts minorities together so as to not challenge those white majority blocs.   After sweeping victories in 2010, newly elected Republicans in state legislatures and governors' mansions across the country took full advantage of Census-based redistricting to gerrymander in favor of white conservatives.

Third, the passage of a slew of new voting rules and regulations enacted since 2010 are again deliberate attempts to reduce the votes of minorities and young people in what Rev. William Barber calls "the second career of 'James Crow, Esq."

'"In other words, after the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960s dismantled the overt Jim Crow laws that enforced segregation and denied African Americans many basic rights, Jim Crow went to law school, became the more respectable "James Crow, Esq.," and devised more sophisticated and insidious ways to disenfranchise people of color.   The historic election of 2008 brought an unprecedented number of young people and people of color to the polls.   The white conservative backlash came in the 2010 mid-term elections.   As Myrna Pérez explains in Sojourners magazine:

Since the 2010 election, 21 states have instituted new voting restrictions—the biggest rollback of the right to vote since the Jim Crow era.   This year will be the first presidential election with many of these new barriers in place, from requiring photo identification (which millions of Americans do not have) to curtailing early voting (which many citizens depend on to cast their ballots).   On top of this, voters will go to the polls in November with the fewest federal protections against racial discrimination in half a century, due to a 2013 Supreme Court decision gutting a key provision of the Voting Rights Act.

Fourth, there are efforts to bring new white voters to the polls that are angry and resentful of America's growing racial diversity basically, Trump's constituency.

Sojourners has just released an important new video detailing some of these efforts at voter suppression across the country, and also lifts up some positive efforts to expand access to voting in some states.   I encourage you to watch this video to get an even better sense of what is at stake for our democracy this year.   Then share it with others.

So here is an election strategy for people of faith from all races, for people of moral conscience in both parties who are against racist policies and practices, for everyone who believes that every American should have the right and greatest opportunity to vote, and for those who believe that access is absolutely essential to the future of our democracy.   This should be a moral issue, not a partisan one.

It is time for a new and powerful alliance between the faith community, white voters against racism, and democracy advocates of all political stripes to unite together to register as many racial minorities and young people as possible to vote with the best efforts being led by leaders and organizations of color and then to mobilize the best possible access to voting on Election Day for everyone.   Perhaps it's time for clergy to show up on Election Day in polling places to help support and secure the votes of those minority voters who are under attack.

These are some moral marching orders for election 2016.   We have about 8 months to do them.

Jim Wallis: Jim Wallis is president of Sojourners.   His book, America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America, is available now.   Follow Jim on Twitter @JimWallis.
- See more at: https://sojo.net/articles/4-ways-political-forces-steal-elections-and-how-we-can-stop-it#sthash.MEgxfwas.dpuf



From: Mara Schechter, Daily Kos
Subject: Please read: We're taking democracy back from big monied interests

You know the system is rigged. The wealthy and powerful influence our elections, and the right to vote is coming increasingly under threat. This country is feeling less and less like a democracy.

But right now there are bills in front of Congress that would limit money's influence in politics and would restore equal voting rights. And there's a growing Democracy Awakening movement for change.

Join us, and tell Congress to take action NOW to strengthen our democracy.

We're coming together with a wide coalition to rise up and make clear what we the people want: A democracy that is accessible to all and is not beholden to big-money interests. We can do this if we do it together.

Add your name so Congress hears it loud and clear: It's time to get big money out of politics and restore our voting rights.

Keep fighting,

P.S. Join us in April as we take action around the country, including in Washington, D.C. from April 16-18 during a series of mobilizations.
Learn more about the actions in April on the Democracy Awakening website.



From: Tim, along with Annie, Eddie, Emma, Ernesto, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Paul, and Scottie, Courage Campaign
Subject: First Walgreens, now Pfizer?!

Pfizer is about to sucker punch American taxpayers and leave them with a $35 billion bill. Join us to help stop this shady corporate tax dodge.

Pfizer -- the world's 2nd largest pharmaceutical company -- is trying to dodge paying its fair share of taxes by moving its corporate address from New York to Ireland, while continuing to keep the majority of its business in the U.S.(1)


This is unacceptable!
No U.S. company should be able to pick up and move out of the country for the sole purpose of dodging taxes -- especially when that company makes BILLIONS off of U.S. government contracts and taxpayer-funded healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and reaps the benefits of our legal protections for its patents.(2) If Pfizer goes through with this, it'll be one of the most blatant and despicable offenses of corporate greed our country has ever seen.

President Obama and the U.S. Treasury Department have the power to stop Pfizer's plan by closing the tax loopholes that Pfizer and an increasing number of other corporations are abusing. But they must hear from American taxpayers like YOU right now before this deal goes through.

SIGN ON to stand up to Pfizer and urge President Obama and the U.S. Treasury Department to stop corporate tax dodgers! We've joined 16 other organizations and connected our petition to the White House's "We the People" platform, so once we hit 100,000 signatures, the White House will be required to respond. To make sure your signature counts, you must verify your signature in the confirmation email you receive from the White House.

If Pfizer renounces its U.S. citizenship, it would cost American taxpayers up to $35 BILLION in taxes!(3) That's enough to fund the National Cancer Institute for nearly seven years or cover pre-k funding NATIONWIDE FOR OVER FIVE YEARS.(4)

Here's how Pfizer could get away with this. By merging with Allergan, a small European pharmaceutical company based in Ireland, Pfizer would take advantage of a tax loophole that would allow it to move its tax residency overseas -- even though it would still keep its global operational headquarters and majority of employees in the U.S.(5)

Pfizer's tax-dodging scheme is not a done deal yet. Federal regulators still need to approve it. So it's up to taxpayers like us to urge President Obama and the Treasury Department to close corporate tax-dodging loopholes now to stop this deal in its tracks.

Tell President Obama and the U.S. Treasury Department: Pfizer must pay its fair share of taxes!

Munsup, we've already stopped a major corporate tax inversion like this before, and we know we can do it again. In 2014, Walgreens attempted the same dodgy move as Pfizer by trying to move its corporate address to Switzerland. But tens of thousands of Courage Campaign members swooped in to speak out and create a national outrage against the deal, and we won!(6)

Now it's time to speak out together and win AGAIN!

JOIN US to stop Pfizer and other corporations from dodging billions of dollars in taxes.

p.s. As individuals, we're limited in what we can do, but when we come together, WE are the big fish. Together, we have the power to force corporations to think twice before they try to throw American taxpayers under the bus. Join us!

1. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2599?t=9&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf
2. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2600?t=11&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf
3. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2601?t=13&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf
4. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2602?t=15&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf
5. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2603?t=17&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf
6. https://couragecampaign.actionkit.com/go/2604?t=19&akid=2601.790590.Aglyrf

Courage Campaign fights for a more progressive California and country. We are an online community powered by more than 1.2 million members.




From: Alex Lawson, Social Security Works
Subject: Social Security is the solution

We're used to the annual budgets Paul Ryan and his colleagues in the House of Representatives put out. Trillions of dollars in cuts — mostly to programs that help low-income individuals and seniors — coupled with enormous tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, and plans to dismantle Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Fortunately, there's another budget under consideration in the House next week: The People's Budget — introduced by the Congressional Progressive Caucus — strengthens programs that working- and middle-class Americans rely on, keeps Social Security's trust fund separate from the general budget fund, just as the law requires, and protects it for current and future generations. It also endorses increasing Social Security's modest benefits separate and apart from the budget.

Take a stand against cuts to our earned benefits! Show Congress that we can EXPAND, not cut Social Security by becoming a co-sponsor of The People's Budget today.

This budget recognizes that our Social Security system is the solution to our growing retirement security crisis and makes clear that its funds are dedicated exclusively to funding those earned benefits.

Right now, the average Social Security benefit for current recipients is just $14,000 a year. And two-thirds of retirees depend on Social Security benefits for the majority of their income.

We are not going to solve rising levels of income inequality or the retirement security crisis through cuts to critical programs. That is why we must stand united in our opposition to a Republican budget – balanced on the backs of hardworking Americans – and instead support The People's Budget, which benefits the middle class and working families of this country.

Please, become a citizen co-sponsor of The People's Budget today to protect the future of our earned benefits.

Republicans will use their budget as a blueprint for their election year policies and it is more important than ever that we stand united in our message of expansion.



From: Alex, Ben, Kristen and the whole People For the American Way team, People For the American Way
Subject: A budget for the People (citizen cosponsor opportunity)

Be a citizen cosponsor of the People's Budget!

The House of Representatives could vote on the People's Budget within the next few weeks!

The People's Budget is the Congressional Progressive Caucus's blueprint for rebuilding the middle class with investments in job creation, clean energy, infrastructure, housing, and education.

Will you add your name as a citizen co-sponsor of the People's Budget now?

The People's Budget:

- includes numerous provisions to close persistent racially based inequalities

- supports a justice system that is fair and effective for all Americans

- supports voting rights

- aims to make debt-free college a reality for all students

- supports women's reproductive health

- includes infrastructure funding for replacing aging water pipes, including for Flint, Michigan.

Join our coalition petition to become a citizen co-sponsor of the People's Budget and we will deliver your signature to Congress in support of a plan that puts working families first>>



From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: Why did a Lutheran college just host a Trump rally?

Donald Trump's rallies have repeatedly turned violent, egged on by the candidate's own rhetoric about "roughing up" and "kicking the crap out of" protestors.

So why did a college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America just host a pre-election Trump rally?

Lutherans are on the record opposing nearly everything Donald Trump stands for, and local Lutherans showed up to protest. But Lutheran bishops didn't criticize Lenoir-Rhyne University for hosting the event.

And instead of condemning Trump's rhetoric and violence as beyond the bounds of reasonable political or religious discourse, the church's presiding bishop wrote that "we don't cut off debate."

With Trump hurtling towards the Republican nomination, Christian leaders need to be crystal clear that his campaign is fundamentally incompatible with the gospel of Jesus Christ - and demand that church institutions not have anything to do with him.

Tell Lutheran bishops: No more Trump rallies at Lutheran colleges



From: Judy Burnnette
Subject: RE: "Hillary Clinton just can't win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP"

This is the response a member of my email network received after forwarding this article. Check out the take on Hillary:   
The naivete of too many grown women is incredible! Her description of "the other candidate" certainly fits Hillary as well.  - Judy B.
"Funny, I just wrote the same to my sis in law & she immediately responded with the below:


'Please, don't ever consider not voting! It's your country and we must exercise our privilege to vote. Too many, before us, gave up their lives so we could exercise that right! Even if it is the lesser of two evils, choose one.


One of the candidates, I believe, truly loves her country but has been caught up in the big money way to do her job for the best of the people. I will pray that there is hope for her as she appears to have a heart.  


The other probable candidate, is in my opinion, a self absorbed ego maniac who wants to control the world and doesn't care about anyone else because he is incapable of feeling human sensible emotion.  Just sayin' '


End of MPEN e-Newsletter