[mpen-dayton] FW: "You can’t defend Christianity by being ‘against refugees and other religions’" & "A vote for Jeff Sessions is a vote for Trump's Muslim ban" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: AALDEF condemns anti-immigrant executive orders
- FW: National Peoples Action | "Delete Uber."
· FW: Pope Francis: You can't defend Christianity by being 'against refugees and other religions'
· FW: [WSU-OFFICIAL-L] Message about recent U.S. immigration choices
· FW: Marjorie McLellan commented on blocking Betsy DeVos
· FW: Response From Senator Jack Reed (on opposition to Education Secretary nominee Ms. Betsy DeVos)
· FW: Stop Trump from building the Dakota Access pipeline. #NoDAPL
· FW: A vote for Jeff Sessions is a vote for Trump's Muslim ban
· FW: Signature needed: Sen. Warren's new bill on Trump conflicts of interest
From: Margaret Fung; Executive Director, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
Subject: AALDEF condemns anti-immigrant executive orders
Yesterday, Donald Trump signed two executive orders that demonstrate his continued hostility to immigrants and his reckless approach toward cities committed to protecting immigrant families. These orders to build a wall on the US-Mexico border and punish sanctuary cities by cutting their federal funds are simply wrong and potentially dangerous to our public safety.
AALDEF condemns these executive actions, which foster a culture of fear and jeopardize the wellbeing of individuals in diverse Asian American communities across the country. We are also concerned about other anti-immigrant actions, such as a Muslim ban, and the real harm this would cause to individuals, including refugees from Muslim-majority countries.
Our team of staff attorneys is closely monitoring these actions and their impacts on Asian immigrants. As we told Buzzfeed News, we are prepared to use the courts to protect the rights of immigrants, refugees, and undocumented youth. AALDEF will also continue to conduct free legal advice clinics and offer our legal expertise to community groups fighting against these anti-immigrant actions.
Hatred, bigotry, and racism have no place in a democratic society. Please call your senators and members of Congress today to voice your opposition to Trump's executive orders, and demand that they oppose these plans in every way they can.
Thank you for standing with immigrants and communities of color.
Donate today to help protect freedom, justice and equality for all.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: National Peoples Action | "Delete Uber."
Last night, as thousands protested Trump's Muslim Ban, the NYC Taxi Workers Alliance called for a strike and halted pickups at JFK in solidarity. But Uber crossed the picket line -- and it's certainly not their first time breaking rank with working people. Now, thousands of people across the country are deleting their Uber accounts. Uber needs to hear why.
Tell Uber: Stop collaborating with the Trump Administration.
As public outrage has grown, Uber created a $3 million defense fund to protect people from Trump's un-American and illegal orders on immigration. But, it's not enough.
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is a member of Donald Trump's economic advisory board. In justifying the move to his employees, some of whom are directly impacted by Trump's illegal order, Kalanick said, "We'll partner with anyone in the world as long they're about making transportation in cities better…"
Benito Mussolini, the Italian fascist, said he 'made the trains run on time.' That didn't excuse fascism in the 1930's and it rings just as hollow today. Kalanick must resign from Trump's economic advisory board immediately. There's still time for Uber to join the right side of history, but it's running out.
Demand Uber CEO Travis Kalanick resign from Trump's economic advisory board immediately and stop collaborating with the Trump administration.
We know boycotts have power. In the 1950's civil rights activists led the Montgomery Bus Boycotts and forced the Supreme Court to strike down segregation laws. We need you to join the boycott of Uber until the company agrees to join The Resistance.
In Solidarity,
- Liz, Jacob, Mehrdad and the People's Action team
P.S. Voting, calling, and writing your elected representatives matters. But so to does flexing your economic power to stop corporate collaborators. Sign the petition and share it with your family and friends tonight.
Want to support our work? People's Action builds powerful grassroots organization around the country and puts people into action for change. We are committed to fight for our shared values. Together we can create a world where we all have what we need to thrive, achieve, and feel our full worth at home, at work, and in our communities. These are unprecedented times. Let's make history.
Yes, I'll chip in $5 to fund the resistance.
Contributions to People's Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
From: Dr. Jerome L. Reide; Regional Field Director, NAACP Midwest Region III
JANUARY 30, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. –NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks has issued the following statement in response to multiple executive orders issued in the first week of the Trump Administration, including orders banning refugees, targeting visitors from Muslim countries and detaining people with legal permits to visit, live and work in the United States:
"President Trump's recent executive orders indicate a callous disregard for civil liberties and the basic values of a nation born of immigrants. The President's decision to sever funding for sanctuary communities places our nation on slippery slope fueled more by paranoia than fact.
Not only are immigrant sanctuary communities contributing solidly to local economies, but they have significantly less crime than other communities. In the initial actions of this new administration, we see are seeing a clear pattern that threatens our communities and our democracy.
There is a direct link between fostering an unnecessary enmity between police and immigrant communities and nationalizing "stop and frisk" policies, while building walls of exclusion and seeking to name Senator Jeff Sessions, an enemy of both police accountability and the vote, as attorney general.
When we connect these dots, we realize the collective threat posed to our democracy and the need to unite."
The remarks were part of a joint statement on the Trump presidency's impact on communities of color issued by the NAACP and 11 other civil and human rights groups in conjunction with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. You can read more about the NAACP's work and our six "Game Changer" issue areas here.
From: Jim Vance
Subject: FW: Pope Francis: You can't defend Christianity by being 'against refugees and other religions'
I am writing to call your attention to an item, an article, that you might want to consider publicizing in your newsletter(s). See
Pastor Sherry quoted from it this morning. I will put the plain text below. The boldface text is due to me; it was not in the original article; I just want to be sure you see the boldface parts. By the way, if you do decide to put this article in your newsletter, you might want to give credit to Pastor Sherry for bringing it to our attention. [Rev. Sherry Gale, Ph.D.; Pastor, Grace United Methodist Church, Dayton, Ohio http://graceumc.com ]
Pope Francis: You can't defend Christianity by being
'against refugees and other religions'
Catholic News Service on Thursday, 13 Oct 2016
Meeting a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany, Pope Francis said he does not like "the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions."
"This is not something I've read in books, but I see in the newspapers and on television every day," Pope Francis said.
Answering questions from young people in the group this morning, the pope said, "the sickness or, you can say the sin, that Jesus condemns most is hypocrisy," which is precisely what is happening when someone claims to be a Christian but does not live according to the teaching of Christ.
"You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian," he said. "You cannot be a Christian without practicing the Beatitudes. You cannot be a Christian without doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25." This is a reference to Christ's injunction to help the needy by such works of mercy as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and welcoming the stranger.
"It's hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help," he said. "If I say I am Christian, but do these things, I'm a hypocrite."
Asked what he thought of the Reformation, Pope Francis said the Christian community is called to continual growth and maturity, and its entire history has been marked by reform movements "small and not so small," some of which were healthy and holy, others which went awry because of human sin.
"The greatest reformers of the church are the saints, those men and women who follow the word of God and practice it," he told the pilgrims, most of whom came from Martin Luther's home region of Saxony-Anhalt.
In his formal talk to the group, Pope Francis said Christians must praise God that, in the past 50 years, Catholics and Lutherans have moved "from conflict to communion. We already have traveled an important part of the road together."
Noting that he would go to Lund, Sweden, at the end of the month to participate with Lutheran leaders in opening commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Pope Francis said an important part of the commemoration would be a joint commitment to working together in a world "thirsting for God and his mercy."
The world needs Christians to witness God's mercy "through service to the poorest, the sick (and) those who have abandoned their homelands in search of a better future for themselves and their families," he said.
"In putting ourselves at the service of the neediest," Pope Francis said, "we will experience that we already are united; it is God's mercy that unites us."
From: David R. Hopkins; President, Wright State University
Subject: [OFFICIAL-L] Message about recent U.S. immigration choices
Campus community:
On Friday in Washington, D.C., President Trump signed an executive order on immigration that suspends admission to the United States for refugees and citizens of the nations of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen.
While the law enforcement community is implementing this order and others are challenging the legality of it, we are seeking information about how the order may affect our community and how it is being enforced. While the news and social media are replete with talking head trying to convince you about how you should think about the executive order, I encourage you to research this situation to understand how it may affect you and your friends and family. You can read the full text of the order at http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/national/text-trump-executive-order-suspending-refugee-admissions/4n5t8i7qUcPaxkWyT39OpK/.
Right now, I worry about what this may mean to our Wright State community. These are our students, faculty, alumni, and their family members. These are our friends.
I want everyone to know that Wright State University offers its support to those impacted by the order and will do everything possible to assist you during this time. I encourage all members of our community to look out for and do what you can for those at Wright State who are being affected.
Be assured that Wright State will remain a welcoming and inclusive place for people of all backgrounds, nationalities, and faiths. A diverse campus community is an essential part of a vibrant place of learning and discovery. Collaborations between people from different parts of the world continue to shape the valuable work on our campus that defines us. Throughout our first 50 years, the diversity of our campus has enhanced our learning environment, strengthened our research record, and improved the quality of life on our campus.
At Wright State, we pride ourselves in transforming the communities we serve--this includes the international community. From students to faculty to alumni to staff, people from around the globe have made our university and our world a better place.
But there is an urgency now. At any given moments, some members of our campus community are abroad; others are preparing to go. So I am asking everyone to think about a few important next steps.
Anyone in our community who has questions or concerns about the executive order should contact our University Center for International Education (UCIE) at 937-775-5745, askucie@wright.edu, or visit the center's offices at E190 Student Union.
Also, I have asked UCIE Director Michelle Streeter-Ferrari to identify students, faculty, and staff currently traveling abroad and, to the best of our ability, help facilitate their safe return. If you know of someone who may be out of the country and struggling to return, please contact UCIE.
Furthermore, anyone who plans to travel outside the United States and is from one of the seven impacted countries, regardless of your visa or residency status, should contact UCIE. Those with family members from the impacted countries who plan to visit the United States may also want to get in touch with UCIE. It is critical the people who are traveling understand this order before their trips commence.
UCIE is setting up a webpage to provide resources about the travel restrictions. Once the resource page is complete, you will find it at https://www.wright.edu/international-education/resources
In closing, I want you to know that challenges faced by our international community have been central to the work of the Inter-University Council of Ohio presidents. For the past several months we have worked closely with congressional leaders of both parties to help shape policies as they relate to our international students and international education. We stand in support of anyone who comes to our campuses believing in the promises made by the United States and who can be an important asset to our society.
This mailing list is maintained by the WSU Office of Communications and is used ONLY for official university announcements.
From: Facebook
Subject: Marjorie McLellan commented on blocking Betsy DeVos
Marjorie McLellan Yesterday at 7:46am ·
3 votes short of blocking Betsy DeVos. If you live in ME, TN, AK, GA, UT, NC, WY, LA, KS, SC, or KY, call your Senators and ask them to block her nomination.
From: Kang-Won Lee; KAUPA President, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Rhode Island
Subject: FW: Response From Senator Jack Reed
Dear Honorable Senator Reed,
Unfortunately, President Trump has been continuing his cabinet nomination whose policy proposals do not respond to the needs of our country. Particularly, I absolutely agree with your negative view about Ms. Betsy Devos to lead the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) as you informed us below.
"If Ms. DeVos is confirmed, I fear she will take resources away from public school students and direct them to for-profit schools and institutions that share her views. I don't think that is fair to students and I don't think Ms. DeVos should be confirmed to lead the U.S. Department of Education. I will vote no."
I wholly support your decision to vote "no" for the nomination of Ms. Devos. If we can be of any assistance for you to block the nomination, please advise us. Thank you and wish you a Healthy and Prosperous Lunar New Year!
Respectfully yours,
On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Jack Reed; United States Senator wrote:
Dear Professor Lee:
Thank you for sharing your concerns with me regarding President Trump's cabinet nominees. I have already expressed skepticism about many of them, and yesterday I announced my opposition to Education Secretary nominee Ms. Betsy DeVos . In the coming days, I will have more to say about other nominees, but I wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts about the nomination process in general.
As your Senator, it is my duty to carefully examine and vet all of the President's nominees. I take this responsibility seriously, and do my best to be judicious, thorough, and fair. I did not support Donald Trump's election because I did not believe he can unify our country nor did his policy proposals respond to the needs of our country. Like you, I strongly oppose many of his statements and actions and will actively work against them. I won't hesitate to vote against nominees who I think are unfit for office, but I have never been an advocate of obstruction for obstruction's sake.
I believe in the strength of our democracy and that the federal government should work for the American people.
Cabinet officials do not receive a lifetime appointment; they serve at the pleasure of the President. If Senators voted against every Presidential pick of the opposite party, our government would face even more difficulties than it currently does. That is why the United Sates Senate has historically granted Presidents of both parties broad deference when it comes to selecting their cabinet. In fact, throughout our nation's history, just nine presidential nominees for cabinet positions have been rejected by the U.S. Senate, and only two since World War II.
It is important to note: a vote for a President's nominee is not an endorsement of all their views, and no one should view it as endorsing the deleterious policy proposals of the new administration. Lastly, oversight doesn't end when a nominee is confirmed, and I will not hesitate to fight and block policy proposals that run against Rhode Island's interests and our nation's highest ideals. Indeed, I will work hard each and every day to hold this President and his cabinet accountable.
I appreciate your passionate engagement in our civic process. In these worrisome times, it is a powerful sign of our democracy's strength. There will be many more debates in the future, and I encourage you to keep emailing, writing, or calling.
From: Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Stop Trump from building the Dakota Access pipeline. #NoDAPL (add your name)
From: Donna De La Cruz, Reform Immigration FOR America
Subject: A vote for Jeff Sessions is a vote for Trump's Muslim ban
We need you to make a call as soon as possible. Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Senator Jeff Sessions tomorrow. We must urgently tell these senators to oppose his nomination. Make a call to 888-704-9446 today.
Jeff Sessions' fingerprints are all over Donald Trump's refugee and Muslim ban. Throughout the Presidential election, President Trump's nominee for Attorney General told ABC News:
"So I don't think Trump has gone too far. He said 'he should have a temporary ban on entry of people into the country from the Muslim world,' but that's because we have an ineffective screening process... so I think we're moving in the right direction."
This demonstration of Sessions' nativist ideals make him wholly unfit for to be Attorney General. Call 888-704-9446 right now and tell the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote NO on Jeff Sessions tomorrow.
Sessions has a long and troubling record as an extremist on race, human rights and voting against protections for women and immigrants. If confirmed, here are just a few of the ways Sessions could attack immigrant communities as Attorney General:
- Reduce access to legal counsel and information about immigrants' legal rights.
- Impose nativist and anti-immigrant ideology on decisions by the federal immigration courts.
- Coerce local and state officials to comply with pro-deportation policies, in effect punishing sanctuary cities for aiding immigrants in need.
It is clear that Senator Sessions is the wrong man for the job. The Attorney General is the highest law enforcement officer in the country. The person who holds that office must be fair and respectful of the fact that our multi-ethnic country has a turbulent history of racial prejudice towards certain communities--a history whose effects are still playing out today, from police brutality against Black Americans, to double standards racial profiling laws against immigrants in states like Arizona and Alabama. His appointment would put the resources of the federal government in the hands of someone who is anti-immigrant, pro-deportation, and with a long history of racist comments and behavior.
Senator Sessions would not treat our communities fairly nor justly. We must stand in firm opposition to his nomination, and call on our Senators to do the same.
From: Murshed Zaheed, Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Signature needed: Sen. Warren's new bill on Trump conflicts of interest
End pf MPEN e-Newsletter